Fan Hu's extremely arrogant declaration of war made the reporters extremely excited.

They liked this effect.

The more topical the speech was, the more popular their articles would be!

"As far as the current situation is concerned, fighting champion Fan Hu is very confident! Will the result be as he expected, and will the female warrior fall to the ground in ten seconds? Shanghai Evening News will continue to follow up the report for you!"


After the news and video of Fan Hu's interview were posted online, it once again set off a storm on the Internet.

"How can you be so arrogant! ?"

"Too arrogant! ?"

"Ten seconds!? Hehe……"

"I will beat him up so badly that he won't know what to do in a little while!"

Fans who support Xiao Qingxuan are all very angry.

"Stop bragging, she is just a weak woman, it is hard for her to beat an ordinary person, how can you fight against the fighting champion, are you crazy! ?"

"Brother Tiger gave her face for ten seconds! I think, at most two punches, she will foam at the mouth!"

"Ha ha……"


There was a heated argument online.

Yu Momo received a strange call:"Master, they said they are looking for you."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and answered the phone:"Hello?"

"Boss Ye, right? I am Song Xiao, the chairman of Jinyi Company, and the biggest funder behind Fan Hu this time."

A casual voice came from the other side, greasy and pretentious.

"If you have something to fart, fart. If you don't have anything to fart, get out of here."

Ye Yang frowned, very unhappy with the other party's tone.

"Hey~ Boss Ye, don't be so angry! I'm here to give you something good~"

Song Xiaohei smiled, his tone was greasy, and he looked like he had won Ye Yang.


Ye Yang sneered and turned on the call recording.

"Yes! Boss Ye, there are great benefits!"

"If you don't speak human language again, I will shut you up for the rest of your life."

Ye Yang frowned and warned.


Song Xiao was obviously frightened by Ye Yang's warning, and repeatedly changed back to Mandarin:"Boss Ye, you and I both know that it is not easy to make an Internet celebrity popular. I know you don't want this little girl you worked so hard to make famous to be forgotten."

"Originally, we are in a win-win situation now. In this game, as long as you give me 10 million, I will let Fan Hu lose to that little girl on purpose?"

Ye Yang narrowed his eyes.

Obviously, Song Xiao misunderstood the matter.

However, the other party runs an Internet celebrity packaging company, so naturally he does not believe that Xiao Qingxuan's popularity is due to her own ability.

Instead, it is due to the packaging behind her.

In Song Xiao's eyes, the video of the night market that night was hype, and this challenge was also hype.

In his profit-seeking mind, there is no good thing and good people in this world.

"Oh? Why don't you tell me in detail?"

Ye Yang sneered. He could guess the other party's true intention and would not be easily fooled.

"That's right!"

In Jinyi Entertainment Company, Song Xiao sat up excitedly, made a successful gesture to the sponsors next to him, covered the microphone, and said with a sly grin:"That kid is going to take the bait!"

Several sponsors sneered.

They spent a lot of money to make Fan Hu famous. In the fighting competition, they bought off many masters from the island country and finally made Fan Hu the champion.

They will not give up Fan Hu.

The call to Ye Yang was to confirm the fact that Ye Yang bribed them.

Even if Ye Yang paid, they would let Fan Hu go all out in the competition!

In this way, if Fan Hu lost this game, it was intentional and he was bribed.

If Fan Hu won, it was to uphold justice!

In this way, they stood in an invincible position.

The abacus was clanging.

Unfortunately, they met Ye Yang.

They thought Ye Yang was just a rich second-generation who was easy to deceive.

But Ye Yang became rich from an ordinary person at the bottom.

What has he not seen?


A cold light flashed in Ye Yang's eyes:"It seems that you are quite confident about that rubbish."

"What did you say?"

Song Xiao was surprised:"Boss Ye, you don't really think that you can beat our fighting champion by just showing off your fancy moves just because you made that little girl famous, right?"

Ye Yang raised his lip corner:"How about this, let's make a bet"

"What bet!?"

Several financiers were puzzled.

Why didn't things go according to the script?

"If Xiao Qingxuan loses, I will give you 100 billion. If Xiao Qingxuan wins, all your assets will be lost to me. From now on, get out of the entertainment industry. If you dare to get involved in this area again... Haha, you will bear the consequences at your own risk."

Ye Yang sneered

"How much……"

Song Xiao stuttered.

One hundred billion!?

Even if they sold all the sponsors, they couldn't get one billion. One hundred billion!?

That's an astronomical figure! As soon as the number came out, the sponsors' breathing became heavy and their eyes turned red.

"I will only give this 100 billion to those who bet with me, okay? I know there are a few people eavesdropping on this, do you want to join us?"

Ye Yang raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, but this smile was full of sarcasm.

"I, Zheng Han, join!"

"And my photo!"


"You guys!?"

Song Xiao was secretly angry, this is 100 billion!

"Old Song, you still want to take all this 100 billion! ?"

Zheng Han and Zhang Ying didn't even consider that Fan Hu would lose. No matter how you look at it, a little girl can't beat a big man who can fight.……

"That's settled then."

Ye Yang hung up the phone and laughed.

With a little trick, he found out all the people behind the scenes, saving the trouble of investigating.

As an internet celebrity, Fan Hu must have been instructed by the company to post the video.

This matter was a setup from the beginning.

And now he has found out all the people behind the setup!

(The third update is here)

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