"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

After some congressmen pondered, they said deeply.

"If that's the case, then we have to do our best to find out. But now that the opponent has mastered the super mecha, we have no way to deal with him. Even if we send the most elite shadow warriors, we will never be able to assassinate or kidnap him."

The old lady councilor frowned.


The other council members nodded, feeling desperate for the first time.

They had absolute confidence before, after all, they held many trump cards, but if Ye Yang really mastered that thing, their trump cards would be of no use at all.


"I don't think so."

Everyone was refreshed and looked towards the place where they were speaking.

In the middle of the round table, on the empty black bench, there was a blurry shadow sitting on it.

At this moment, all the members subconsciously stood up and bowed to the phantom without hesitation: "Master Prophet!!!"


The prophet nodded and looked at the many members present.

Although it was just a shadow, the people present stood solemnly and did not dare to breathe, which shows the majesty of his status.

"I am aware of your demands, and I have an understanding of everything that has happened."

He said in an old voice: "All this is not unsolvable. The road to the ultimate mystery is up to you to explore, and I will provide you with a crutch for finding the way."

After saying this, the shadow disappeared.

On the bench, a key was left.

After many members bowed to the bench for a long time, a man in black robe stepped forward and picked up the key in his hand.

"It's the key to the secret room door."

"I wonder what the prophet has given us this time."

"Maybe it's a magical weapon that's enough to kill Ye Yang."


All the members of the House of Representatives stood up and urged: "Go to the secret room quickly and see what the prophet has given you!"


The speaker nodded and led a group of members of the House of Representatives through many secret passages to the secret room.

This is the heart of the Kiwanis Club and is extremely secretive.

And the level is very high. Normally even the top congressmen do not have the right to come here.

From the beginning of the establishment of the Kiwanis Club, only prophets had the right to come and go freely.

Now that they have the key, it is equivalent to the prophet giving them temporary permission.

"Room 101."

They stood here and inserted the key.


The metal door, which had been sleeping for countless years, slowly opened at this moment.

The metal gate was made of an unknown material, and there were blood-colored lines climbing on it. Countless years had passed, and there seemed to be blood still flowing on it.

After the door is completely opened.

All the members were stunned outside the door.

The light of the lights illuminated the black room, and a human-shaped shadow slowly appeared in front of them...


Ye Yang didn't know about the Tongji Club.

A general attack on the Gossett family has been launched, and many Gossett businesses in Australia have been violently liquidated.

Now Ye Yangguang is the servant of three top consortiums, plus several top giants as assistants.

It can be called a sideways push all the way.

There is absolutely nothing that can stop them from advancing.

"Ahem, I say, head of the family, let's vote!"

"If we don't surrender, we will really be dead!"

"Yes...the other party's financial resources are so strong that we can't resist it at all..."

Many family elders were anxious at this time. All of them had retired and enjoyed a comfortable life, but now they all rushed back from all over the world and put pressure on him.

There is a strong intention to take him down directly if Lulong Geset doesn't agree.

"Why are you so anxious, elders!? Our Gosset family has never surrendered to anyone in the past seven hundred years! After all, we still have some foundation. I don't believe Ye Yang really dares to take the last step."

Rulon Geset frowned.

"Stupid! The foundation is the foundation, and it will die when exposed to the light! If we do that, the Gosset family will exist in name only and disappear into the dust of history. It is only a matter of time!"

Many elders were furious: "It was an extremely wrong decision to hand over the family to you."

"A problem that can be solved with one trillion US dollars must be escalated into a genocide-level disaster!"

"You don't know how to evaluate your enemies. Being born into the Gossett family makes your character too arrogant!"

These old people have all experienced the horrific war that brought the world to the brink of destruction decades ago.

I know the cruelty and horror of this world.

Was Hitler with the mustache strong? Was he powerful?

Even the most powerful Yunuo consortium is nothing in front of him and can be wiped off as soon as he says it.

The army of will is rampaging across the world, making the entire human race tremble in its dark clouds.

But even the ultimate demon who almost dominated the entire world will decline and die.

will also perish.

Is there any immortal person in this world?

How can there be any lasting power?

All development is inherently moving forward amid fluctuations.

Who dares to claim to be invincible, who dares to claim to be invincible?

If you don't know how to assess the situation and expand too much, you will inevitably perish.

Ye Yang is now the general trend of this era, and going against the trend is the way to death.

"Hahahaha... It's too late if you say this again now!"

Lulong*Gesette stood up and said angrily: "Do you think that madman will stop if we stop now? No! There will be a life-and-death battle!"

"In that case, we are ready to sacrifice you first instead of our foundation."

The elders were even, Lulong was going to do it to the end, they must show the decisiveness and courage of the elders of the family for hundreds of years.

"What do you mean!?"

Lulong*Gesette shouted: "You retired old Dengs, do you still want to take my position as the head of the family!?"

The elders sneered.

Unanimously raised their hands to vote...

"You can't do this! You don't have the right!"

LulongGesette shouted, but his own guards had betrayed him.

He was taken down directly.

"Now the situation has come to a life-or-death moment. The Gossett family cannot lose and must strive for surrender. We must show our sincerity, whether it is to be a vassal of Ye Yang or something else. We must give enough face!"

These elders directly took over the power of the Gossett family and issued orders.


British Manor.

This was built by the former royal family of England. It is the top manor in England. However, in order to make friends with Ye Yang, this manor was directly given to him.

At this time, the long-legged blonde maids of England were giving him a spa.

A report was presented to him.

"The Gossett family has a big reversal of attitude..."

Ye Yang became interested, waved his hand, and sat up.

As soon as he opened the page, he saw a news that surprised him.

The current head of the family, Lulong*Gossett, was shot that afternoon for violating the core regulations against humanity and family...

(First update)

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