Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,222 Dragon Palace No. 1

"Well, that's the only way."

They also had no way out, so they could only take a gamble on this way out that was not a way out.

This news soon spread to the whole world under the enthusiasm of Ye Yang and the recovery of the six chaebols.

"It is said that Mr. Ye is going to break the ceiling of human technology again!"

"However, the cooperation between the six chaebols of Japan and the United States is said to have broken the previous technological level. It is hard to say who will win."

"If you said this a few months ago, I would definitely agree with you, but Mr. Ye, who can even build an aerospace carrier, I will choose him now without a second thought!"

"That's right! Ye Shenhao is a direct and brainless choice! Do you need to think about it!? He has even built a lunar base, how can he be worse than the United States in building a submersible!?"

"Then you are wrong, deep Shallow and aviation are completely different things. I can't tell you ignorant people, I'm an expert! I understand! Even if you can build a base on Mars, you may not be able to reach the deepest part of the seabed. Not to mention the moon base. "

"Oh? So you think the outcome is not certain this time?"

"The United States's accumulation of technology over the years is not exaggerated. They are really strong. I think they can win."


All kinds of discussions have been going on on the Internet...

However, obviously, even in foreign countries, most people have begun to choose to believe Ye Yang.

His personal fame and prestige have been built too deep and thick...

This would have been absolutely unimaginable even a year ago.

In the past, no matter how great the achievements of China were, the discussion would not be very high.

There are limitations in public opinion.

But now, Ye Yang has truly gone international and become one of the spiritual giants of the entire human race.

This is obviously of extremely positive significance to the upcoming world-destroying disaster.


In just over two years, so much has changed.

The venue of the competition is set in the high seas of the Pacific Ocean, the deepest part of the seabed.

That is the Mariana Trench, which is more than 11,000 meters deep.

The Mariana Trench is also known as the world's abyss.

It is the deepest seabed that has been detected, located in the southern part of the Japan Trench, on the edge of the Phoebe Sea.

It is 2,550 kilometers long, arc-shaped, and 70 kilometers wide on average. It is estimated that this trench has been formed for 60 million years.

The scientific community generally believes that this area has high water pressure, complete darkness, low temperature, low oxygen content, and scarce food resources. It is one of the worst environments on Earth.

"This will be the first challenge for mankind to send a manned submarine to the deepest seabed! This will be a big step for human civilization!!!"

In the live broadcast room, all over the world, in various languages, this matter is being broadcast.

"It's really exciting!"

"Is it my illusion? It feels like there has been another technological explosion in the past two years! Human technology seems to have been breaking through, and there will be news soon!"

"Not bad, not bad, I feel the same way!"

"Great minds think alike! Is the next technological era of mankind coming again? Haha, then we have another technological dividend to eat! We are all going to get rich! Pay attention to this wave of wind, standing on the wind, even pigs can take off!!! I'm going to get rich!!!"

"It's just that Ye Yang's technology has broken through."

A rational bystander bluntly pierced the knife.

" seems to be right."


"Watch the live broadcast, watch the live broadcast..."


At this time, in the distance, the shadows of many ships slowly emerged.

Participating in the competition are two super submarines.

The bystanders and organizers are on other ships.

The color of the sea water in the Mariana Trench is different from other seas, and the sea surface is full of various strange whirlpools.

So, the ships watching are all super cruise ships with large density and strong stability.

"Is this the super submarine jointly built by the United States and the six financial groups in Japan!?"

"It looks very handsome!"

"Too strong!"

"I suddenly feel that they can win."

"It feels very majestic and has a strong sense of technology."


The Hyakkimaru, jointly developed by Japan and the United States, is 20 meters long, with rounded edges and corners, and looks very fluid and sci-fi.

"I feel that just based on this appearance, it can reach a depth of at least 8,500 meters."

"I think it should be 8,800 meters."

"Maybe it can directly break through the 9,000-meter mark!!!"

Many people have a great increase in confidence.

They said excitedly.

When the six financial groups in Japan saw the news, they also stood up straight. They haven't found the feeling of living in praise for a long time.

"Although manned submersibles can reach a depth of 10,000 meters. However, manned submarines that can cruise freely on the seabed have not yet broken through the 8,000-meter mark. I hope this time will give us a surprise!!!"

Many broadcasters introduced it again and again.

"May I ask what is the expected diving depth this time?"

A reporter asked the Japanese Six Zaibatsu.

"Hmph, at least we can work at 8,500 meters, or even 9,000 meters!"

The representative of the Japanese Six Zaibatsu raised his head with great confidence: "Please wait and see!"

"Is that so? That's really amazing!"

The reporter smiled and said: "Are you confident of winning?"

"I am at least 60% sure!"

The representative of the Japanese Six Zaibatsu shook hands with him, and his expression was also very confident.

"But Mr. Ye's submarine hasn't appeared yet? How come you have such a high chance of winning?"

The reporter asked repeatedly.

"Because humans have their limits! Scientific development is not achieved overnight! I think we have reached the limit of the current technological level!"

They said proudly and confidently.



The reporter suddenly stopped talking.

The six chaebol representatives frowned and just wanted to question the other party, but found that there was silence around him. He followed the gaze of the crowd and was also stunned.

What is that! ?

A perfect silver-white ellipsoid floated on the sea. Even from a distance, you can see its terrifying and huge size.

The 20-meter-long Hyakkimaru was as small as a soup ball in front of the ellipsoid...


In the dull eyes of the crowd.

The terrifying submarine engineering aircraft carrier, which is more than 500 meters long, stopped.

Giant and dwarf can no longer describe this visual shock.

This is equivalent to the Chinese land and the Japanese land standing up. Standing on the Japanese land, looking up at the terrifying rooster thousands of kilometers tall.

A sense of insignificance arises spontaneously! ! ! !

"Fuck... what is this thing!"

"Aircraft carrier? Most aircraft carriers are tiny in front of it, are they dwarfs!?"

You know, many conventional aircraft carriers are only about 300 meters long, according to human proportions.

If the submarine engineering aircraft carrier is a 1.8-meter-long leg, then those conventional aircraft carriers are just 1.2-meter-tall monks!

The first appearance of Ryugu-1 shocked the world...

(First update)

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