"Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye, the girl at the front desk of our bank is ignorant. I will fire her in a while. Please don't be offended. I will meet all your needs and upgrade your card to the Supreme Black Card for free."

The president kept saying nice things.

Although there are many rich people in the Magic City, he is just a branch. If a giant customer with more than one billion deposits withdraws his capital, it will be enough for him to be dismissed from the head office.

Therefore, he also ignored his image and licked Ye Yang as much as he could.


Ye Yang nodded slightly, reluctantly satisfied with the attitude of the branch manager.

The value of Dongfa Bank's Supreme Black Card is still very high. As long as you take it out, you can basically prove your identity.

The Supreme Black Card has no upper limit on daily transfers, and the annualized deposit rate is also negotiated privately, which is generally several times higher than that of ordinary users.

Only those with assets of over 100 million are eligible to apply for it, and the application fee is about hundreds of thousands. If you keep the money in it, it is guaranteed that there will be tens of millions or even more assets every year.

This is also the reason why the rich are getting richer.

You don't have to do anything, even if the money is in the bank, it will continue to appreciate and multiply.……


Leng Mei was completely stunned. She lost her job because of a single word she said. This kind of plot that only happens in TV dramas actually happened to her! ?

The energy of this young man is too terrifying!

She lowered her head, her heart was blank, and she vowed never to judge people by appearance again.

With the Supreme Black Card, Ye Yang transferred 200,000 yuan to his parents' card, and then went out and got in his Lamborghini - Venom.

"La la la ~"

As soon as I got in the car, I received a call from my parents.

"It is indeed like this……"

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head, then answered the phone.

"Xiaoyang! What happened to you? You suddenly have so much money! Your father and I counted it several times... 200,000!"

Mom's voice came from the phone.

"Um... I quit my job and started my own business. I made some money. Don't worry about spending it! It's all earned honestly!"

Ye Yang laughed in his heart. This was all earned through hard work. It was hard-earned money!


Over there came the sound of the old couple discussing, and it took them a long time to figure out what Ye Yang was talking about.

"Start your own company! My son has become a big boss! He has a bright future! Follow me!"

The father's heroic voice came from the side.

"Go to hell!"

Mom said worriedly,"Starting a business is not very safe... It's not as stable as having your own job... Don't work too hard. I know it's not easy for you to live in Shanghai. Buying a house is too stressful. Why don't you make some money and come back? It's so nice here in your hometown."……"

Ye Yang smiled as he listened to his mother's love education. If it was before, he would definitely feel anxious after listening to these, but now that he even lives in Genting No. 1 Villa, his mentality is completely different.

Naturally, he will not feel any discomfort because of these

"Our company is doing well. We have several big projects in the next few days. If they are successful, your son will become a big boss. Don't worry! When I make more money, I will transfer more money to you two old people."

Ye Yang said with a smile

"No, no, no, we both have everything we need. Our salaries are enough for us to spend. Even if you have some money, don’t waste it. Save it. We need to buy a house, a car, and get married in the future!"

"Okay, you’re just a wife and mother, you’re so short-sighted. Our son is going to do great things!"

"You have far-sightedness! Didn't you marry me earlier? You let your son only make money and not marry a wife! Don't you want a big fat grandson?"

The old couple quarreled for a while.

Ye Yang also listened with a smile.

With his current mentality, listening to his parents' nagging has become a kind of happiness.

"Okay, mom, I'm still a long way from getting married. Spend the money first and I'll transfer it to you later. I'm hanging up now.

Ye Yang hung up the phone. His sister was still in high school, so it wasn't appropriate to give her too much money.

He transferred 5,000 yuan via WeChat, and she probably wouldn't see it until after school.

"Well, it's time to check out my real estate."

Ye Yang whistled as he drove his Lamborghini Veneno towards the Empire State Building.

The Empire State Building was his biggest trump card.

He checked yesterday and found that this building would be worth at least several hundred billion. With this building, his assets would be at the top of the Forbes China list. It had endless development potential.

If he left it there and did nothing but rented it out, he would earn several hundred billion in rent every ten years. It was like a goose that laid golden eggs.

"It turns out that the only thing between me and the richest man in China is a building."

Ye Yang drove casually and soon arrived at the Empire State Building.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning.

After driving the car to the underground parking lot of the building, he walked into the building as usual.


It seems that I still have some things in the old company, so I'm going to quit my job~" Ye Yang has suffered a lot in this internship company this month. It is called training newcomers, but in fact it is exploiting the newcomers' labor.

In addition, Jin Buzheng, the team leader who is always looking for trouble...

All the unfair treatment he has suffered before, he will pay it back tenfold today!

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