Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,282: Announcement! The true purpose of the Star Umbrella

"Huh, that's what I said!"

"That's right, how can the end of the world come so soon? It's just a rumor."

"Haha, I feel relieved now. Seeing how true it is on the Internet, I believe it."

"That's right."

Kiwanis Headquarters.

Many congressmen grinned in anticipation, but after Ye Yang spoke, they couldn't laugh anymore.

"What does Ye Yang mean!?"

"I thought he was a smart guy, but I didn't expect him to be anything more than that."

"That's right. He's just suppressing it for a little longer. It can't change the facts."


Many giants and monarchs were also confused. What was going on? Didn't they say that the truth was going to be announced at the meeting a few days ago?

They were all ready to wait for Ye Yang to announce and then follow up. What's going on?


Netizens were relieved.

Ye Yang still looked serious: "However, the geomagnetic reversal is indeed real, and it is different from all known disasters in human history. It will be a global impact, and the consequences will be really serious."



Netizens who just laughed out loud can no longer laugh.

"But I can tell you responsibly that the geomagnetic reversal definitely does not mean the end of the world, and it is far from the point where it will bring the end of the world to us."

Ye Yang said calmly: "We knew about this as early as a year or two ago, and the data circulating on the Internet is basically true.

We originally wanted to publish these data, but now some people with ulterior motives have helped us handle this matter. Here, I would like to say thank you to them. "


"I see."

"In other words, is this an extremely serious natural disaster?"

"That's right, it's not as scary as what is advertised on the Internet. Human society is now somewhat established. How can it be doomed at will?"

"Well, this statement is very reliable..."

"Mr. Ye is still reliable, I believe him!"

"Yes, me too."

"I couldn't suppress it any more. I had to admit it under pressure. I followed the process listed in the online post. I think this further proves the credibility of these words. It's the end of the world. I don't care. !”

"That's right! If it's as easy as Ye Yang said, wouldn't it look like I'm stupid for believing in the end of the world!?"


In the live broadcast room, there were different opinions and opinions, and everyone was expressing their own opinions.

Ye Yang was not in a hurry to explain, but scanned the barrage.

Kiwanis Club.

"What a cunning Ye Yang, but it's a pity that we already thought that he would weaken the crisis and carry out crisis public relations when we were good at chess. Haha, his plan has been written in the rumors for a long time, and many people will still believe us. statement."

"That's right, he didn't have the courage to speak out about it first. By the time we speak out about it first, we would have fallen into absolute passivity."

"Haha, look how round he is."


Ye Yang smiled slightly: "You just saw that others guessed that we would do crisis public relations. But doing crisis public relations is a fixed process. Whether he predicted it or not, it would happen.

I don’t know what is the inevitable connection between the prediction that I will propose that ‘the geomagnetic reversal does not mean the destruction of the world’ and ‘we cannot prevent the geomagnetic reversal’. "

"Then tell me, what ability do you have to solve the geomagnetic reversal?"

"That is, this is a global disaster, and humans are powerless to stop it. When the earth's magnetic field disappears and a solar storm rushes in, all human circuit systems will be damaged. Oceans and water resources will be evaporated by the ruthless storm, and trees and plants will not be able to survive. Animals will also become extinct. What will humans do to survive?”

"Oh, I have forgotten, who is Mr. Ye!? He is one of the best in the world. He holds huge amounts of money and enjoys the most advanced technology of mankind. How could such a small thing affect Mr. Ye? What's the threat?"

"When the time comes, build an underground castle, find a few maids to hide in, prepare food and water, and hide for ten or eight years. The geomagnetic flip should be over. Maybe you can still smoke cigars underground in the bunker!"

"That's right..."

Various trolls have begun to set the pace. Of course, this is also the mentality of many ordinary people today.

In the face of a catastrophic disaster, who knows whom? ?

Of course those with money and power will save themselves.

Ordinary people like them would probably die miserably.

People do not suffer from scarcity but from inequality.

If everyone dies together, most people actually think it’s okay.

But if the rich and powerful people live but they die, then there will be an imbalance in the heart.

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

His live broadcast is open to the whole world.

"I don't think so, at least not for us."

"Well, many disasters in the past have proven everything!"

"Yes, we must have rescue measures already in place."


Although Chinese netizens were panicked, they generally remained rational.

This is a sense of trust that has been accumulated through many tests in the past!

Although it may be difficult for everyone during the disaster, life will definitely be well protected.

"This time is different from the past. It is a world-destroying disaster. If you can guarantee your own survival, it will be great. Can you also guarantee the survival of others? What a dream."

"Anyway, I don't believe those big shots would be so kind..."

"That's right, he must have lied to us, haha..."

Some foreign friends expressed deep doubts.

Seeing that the two sides were about to start a fight, Ye Yangcai spoke again and said in a deep voice: "We have already noticed the weakening of the geomagnetic intensity. In the past two years, we have been planning for the world. As long as you occasionally pay attention to world news, You should be able to notice this.”

"Now, I am going to tell you that I am sure this disaster will not lead to the fundamental reason for the destruction of the world! It is also the source of confidence for mankind today!"

Ye Yang waved his hand.

On the giant screen behind him, a real-time space map was displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

"This!? So many satellites!"

"Star Umbrella Project!"


When he looked at the hundreds of thousands of satellites surrounding the earth, and the huge space fortress suppressing them.

A sense of security arose in many people's hearts.

"Many people must be wondering why the Star Umbrella Project was built. Some people initially said it was because they wanted to seize space. But I will officially declare today that it was established as a defense mechanism for the upcoming geomagnetic reversal!"

"The star-parallel linkage mechanism can form a planetary-level magnetic network, which can completely weaken the power of solar storms!!!"

Ye Yang said in a deep voice.

(First update)

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