Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1227 Even if I die outside, I won’t ask him to save me


Inside Dragon Palace No. 1, many working submarines were released.

Ye Yang originally planned to build a base here.

But now that the sea under the sea has been discovered, this base is just as good as a forward station for building a base under the sea.

The crystals that the former civilization spared no effort to collect should not be ordinary materials.


After two years of training, the Black Technology Company has developed a high-speed construction technology chain.

The concepts and methods of infrastructure projects such as building bases are no longer the same as before.

The various fusion energy shield base stations were quickly completed.

Each base station block was fully operational, and a hemispherical energy shield with a diameter of one kilometer opened from the seabed.

The energy consumed by fusion is water. In the deep sea, there is no need to worry about energy depletion, after all, energy is almost endless.

After the energy shield was opened.

Various engineering vehicles drove out of the working submarines and began to operate inside the energy shield.

Materials accumulated rapidly, and 3D printing and nano-construction technologies were all put to use.

Soon, the framework of the submarine base, which was the first to be seen, was already displayed in front of everyone.

Ye Yang also casually looked at the progress of the game.

After so long, the Japanese ship, Hyakkimaru, slowly drove to the sea area of ​​8,000 meters.

He raised the corner of his mouth, and suddenly some evil thoughts arose in his mind.

He directly used the satellite dedicated channel to broadcast live.

"Oh my god, Ye Shenhao is broadcasting!?"

"Where is it? I'll go and see!"

"Tik Tok!"

"It's really broadcasting!"

"Oh my god..."

"What is he so idle about? He won't come up to wait for the Japanese submarine to go down!?"


A large number of people who eat melons poured into the live broadcast room instantly.

The number of people exceeded 30 million in less than a minute.

Various gifts flew across the screen.

Humans always like to reward those who are richer than them.

No one asks when a beggar broadcasts, but everyone knows when Xiao Cong broadcasts.

There are many people who are old and young in the carnival, and someone else will say: Thank you for your three melons and two dates.


However, in the live broadcast room, there are also many gifts given purely because of admiration for Ye Yang.

After all, Ye Yang is now a person who has made great contributions to all mankind.

"Where is this!?"

"It doesn't seem to be inside Dragon Palace No. 1!?"

"Yes, Ye Shenhao, where are you..."

Everyone looked at the environment where Ye Yang was, and they were all confused.

This doesn't look like the control room or the inside of a boat! ?

Ye Yang moved the camera upwards: "Dragon Palace No. 1 is there."

He pointed his finger.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Ye Shenhao is not in Dragon Palace No. 1 now! ?

He has the Fiery Sun Armor!

As soon as everyone figured out what was going on, they felt something was wrong.

Beside Ye Yang, there were vehicles and workers running back and forth such as forklifts, engineering vehicles, and steel transport vehicles.

The whole person seemed to be in a huge energy shield.

This! ?

They all remembered that Ye Shenhao wanted to build a base directly on the seabed.

He almost bit off his tongue immediately.

Damn, they said they would build it, and they built it! ?

How long has it been?

I thought Ye Yang had already arrived at a construction site in some big city!

The surrounding foundations have been laid, and the base model is already visible.


"Is this the speed of China!?"

"The devil among infrastructure maniacs!"

"Too incredible..."

When Ye Yang admitted that this was the submarine base they were building, the screen directly slammed a wave of six six six.

Even the monarchs of various countries couldn't help it, and subconsciously followed the live broadcast room.

Ye Yang's operation was really so powerful that it broke their old waists!

"Where is Hyakkimaru! How is Hyakkimaru!?"

"It's already 8,500 meters, and the descent is getting slower and slower. It seems to be exploring where their limit is."


Everyone looked at the bustling submarine construction site in front of them.

By the way, I looked at the red dot of the Hyakkimaru, which was parked at about 8,500 meters and could hardly be seen moving, and I laughed out loud.

This comparison is too funny! ?

Why does it feel like modern civilization and primitive civilization are competing on the same stage! ?

Inside the Hyakkimaru.

The captain who saw the live broadcast was so angry that he screamed: "Baka! Ye Yang is dead! He is not working like a human! I am so angry!!!"

"Dive for me! At least we have to touch the bottom of the sea! Even if we are worse than them, we can't be worse than them by a dimension level! This is simply a naked humiliation! Can we accept this humiliation!"


He made a bold statement.

However, there were few people who responded.

Because many of the people in the submarine are scientists, they can only speak with data.

Now the Hyakkimaru has basically reached its limit. If it dives again, it will only increase the risk of disintegration. Maybe they will all be buried in the sea!

"Say! Can we agree!"

The captain still wants to get excited.

"Well... Actually... It's not impossible."

A scientist said honestly.

"Bakayar! Have you forgotten our noble Bushido spirit?"

The captain almost choked to death by the scientist's reply.


The scientists gritted their teeth and continued to operate the Hyakkimaru.

The captain was already furious.

The submarine had to be driven down.

This was tantamount to suicide.

But they dared not disobey...

After all, the other party had a gun but did not know the business, and they knew the business but did not have a gun.

Now it was a typical case of an amateur instructing an expert. Anything that developed to this stage was not good, and the final outcome would inevitably be a complete collapse.



The Hyakkimaru, which was already close to its limit, sank down bit by bit with difficulty.

Slower than a snail.

The boat made a sound of being overwhelmed.

"It's already nine kilometers, it's really reached the limit. If you insist on going your own way, the submarine will soon break down."

The scientists said repeatedly.


Hearing the rumbling sound of the hull, the red-eyed Bushido captain was also awakened by the shock.

He was about to give the order to stop.

There was a loud bang...

"Oh no! The deck at the water tank is broken! We are finished!"

"The power compartment is also crushed by the water pressure..."


Various reports came in.

Captain Kameda Sakichi's legs went weak on the spot, and he begged the scientists again and again: "Save me, save me!!!"

The scientists shook their heads in disgust.

This guy just refused to listen to advice, but now he is begging them to save him.

"The only way to survive now is to ask Mr. Ye for help. They are the only submarines in the world that can safely reach this depth."

The scientist said.

"No! Even if I jump out and die here! I will never ask him to save me even if I am crushed into a piece of paper!"

(Second update)

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