Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1886: Prophet's followers


Ye Yang knocked on the table.

His focus must be on ensuring the demands of China first. Moreover, he does want to deal with foreign affairs, but after all, others are in charge.

Although he has a high status, he is intimidating.

But deterrence is ultimately a deterrent, not a legal right to rule.

Therefore, before, he tried his best to ignore all kinds of weird organizations and all kinds of disgusting operations on him.

But now the safety of the Qianlong Project has been implicated.

I can't bear it any longer...

His only worry is that his tough tactics will cause a backlash, causing more people to join in hating him.

Although it has little impact on him, it does delay the process of mankind's self-rescue.


On the third day, after clearing all kinds of internal resistance.

Yu Momo reported the results of the battle to Ye Yang.

"Is it the same rebound as expected?"

Ye Yang asked.


Yu silently pondered for a moment and then said: "It's completely different."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Is the rebound too serious?

That’s not completely different, right?

How many people want to accuse him?

Yu Mo smiled: "We just destroyed a few organizations, and other associations and the like have stopped talking at all. It seems that they just want to do business. They used to scold the big guys to get traffic, but the big guys are too lazy. I ignored them, but this time I went too far. After killing a few of my colleagues, I was so frightened that I didn’t even dare to say anything.”


Ye Yang was speechless, his feelings were a bunch of weaklings.

He screams happily when nothing happens, but if someone punches him a little, they won't dare to open their mouths.

If I had known better, I would have beaten them up.

"But we haven't let go of those arrogant ones before. We have dealt with them all. When the time comes, let them go to the open space to deal with the solar storm, right!?"

Yu Momo snorted: "By the way, there are a lot of votes on this matter on the European Internet."

"How is the result?"

Ye Yang felt that they probably didn't like what he did: "They are probably condemning me, right?"

"Wrong again!"

Yu Momo said: "I am also surprised. After killing those extreme associations, the speeches on the Internet have become extremely normal and rational... Boss, you can see for yourself."

Ye Yang took the tablet and browsed the other party's forum.

"Well done! I've long been unhappy with those extreme associations, but if I said something bad about them before, I would suffer inexplicable online violence, which made us afraid to speak."

"These extreme associations are backed by funds, how can we ordinary people defeat them!?"

"Hahahaha, so damn good, pop the champagne!!!"

"Everyone is celebrating! These damn extreme associations are finally coming to an end! How wonderful!"

"The guy who deceived the public with his lies and harmed the younger generation, it's great to destroy him!"

"Over the years, the direction of public opinion has been led by these extreme remarks, and the voices of ordinary people cannot be heard at all. Now the Internet feels much more refreshing!"

"As expected of Ye Shenhao, he is simply a benefactor of mankind!"

"That's right, that's right..."

"Have you noticed that by the time you catch the extreme comments videos that are popular on the Internet, they have already become popular. And the hot comments have been prepared, and they are all about extreme female boxing and extreme animal protection. , environmental protection, extreme virgin comments.

A normal person’s rational comment would get no likes at all! "

"I also discovered it. I once wondered if it was me who was strange..."


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This comment section was something he had never thought of.

It was completely beyond his understanding of the Internet.

But then he also thought of the theory of the silent majority.

What you see with your eyes may not necessarily be the truth. In fact, 80% of people surfing the Internet do not comment or like.

Everything you see together is usually the opinion of a few people.


In short, it is completely different from what Ye Yang expected. It seems that the response to this wave of attacks on various extreme association forces was unexpectedly good...

This was something he had never thought of before.

"That's fine. As long as these people don't act like monsters, our ears will be quieter."

Ye Yang nodded.

"However, although these extreme associations have ceased, the Kiwanis Club has recently come up with new methods, which deserve our attention."

Yu Mo kept saying.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "What new method?"

Yu Momo put some information materials in front of him: "They control many disaster-making devices.

For example, earthquake generators, etc., these instruments are all laid out in advance, and the layout time is very long, at least hundreds of years.

The technological chain used by these disaster generators is different from ours. For example, comparison with the earthquake generators previously excavated from the Yellowstone volcano has proven that these disaster-causing devices used technology from pre-civilizations.

These disaster generators have various difficult triggering conditions. Most of them are one-time, but such a long time is enough for them to arrange them. "

“Recently, they have been activating these disaster generators in sequence, and sending their members out to spread [prophecies] before triggering the generators, and each time they can accurately predict the time, place and extent of the disaster.

They used this to confuse people's hearts and established the Prophetic Cult. Today, there are more than 100 million believers around the world. This is still an incomplete statistics. After all, all countries are suppressing the development of this sect. There may be more than 500 million people who have secretly joined the religion. "

Yu said silently.

"It's a good idea."

Ye Yang nodded.

Recently, various natural disasters have occurred frequently, including natural phenomena caused by the impending [Great Selection] and man-made disasters caused by the [Disaster Generator] controlled by the Kiwanis Club.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters are mixed together, making it difficult to distinguish.

Moreover, the other party actually gained worship by predicting the disasters he created...

It's like a thief shouting to catch a thief, and he calls himself a model of hero.

"Have you announced the truth about the disaster generator?"

Ye Yang asked.

Yu Momo couldn't laugh or cry: "It's useless for you to tell the truth to people who can believe this kind of retarded prophecy. They have already preset the answer in their hearts. Just like he thinks water is poisonous, if you tell him that water is harmless, he is I will never believe you."


Ye Yang nodded, some people are destined to be unable to be saved.

He just tried his best. He never thought of saving all mankind. When resources were insufficient, he would definitely save those who had the awareness to save themselves first.

As long as they don't sabotage their own progress in saving the majority of the population.

"These followers of the Prophetic Cult began to spontaneously organize and build factories and ships to attack undersea bases..."

Yu Momo seemed to see Ye Yang's thoughts and added.

(First update)

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