Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1884: A tragic song of the end of the world, but also a prelude to the golden age


Listening to this grand narrative and the grand blueprint for the future, everyone was excited.

What a big deal! ! !

Although the Star Umbrella is also magnificent, it is floating in space and they can't see it at all.

However, these deep-sea bases are completely accessible and visible to them! ! !


They have more or less participated in the construction of the seabed base when they were deep-sea explorers!

They really participated in the great cause of saving mankind with their own hands!

Many people were excited.

“This is so cool!!! I just went there to make money, but I didn’t expect to participate in saving mankind!”

“Being an underwater pioneer is the greatest thing I have ever done in my life.”

“I can’t imagine…”

“Why do you make me want to cry!”


Many people were excited, sweeping away the previous contradictions and uneasiness.

“This Ye Yang!!!”

In Tongji Club, everyone gnashed their teeth, and their eyes burst into an infinite fierceness.

"He can resolve this!"

"This guy is so amazing..."

"What's amazing is not these few words now, but his careful layout in the past two years, which really fooled us...

Even with our intelligence level, we can't get any core information. This move is a bit too hidden..."

"It's so frustrating!!! Ahhh!!! I thought we could suppress Ye Yang after taking the initiative, but I didn't expect that this kid is so tricky! He was invincible a long time ago..."

"This is the most brilliant person. There is a famous doctor in China named Bian Que who said that the most advanced medical skills are those that can solve all problems before a person gets sick. Otherwise, once the disease occurs, even if the terminal illness is cured, it can't be regarded as a medical saint."

"Okay, don't boost the enemy's morale and destroy your own prestige! Which side are you on!"

The parliamentarians were all sighing.

It's really that Ye Yang has left a huge psychological shadow on them.

If the prophet's true body hadn't appeared, they would have collapsed long ago.

Prophet Elixis frowned and looked at the live broadcast screen projected in front of him, his expression calm.

It seemed that there was nothing in the world that was worthy of his emotion.


"Of course, I just said it with my mouth, and it is naturally difficult for everyone to believe that it can change the strength of the earth's magnetic field."

Ye Yang waved his hand, and the picture on the big screen changed again.

"Then I will show it on the spot."

"Can you still show it!?"

"It's okay, Ye Shenhao! We believe in you! We are willing to go through danger with you!!!"

"After all, this is our only hope!!!"


Everyone said it again and again.

On the screen.

Four submarine aircraft carriers slowly appeared.

Each aircraft carrier is a huge 500 meters, and the four aircraft carriers slowly sink in a square formation. The sense of pressure can be imagined.

However, in this picture, the most shocking thing is not these four submarine aircraft carriers...

But the existence carried by the four aircraft carriers! ! !

It is a huge building like a long sword. At a glance, compared with the submarine aircraft carrier, it is at least more than a thousand meters in level! ! !

It was a ‘steel long sword’. Due to its exaggerated size, the back of the sword was tens of meters thick! ! !

It was magnificent.

It gave people a sense of shock at the fusion of science fiction and fantasy.

The steel long sword slowly fell into the deep sea as the four huge aircraft carriers landed...

The base below had already been prepared.

The base opened, and various mechanical changes formed an extremely deep and extremely large groove.

As the four deep-sea aircraft carriers sank.

The steel giant sword also slowly fell into the steel groove of the base...

It fit perfectly.

As if they were born as one! ! !

It was a terrifying steel sword that soared from the bottom of the sea, proudly and shockingly! ! !

The hilt was buried in the seabed, with only the sword guard and the blade rising from the ground! ! !

“Buzz buzz buzz…”

After docking.

The light on the steel giant sword began to operate, and huge energy was instantly injected into it.

The patterns of the giant sword lit up from low to high.

Finally, the whole sword body hummed and tinnitus, and the red sword patterns around it flashed with brilliant light, shining brightly on the seabed in all directions.

Then, the camera moved to the inside of the base, and many people did some tests, which were extremely professional magnetic coefficient calculations.

The audience didn't understand, and the final conclusion was that it was very useful!

The effect was amazing! ! !

"Originally, I planned to announce the geomagnetic reversal after the construction of the Qianlong Project was completed, but obviously, some people with ulterior motives did not want to see this scene."

Ye Yang's eyes were firm, and he said loudly: "So, everyone, don't panic, and devote yourself to this era of great change! Geomagnetic reversal is not our end, but just a test! Human beings will not be destroyed in the disaster, but will be reborn from Nirvana!!!"


This time, the whole audience burst into applause, and everyone stood up, feeling a kind of blood and passion!

A picture of a great era unfolded in front of them.

Life is not easy, and I have encountered this era, which is sad and fortunate!

The sad thing is the crisis.

Fortunately, crisis is also an opportunity, and there are also people like Ye Yang who are beyond imagination and dominate the general trend.

It is too easy for such a top-notch person to avoid disaster by himself!

But he chose to stand up and save everyone!

Then what else can they say as ordinary people!

Just do it! ! !

Since this day, the number of applicants for underwater pioneers has increased day by day. Many young people are full of passion. Doing this profession can not only pan for gold, but also participate in saving mankind. It is simply a job in the dream of young people!

There are also old uncles who are passionate and regain their youthful dreams.

There are even old uncles who want to talk about their youthful enthusiasm, but because of concerns that these people’s bodies may not be able to withstand long-term deep-sea operations, they did not give him tools for committing crimes, ah no, exploration tools.


"We obviously did these things to harm him, but it turned out to be his help and helped him complete a wave of motivational speeches."

"I really admire this old man..."


The Tongji Club headquarters was once in embarrassment...

Today's press conference was really beyond their expectations.

Originally, they thought that Ye Yang could suppress the chaos, but he turned out to be a bright spot...

Created a trend of human self-rescue!


The atmosphere was low.

The follow-up plan that was originally prepared was directly turned into a blank sheet of paper.

This Ye Yang is really terrible...

Alexis smiled slightly and just said: "Go find the core information of the Qianlong Project."

"Oh my, that's right! The prophet's reminder is so right! Can the Qianlong Project completely fill such a large indicator that Xingsan can't complete?"

"We are too deeply affected by Ye Yang's shadow and actually forgot about this."


Alexis didn't listen to these nagging, his eyes looked into the distance, and I don't know what he was thinking...

(First update)

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