Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1245 My girlfriend doesn't know how to gamble

"Take advantage of the God of Gamblers!"

"Admire the God of Gamblers from the front row!"

Originally, he wanted to bring Liu Qianqian to a teaching game, but a bunch of people from all walks of life, from big bosses to various gamblers and gambling kings, surrounded him in the middle, praising and admiring him in various ways.

What kind of game is this?

"Does God of Gamblers Ye want to gamble with us?"

"Nonsense! How is that possible! Who is God of Gamblers Ye? We are nothing. How could he bend down to gamble with us?!"

"That's right. I think he must be here to talk to God of Gamblers Stephen about a 10 billion order."

"Yeah, with his old man... um, his status, he must be disdainful to play with us, right!?"

All the big guys were trembling with fear, fearing that Ye Yang would play with them without caring about his face. Wouldn't they lose for sure?

So they quickly praised Ye Yang first, which is called praising.

After praising, any big guy who has a bit of face will not bother with them.

Of course, Ye Yang's style of doing things has always been unrestrained, and they are not sure whether their trick will work.

If it still doesn't work, they can only run away first.

Anyway, you can't gamble with Ye Yang, you will lose!

What's the point of gambling.

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry in his heart. These guys are indeed casino people, and they are good at talking.

But he didn't plan to leave, so he let them do whatever they wanted.

With the majesty of a gambling god on his face, he nodded: "I'm just here with my girlfriend today. She may come down to play later, but she has never been exposed before. I hope you will show mercy."

"Hey! What are you talking about, Ye Gambling God! Following you, even if you have a little bit of your breath, you must be a gambling king at least!"

"That's right!"


All the gamblers breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Ye Yang didn't do it himself, they watched him kill the three great gambling gods of the time!

But even if it was his girlfriend, they didn't dare to win.

After all, Ye Yang's identity is not just a gambling god, he is the top existence of mankind, who dares to let him suffer!

However, letting his girlfriend and being defeated by Ye Yang are completely different concepts.

Letting go, that is, you can win but you don't win. Although you lose money, you win a little bit of Ye Yang's favor.

This kind of top big man, even if it is just a little bit of goodwill, is enough for most people present to benefit from it for a lifetime.

And losing, that is really can't beat, losing money and losing face, it's just like Schopenhauer cutting the wires - uncle mad.

"Okay, everyone, do whatever you want."

Ye Yang smiled.

Then everyone dispersed and started playing their own games, but obviously not as focused as before.

They all hoped that Ye Yang's girlfriend could play with them, and then they could let each other go, and naturally get some favors from Ye Yang, wouldn't it be wonderful! ?

Liu Qianqian blinked her eyes and felt that the eyes of the people present were not right when they looked at her.

Ye Yang leaned over to her ear and told her some secrets of gambling.


"Oh! So that's how it is! Hmm! Hmm!"

Liu Qianqian wrote it down carefully.

Besides family background and connections, learning ability is also beyond doubt in order to be admitted to the world's top business schools.

She nodded repeatedly. Ye Yang's technical theories are top-notch, and many lost secrets and tricks can be learned in one go.

Just like mathematics, the world is still at the most basic preschool level of checking 1.2.3.

Ye Yang directly taught Liu Qianqian the Pythagorean theorem, a rule-based weapon.

It's simply a dimensional crush.

Theoretically, it directly saved Liu Qianqian more than ten years of hard work.

After all, in a world where the Pythagorean theorem has not been discovered, people who have mastered this formula are more capable of calculating the length of the third side of a right triangle than those who have studied this problem for a hundred years.


"Miss Liu is coming towards us!"

"Haha, let's win two games against her to prove our strength, and then lose to her on purpose, so that Mr. Ye can buy us a favor. Wonderful!"

She is not just a beautiful woman, she is a shortcut to life!

If Ye Yang is a little happy, he will show his boss style and give them some sensible bounty, which will be enough for them to make a fortune! ! !

They all rubbed their hands excitedly.

But they didn't show any emotion on their faces.

After all, to be able to mix in this largest casino, you still need to have basic expression control ability.

"We are playing Hong Kong style five cards at this table, right?!"

Liu Qianqian asked.

"This girl, she came up and directly chose a difficult one!"

"Alas, we have no hope."

"It seems that she really doesn't understand it."

"This thing depends on technology. She can see it at once. I envy the brothers at that table!"

"That's right!"


Many people at the scene envied the gamblers at that table.

"There are two gamblers inside. If you can make Mr. Ye's girlfriend happy, you will have a bright future!"


The people at the five Hong Kong-style tables were also very happy.

After Liu Qianqian got the confirmation, she also smiled.

It's not that she wanted to pick a difficult one, but Ye Yang had just taught her the rules and how to play this project!

"Ms. Liu, please take a seat!"

"You are too polite..."

Liu Qianqian was a little uncomfortable with the enthusiasm of these people: "I have never been exposed to this before. Ye Yang just taught me for a few minutes. If I don't play well later, don't laugh at me!"

"Hahaha, what are you talking about? How dare we laugh at you!"

"You must be too modest!"

"Not bad, not bad. You are the girlfriend of the God of Gamblers. How can you not know the gambling skills? Maybe you can beat us like a weakling."

"Yes! Haha..."

They saw that Liu Qianqian was very clumsy in shuffling the cards, and immediately saw her depth.

Ye Yang, the God of Gamblers, was indeed not lying.

His girlfriend was probably really playing cards for the first time!


The people around him were envious of this scene.

This is a great opportunity, why can't they catch up! ?


The two gamblers were a little confused. They thought Liu Qianqian might understand a little, so they could let her go.

If she didn't understand at all, it would be a technical job if she wanted to lose.

After all, if they randomly picked cards, they might not be able to form any decks. They had to make sure they got the worst cards to lose...

They suddenly lost confidence in their card skills.

They all felt that it was difficult to lose.

But fortunately, their plans for the first few rounds were to win.

First, win a few rounds against her and show some strength!

They exchanged glances and made up their minds.

But because they felt that Liu Qianqian didn't understand how to shuffle the cards, they didn't put too much effort and just used a little strength casually...

(Second update)

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