Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,276 Desperate Tongji Council Members

"This!? How could this happen!?"

The Tongji Association's mecha warriors who came here all felt a sense of despair.

The offensive power of the Nantianmen Fortress is obviously much stronger than they imagined! ! !

Yes, a divine weapon that can guard a piece of space, how weak can it be! ?

They underestimated the name of the space fortress.

However, they also knew that the Tongji Association had no other choice.

After all, the mecha is already the Tongji Association's greatest combat power now.

There is no combat power stronger than the mecha, and it is necessary to prevent the Nantianmen from taking off.

So, this scene is almost inevitable.


They no longer have any other ideas.

Because their bodies have been completely crushed into meat patties by this terrifying pressure.

Although the material of the mecha on them is very strong, it has been too long after all.

So many tens of thousands of years have passed, plus this terrifying gravity.

It is impossible to defend at all! ! !

However, by the time they understood this, it was too late.

The mechas were instantly crushed into metal pancakes, and their bodies were shattered into countless pieces, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

All the mechas that escaped that day were destroyed in this terrifying gravity field.

In an instant, such a powerful mecha team, including two second-generation mechas.

It was destroyed under the terrifying Nantianmen Space Fortress!


This scene.

Under Ye Yang's instruction, it was directly broadcast to the world.

At this moment, everyone's scalp exploded.

After all, these are not a few ordinary people, but super mechas!

When Ye Yang first showed the Lieyang mecha to the world, the sense of oppression was still fresh in his memory.

Everyone knew that this would be a terrifying weapon that would dominate the world in the future.

At least it could rule the world for decades like an aircraft carrier.

But, in just one year.

Everything changed!

Facts have proved that even a super mecha that can fight against an aircraft carrier fleet is just a trivial bug in front of the Nantianmen Space Fortress.

The team was wiped out in an instant...

"This, this is too strong!?"

"Did you see any attack!?"

"It felt like the space fortress shook all over, the air vibrated, and then these mechas were crushed into discus and blood mist."

"It was like an elephant shook its body casually, and it killed a few mice on its body..."

"Is it so exaggerated!?"

"If it weren't for such a powerful force, it really couldn't sit on the four star eyes of the Star Umbrella."

"Speaking of this, the Star Umbrella has four star eyes!!!!"

Someone reacted and said in horror.

"Mr. Ye said that today the Star Umbrella will be fully perfected, doesn't that mean..."


When they realized what this meant.

Everyone widened their eyes and couldn't believe what they thought.

Ye Yang smiled slightly and said lightly: "Yes, just as you imagined, we not only built the South Gate of Heaven, but also built the other three gates at the same time."

"The ultimate of this project is actually called the Heavenly Palace Plan!"

Chinese legend.

Mythical Heavenly Palace.

The four gates of heaven are not just the South Gate of Heaven!

At the same time, in the other three places in the world.

There are also three super space fortresses rising from the ground!

And the places where they rise are the bunkers before the Black Source, the Source of Destruction, and the Source of Corruption! ! ! !

"Ye Yang, actually used these three bunkers to conceal the truth and secretly built three space fortresses!?"

"Really leaving no way for people to live!"

"Such a terrifying thing, one is enough to make people breathless, and there are four of them. It really sits in the four directions of space, and no one can shake its position!"

"Not bad..."

"It's really terrible."

"There are actually four..."

There are all kinds of exclamations in the world.

Everyone was stunned.

The members of the Tongji Society were so angry that they smashed the table.

"This Ye Yang is simply killing people and destroying their hearts!!!"

"This is the biggest humiliation for us!!!"

They all roared.

After all, the three source bunkers cost them countless resources and energy to build, but now they have become a means for Ye Yang to cover up the truth and directly build three space fortresses.

Ye Yang shook his head.

He never thought about covering up the truth.

It was just to build these four space fortresses, which was more convenient when they were launched to guard the star eyes.

Who made you so slow to react that you only know now that I built space fortresses in these fortresses! ?

He rolled his eyes in his heart.

These guys are really too good at imagining.


Soon, the four fortresses soared into the sky and came directly into space, guarding the four star eyes in the synchronous orbit just above the equator.

One hundred and eight thousand satellites, ten Luan bird space motherships, and four space fortresses.

Together they formed a perfect star umbrella.

The completion of the star umbrella plan will be equivalent to about one tenth of the geomagnetic effect.

Even if the geomagnetic field disappears completely, at least some safe zones can be created to ensure that at least 100 million people survive.


Everyone was relieved when they saw the completion of the Star Umbrella Project.

At least, mankind will not be completely destroyed by geomagnetic reversal.

This is absolutely certain.

In recent months, various disasters have occurred more and more frequently around the world, and the end of the world has been foreshadowed.

The phenomenon of geomagnetic retreat has become more and more obvious. Many places have experienced large-scale power outages at the city or even regional level due to small outbreaks of solar storms.

There have been countless discussions among the people.

Various speculations have come one after another, and many people have guessed some facts.

The pressure on the monarchs of various countries is very high. After all, these discussions are putting pressure on them to explain what has happened in recent months.

They are all thinking about whether to tell the truth. Now that they have the Star Umbrella, at least they can guarantee that mankind will not be completely destroyed in the geomagnetic reversal. They also have some confidence, and even if they confront the people of the world, they have something to say.


Ye Yang is full of accomplishment.

This is the first time in human history that the overall transformation of the earth's space has been carried out...


The headquarters of the Tongji Society.

It was gloomy.

All the members of parliament were silent.

"Failed... and failed very quickly."

"How could he be so strong!? The final weapon given by the prophet also seemed so fragile in front of that space fortress."


It has to be said that everyone felt a sense of powerlessness.

"I think we can't beat him by playing dirty tricks, so why not just have a final showdown with him!?"

"What can we use to fight? We don't even have a mecha anymore..."

Just when the councillors were gloomy, a light and shadow slowly appeared...

(First update)

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