Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,217: 100 billion Chinese currency, just the starting price


He frowned.

He began to think in his heart.

The Tongji Club has always been cautious.

After knowing that the remittance of the Fallen Source would expose information, it immediately stopped supporting the Nine Giants Alliance.

And the other sources have also been low-key recently, at least in recent times, they have not exposed any flaws.

Why did they suddenly openly sing against me at the auction?

This is too easy to figure out?

Could it be that I guessed wrong! ?

Is he really just a guy with a bad brain?


The second to last round is a legendary treasure from the European mythological era. It is said to be a sapling of the World Tree, but everyone knows that this should be a sapling of a plant species that has become extinct in ancient times. It is unique in the world. After speculation, it should look very similar to the legendary World Tree.

This kind of thing that is related to mythology is most sought after by the top noble giants in Europe.

The extinct plant was successfully cultivated into a sapling, and it was linked to mythology.

The value soared sharply.

This opportunity is rare for many European nobles and several giants, enough to make them fight for it at all costs.

Soon, fierce competition caused the sapling to soar to the level of 300 million US dollars.

However, there was no sign of stopping.

It is still rising...

Until it broke through the 400 million US dollar mark.

Weier continued to tell the origin of the ancient tree sapling, raising its value.

Describing it as magical...

At least, if cultivated into a complete form, it can be at least 300 meters high, and the tree age is extremely long, which is the tallest tree species in the world today.

This alone is more valuable to these giants who value the foundation...

In the end, the divine sapling known as the world tree revival sapling.

It was hyped up to a sky-high price of 800 million US dollars on the spot! ! !

It is destined to be a mad rumour among future giants and top upper circles for a long time...

Looking at the world auctions, whether public or private, items that can reach 800 million US dollars are rare in several years! ! !

Everyone is amazed.

Everyone is sighing.

But some people are looking forward to what the final lot will be.

These lots alone are enough to make this auction record an auction and make Sotheby's famous again in the world celebrity circle for a long time.

But according to convention, the final big lot.

It must be worth more than all the previous lots!

The anticipation on the scene has never been so strong.

All those who often attend auctions and mix in this industry know that.

This may be a long-lost legendary auction!

It will create the biggest legend in the auction industry in the past few years! ! !

The shock of $800 million has just passed...

Weier took advantage of the heat and directly asked someone to bring up the last lot! ! !


Many people looked at it in confusion.

The lot under the brocade red cloth is square in shape.

It seems that there is no treasure that is just so square...

What is it?

It is considered to be a treasure with higher value than the legendary World Tree Resurrection Sapling?

Everyone present was staring closely, afraid of missing a single thing.

Only giants were qualified to know the specific contents of the auction in advance, but there were only less than fifty giants in history.

Most people present had only heard some rumors and had no idea what was being auctioned today...


Weir let out a long breath.

She knew that today's auction would definitely shake up the international auction industry.

Moreover, it would shock people for many years...

As the chief auctioneer of this auction, she was also very excited.

She asked the waiters to carefully uncover the embroidered red cloth...

The things hidden underneath were finally revealed to everyone...


"Ancient book originals!?"

"So many!?"

"Could it be that these originals together constitute a certain ancient book!? If so, it is priceless!!!"

"What ancient book is this?"

"It looks like it is from China..."

Various discussions came from the compartment...

"As you can see, these ancient books are originally a magnificent Chinese masterpiece, written by Emperor Yongle during the Ming Dynasty, and is known as the 'largest encyclopedia in the world'... "Yongle Encyclopedia"!!!"

"Oh my god!"

"It's actually this..."

Even though the people present were all nobles and giants, some people couldn't help but sigh.

This is one of the top treasures of mankind.

The whole book has 22,877 volumes and 11,095 volumes! A full 370 million words, and a collection of 8,000 books from ancient and modern times!

This is an absolute miracle in the field of cultural books in ancient times!

Only China can reach such a magnificent peak in the compilation of classics.

It is not an exaggeration to call it the Great Wall of Culture.

It covers everything from astronomy and geology to yin and yang, medicine and divination, and Buddhist and Taoist skills!

It is a pity that after hundreds of years, this magnificent work, a miracle in human history, has been scattered and wandering.

Currently, only more than 800 volumes are known, and China now only has half of them.

It can be said that most of them have disappeared without a trace...

But now, there are more than a hundred of them...

Many years ago, only two original copies of the Yongle Encyclopedia were sold at a high price of 10 million euros!

With so many copies together, the price must be sky-high! ?

You know, this kind of collection of masterpieces is not one plus one equals two. The value of a hundred copies put together is much higher than the price of a hundred single copies auctioned separately!

"Here, there are a total of 1,000 original copies of the Yongle Encyclopedia!!!"

Weir's voice trembled slightly.

Even though she was knowledgeable and had passed countless rare treasures, it was difficult for her to remain calm at this time.

The waves of people sucking in cold air were also rising and falling.

Just adding up the value of two copies worth 10 million euros, this is 5 billion euros!

But, the value of a thousand copies auctioned together, I don't know how many times more than the single copy added together...

Today, it's going to be amazing!!!

Everyone had a premonition that this would be a world-shaking auction!


Weir adjusted her mood and exhaled deeply: "The reserve price is 15 billion US dollars! Each bid must not be less than 1 billion US dollars!!!!"

"Oh my god... it's too crazy!"

"The reserve price of 15 billion US dollars... I don't know how many years, there has been no such crazy thing in the auction industry..."

15 billion US dollars.

Hundreds of billions of Chinese yuan, just the starting price!!!

(Second update)

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