Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1215: 500 million US dollars, 100 treasures

"As expected of the world's top auction house, this top auction venue is really well organized."

Ye Yang looked at the precious ornamental fish in the fish tanks on both sides. Any old one would cost one or two million Chinese yuan, and there were many such fish in the ocean tanks on both sides, just for people to watch.

Most of the furnishings inside the church are antiques or extremely expensive luxury goods.

Just from this decoration, you can see the heritage and style of Sotheby's auction house.

Ye Yang followed the nobles into the auction hall in the center.

This kind of non-public auction pays attention to protecting the information of the bidder.

Everyone has his own separate compartment.

Fine fruit plates and drinks were served.

Ye Yang sat in it, eating the snacks he brought and the fruits and drinks provided here.

It was also very comfortable.


Yu Momo was waiting beside him.

The surrounding compartments were also full of whispers.

Many other nobles also arrived one after another.

This is a global level private auction held by Sotheby's.

It is almost the most top-level auction it can hold.


Top figures from all over the world will be present, and even the giant forces that are interested in this auction will be present.

One of the purposes of Ailian * Dalgo attending the dinner with him last night was to reveal the information of this auction to him.

This is one of the top-level events in the world of old nobles.

And there are reasons why Ye Yang has to come to this event.

He believes that Ailian did not tell him about the auction on a whim, and there should be some connection between this auction and him.


After a while, the top bosses, nobles, and giant representatives from all over the world were present.

However, each of them sat in their own compartments, and they did not know each other's identities when bidding for a while.

This kind of top auction attaches great importance to the information protection of both buyers and sellers.

After all, those present are people of status, and the world situation is complicated. If the big guys with hatred on both sides collide with each other, something might happen.

No matter how powerful Sotheby's is, it is just an auction house after all, and the big tree behind it is also a giant.

But there are many giants coming to this top international auction, and Sotheby's may not be able to mediate all emergencies.

Another thing is that once a top figure like Ye Yang makes a bid, other second-level bidders will not bid to buy Ye Yang's face and connections.

This situation is also what the auction house does not want to see.


"Ding Ding Ding~"

The golden bell rang on the auction table.

The beautiful auctioneer came up, with a graceful figure and a soft face, both of which are rare.

It is worthy of being a top global auction, and the auctioneer found is also the world's top.

As Ye Yang's secretary, Yu Momo naturally learns a lot of information she can learn every day.

Therefore, she also has her own information about Sotheby's global auction: "It is said that this auctioneer is actually an invisible auction item~"

Ye Yang was a little surprised.

But then he understood the meaning of Yu Momo's words, and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

These so-called old nobles and old gentlemen really know how to have fun. They look well-dressed, but in fact, many of them are old perverts.


Ye Yang held the chair and looked at it calmly.

The rules of the auction are generally to have a blast at the beginning, but the rest are small things, which are given to those with the lowest strength in the whole venue to compete for.

If the top-level things are presented at the beginning, it is actually meaningless.

It also makes the ordinary participants in the venue feel uninvolved.

And what he wants will inevitably appear at a very later stage...


Sure enough.

At the beginning, it was a blast to warm up the venue.

The red cloth was lifted.

Auctioneer Weier introduced: "This crystal classical piano was created by a European king more than 200 years ago for his beloved. He spent all his luxury to create an ultimate work of art. It is made of crystal and inlaid with real gems and diamonds."

"Owning this piano means owning the most expensive, luxurious, and romantic musical instrument in the world. Even for this industry, it took countless hardships to obtain the auction rights of this item."

"The starting price is 100 million US dollars, and each bid must not be less than 5 million US dollars!"

"150 million US dollars!"

"180 million US dollars..."

Various sounds came out from each compartment one after another.

These sounds have been specially processed so that people can't hear the original sound.

This crystal piano is very attractive to bigwigs who have daughters learning piano at home.

Of course, there are also many top bosses who just think it looks good, or think it's good to collect it to fill the family collection library.

The price was quickly hyped up to 200 million US dollars.

Afterwards, it declined...

After all, no matter how good the expensive things are, they still have a price.

Everyone has a valuation in their hearts.

Having reached this point, they are rarely emotionally affected by external things, and the auction atmosphere is very rational.

In the end, this crystal piano was sold at a price of 275 million US dollars.


Ye Yang didn't feel anything about the crystal piano, and watched it quietly.

He was waiting for those things to appear.

The subsequent items were all, as Ye Yang guessed, relatively common, and the transaction price was generally less than 100 million US dollars, generally around the level of tens of millions of US dollars.

However, there were also some interesting gadgets.

He would occasionally make a move, and with his current financial resources, there was no one who could compete with him.

As long as he made a bid, it was basically suffocating for others.

No one could rob him.

In the process, many antiques and national treasures of China that were lost overseas appeared.

Ye Yang also took them in.

He would not let go of any of the treasures of China that were lost abroad, this was his rule.

Soon, everyone realized that there was a giant sitting in this box, and he had a special liking for Chinese things.

Many people had already vaguely guessed Ye Yang's identity.

Therefore, when Ye Yang made a bid to buy back the Chinese treasures, he basically did not encounter any bidding.

Even the Chinese treasures were not willing to bid at the end...

What good would it be to compete with Ye Yang?

Not only could they not compete on financial resources, but they also hurt the relationship for nothing.

However, many bidders were not aware of the inside story and were ruthlessly crushed by Ye Yang.

Soon, it was over.

Ye Yang spent a total of about 500 million US dollars in this process.

Most antiques, even the top ones, are only worth 100 or 200 million Chinese yuan, and there are very few super-standard rare treasures.

In addition, there were not many people bidding with Ye Yang at the end.

500 million US dollars, and he won dozens or hundreds of Chinese treasures...

(Second update)

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