Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,229: Drawing Pieces for the Giants


The construction of the submarine base is in full swing, and it is estimated that it will be completed in a few days.

What he cares most about is the crystal under the sea.

That may be of great help in facing the big screening.

After Ryugong No. 1 surfaced and sent Ye Yang back to the shore, it returned directly to the bottom of the sea.

This time, the depth successfully proved the performance and practicality of Ryugong No. 1. Jiuzhou Ocean built many factories and began to mass-produce Ryugong underwater motherships.

"The Submarine Dragon Project has officially begun!"

His heart was surging.

He formulated three major plans for geomagnetic reversal: the Star Umbrella Project, the Submarine Dragon Project, and the final Sky-building Project.

Now the Star Umbrella Project has entered the implementation stage.

Every day, thousands of modified satellites are launched into the sky.

All over the world, you can see the magnificent view of countless satellites rushing into the sky in a line from time to time.

From the Luanniao No. 1 aerospace mothership floating in the sky, some space-class aircraft fly out from time to time to transform and upgrade existing satellites and incorporate them into the system of the Star Umbrella Project.

Although the countries were reluctant to do so, this was Ye Yang's request.

Whether it was for the survival of mankind or not, they had no power to refuse.

Of course, they all spoke in unison to the outside world, saying that they would carry out a wave of satellite transformation for the future of all mankind.

In fact, only they themselves knew whether they had any intention for mankind.


The next day, Ye Yang issued another call for applications to the world's major giants, asking them to borrow their trillion-dollar industrial scale to participate in the Qianlong Project.

This was strongly opposed by the giants.

After all, most of their properties and assets combined were only worth three trillion US dollars.

Including those who supported Star Umbrella before, each of them would have to put out assets worth two trillion US dollars! ?

This exceeded more than half of the assets of most of the giants in the world! ! !

"Do you know what this means for mankind!?"

The giants roared.

They control almost all the economic lifelines of the world, and the standards and markets of all walks of life are in their hands.

If they put out more than half of their resources to do these two plans.

Then it means that most of the global market has deviated from its original trajectory and started to directly or indirectly serve these two plans.

"It means that you earn two-thirds less money every year, which has no impact on the human race as a whole."

Ye Yang spread his hands.

The market is originally a pyramid that converges upward.

All the surplus value will eventually flow into the hands of the top capital giants. What the market is serving and what it is producing have nothing to do with the 3,000 yuan salary received by each ordinary worker.

"Do you think we will sacrifice most of the money we can earn to serve your plan!? Are you crazy, or are we crazy!?"

Although they had already decided to support Ye Yang before.

But they felt that they could not accept the fact that they had to give up more than half of their chips.

"You can choose to have another joint economic war."

Ye Yang didn't care.


Many giants were so angry that their teeth itched.

Ye Yang sneered: "Don't think I don't know your little tricks. If you really don't want to agree in principle, you won't be sitting here after hearing my suggestion.

During this period of time, with your status and position, you must have collected deeper information. So, you also know what this geomagnetic reversal means. I didn't tell you last time just because I wanted you to collect this information by yourself, so you would believe it.

Supporting my plan is your only choice to survive. What moon base, deep sea base, underground shelter, are just pathetic fantasies."

Many giants were exposed by Ye Yang's inner fig leaf, and their faces flushed instantly, but they could not refute.

With the emergence of Tongji Club, the information released by the remnants of the major sources, the emergence of pre-civilization bases in various countries, and the concept of great screening have been known to the major giants.

In addition, the European and American moon bases have been officially built, and they have also discovered the pre-civilization bases on the moon, knowing that this road is probably not feasible.

Completely cut off the retreat.

"Admit it, you are just saving yourself."

Ye Yang curled his lips and looked at these giants: "In addition, this matter is not a matter of complete loss for you. On the contrary, it is a great opportunity for you."


When they heard that they could make money, the eyes of these giants lit up.

Economic giants are the human body of capital. The essence of capital is money. In the eyes of the giants of all generations, 'money is more important than life' is very common and taken for granted.

"If you want you to build the Dragon Palace deep-sea mothership, you must master some basic technology. The technical support of these deep-sea technology chains can allow you to easily exploit marine resources that were previously unreachable."

Ye Yang said lightly: "Before, the utilization rate of marine resources by humans was less than one thousandth.

But if you are diligent, perhaps in the past few years, using these technologies, you can exponentially increase this utilization rate. Energy is money. When the material is hundreds of times richer than before, what does making money mean?"

These people's eyes were bloodshot and their breathing was heavy.

It was like a ferocious wolf that had been hungry for a few days and smelled the smell of blood.

They saw a fertile future!

Ye Yang sneered at them.

Resource mining and mobilizing global industries still depend on these old giants for the time being. If they don't give them some benefits, they won't work honestly.

We can only draw a big pie first.

After all, drawing pie will never be outdated.

Don't believe that rich people will not be fooled by drawing pie, that's because your pie is too small and too fake.

A real good pie, just by drawing it, can make people smell the real fragrance.


There is no doubt that many giants no longer have any resistance and all agree.

After Ye Yang left the meeting, he stretched.

In his plan, he has arranged these giants all over the world clearly.

Cut the pork, cut it little by little.

Three plans, cut once for each plan.

Until they are completely serving the great cause of saving mankind.


"Boss, the day agreed with the girl has come."

Yu Momo reminded.


Ye Yang nodded.

He had always remembered the family that had collected many Chinese national treasures at the Sotheby's auction.

Now was a good time to go and take a look.

If the other party really had collected a lot, this wave would be a good opportunity to bring all these treasures that had been scattered overseas back to their hometowns...

He stood up.

The time had come, national treasures, it was time to go home.

(Second update)

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