Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1207: The sky is bright and the sky is shining, falling for 90,000 miles

"Now that the location has been determined, there is no need to hide the intention."

Ye Yang's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Start the attack directly!"

"Yes! Boss..."

The person in charge of Hurricane is not a weak person. Being able to thrive in an international group like Hurricane, he is naturally ruthless. He made a prompt decision and began to contact various departments to prepare for an attack.

"Evacuate the people!"

Hurricane directly notified the local police to seal the Senluburg Grand Canyon and prohibit tourists from entering. When there were no more people at the site, Hurricane's missile department was ready.

Just when the attack was about to begin, some armed men poured out of the buildings in the Grand Canyon. In front of each of them, there was an ordinary person pushing.

The men looked miserable and had obviously been tortured.



All departments were stunned and contacted Ye Yang.

Ye Yang looked at the scene in front of him. Obviously, these people placed in front were all hostages.

Could it be that placing the headquarters in a tourist attraction like this is just to make it easier to capture some hostages when they are about to be exposed?

"Mr. Ye! There are more than a hundred hostages here, including some members of parliament and citizens of various countries. I think you'd better not act rashly! As long as you agree to our conditions, we will not harm your people. !”

The person who shouted was obviously a high-ranking member of the Fallen Source.

At this time, he looked proud.

I feel that Ye Yang can't do anything to them. After all, they have more than a hundred hostages in their hands, and some of them are of high status.

"Oh? What do you want in exchange for these hostages?"

Ye Yang asked with a chuckle.


The executive holding the hostages sneered. As expected, these people were all concerned about their face and did not dare to take action against them who had hostages!

Those guys at Black Source are really stupid.

Why didn't you even think of this?

Or is the master of the source of corruption smarter!

"Our chief rudder said that as long as you don't interfere with our retreat, we will naturally release these hostages after we are sure that we are safe."

the executive shouted.

Ye Yang smiled: "Does this kind of joke mean anything to you?"

"You don't have much leverage!"

The executive shouted angrily: "We control the hostages, and we control everything. You must listen to me!"

Ye Yang shrugged: "If that's what you thought, I'm really sorry. It seems that something caused you to misunderstand."


The executive stared, completely unable to believe what Ye Yang said.

Is this still a decent person?

Facing the villain who took hostages, he actually said such things! ?

"First, these people are not my citizens, so don't blame me. Second, how do you prove that the hostages in your hands are hostages and not pretended to be by your members!?"

Ye Yang said coldly: "From the beginning, you have no so-called bargaining chips! Does living in your own fantasy make you happy?"

The senior executive of Fallen Source turned pale and was immediately confused by Ye Yang.

I didn’t know how to refute for a while.

"These one hundred hostages, in exchange for the life of one of you, the source of corruption, if you agree, I will agree, if you don't agree, I will start a general attack!"

Ye Yang said coldly.

Kindness should not become a bargaining chip for evil people to threaten good people.

What must be done must be done.

What needs to be done must be done.

He will try his best to rescue the hostages, but he cannot be restrained by evil people and become a bargaining chip in negotiations because of them.

There is no negotiation on this principled issue!

"We absolutely cannot agree to this! Mr. Ye, I advise you to be sensible! We are going to start a global live broadcast and let the whole world criticize your inhumane behavior! Your cruelty will spread around the world! You will be reviled by the whole world!! !”

The Fallen Source executive cursed angrily.

"It is anti-human organizations like you that deserve to be reviled! Right and wrong have their own justice!"

Ye Yang stopped talking nonsense.

He exchanged glances with Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu, then stepped on his feet, and three mechas flew from a distance and attached themselves to the three of them.

During this period of time, another piece of Fierce Sun Armor was produced and assigned to Xiao Xiaozhu.

Xiao Xiaozhu and Xiao Qingxuan are his closest ace bodyguards who have been with him for the longest time. If they have high-tech weapons, they must be handed over to them first.

Ye Yang already has Lieyang II, which was formed after Lieyang One was fully upgraded.

He pressed directly on his chest, and then rushed forward with the bodyguard sisters...

"Damn! Crazy! Crazy!"

The senior executives were frightened to death by Ye Yang's decisiveness.

You call this decency! ?

This is completely different from the good old guy in movies and TV shows! ! !

"You bitch, kill all these useless hostages!"

He said angrily: "Their deaths are all your fault!!! The whole world is watching your behavior!!!"

The live broadcast of the Fallen Source has just started.

Then he saw a curtain wall of light descending from the sky.

The light from the blue sky falls ninety thousand miles away!

This scene is like a miracle manifesting itself.

Light falls between the hostage captives and the members of the Fallen Source, forming a barrier of light.

All bullets and bombs that want to pass through this barrier are instantly annihilated into particles by the light particles in the light curtain...


Everyone looked at this scene with their mouths wide open in disbelief.

All of them were stunned.

Especially the executives of the Fallen Source, who were so frightened that they sat on the ground: "Is this a god?!"

Ye Yang and the Xiao sisters turned into three streams of light, and the speed set off a terrifying sonic boom on the field.

All these hostages were snatched back by the streams of light that the three of them turned into.

However, Ye Yang did not completely trust these hostages, and asked the Hurricane members to strictly control them. It was hard to guarantee that there were no senior executives of the Fallen Source who sneaked in and wanted to take the opportunity to escape.


The light curtain appeared very quickly and dissipated very quickly.

It took only a dozen seconds in total.

But it caused absolute shock to the people who came in the live broadcast room.

As soon as I clicked in, I saw a light curtain that penetrated the sky and the earth falling down. Anyone would feel that this was a miracle! ! ! !

This light curtain was naturally launched by the photon space-based weapon.

It was one of Ye Yang's biggest trump cards.

In order to save lives, he was willing to take the risk of exposing his biggest trump card and was willing to use his full strength to save them.

But he would never accept hostages becoming bargaining chips in the hands of evil people, but instead making profits for them.

This is putting the cart before the horse, and the nature of the matter has completely changed!

"We... what kind of existence are we fighting against!!!"

These members of the Fallen Source were all weak in the knees, and some of them simply lost the will to fight.

After all, the Source Organization was derived from the Tongji Society, and it has something to do with religion.

Seeing such a miraculous existence, they all knelt down directly...

(Second update)

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