Qin Yin couldn't drive after drinking.

The Ferrari was driven back by the police.

The police car she was sitting in happened to have a kidnapped girl. The girl kept sobbing, and there were large and small scratches on her body, which could be seen from the struggle.

Seeing Qin Yin, she kept thanking him, her emotions were a little broken, and her tears surged like a broken dam.

Qin Yin raised her hand to wipe the tears from her cheeks, and her voice softened.

"Girls should be strong, don't cry casually, what you drop is not tears but precious golden beans, you must learn to be strong and protect yourself."

"Thank you... Thank you, otherwise I really can't imagine my end..."

The group of demons in the van talked about selling her to a remote mountainous area as a wife for a fool as if they were talking about goods.

They also said that if she dared to run, they would break her legs, so that she would be pregnant and have a fetter so that she would not want to run away.

Thinking of those demonic whispers, the girl's eyes were filled with fear, and she trembled all over.

Qin Yin gently patted the other person's back, with a gentle and tender expression, patiently comforting her. The girl gradually calmed down after receiving the warmth from the constant comforting.

Slowly recounted the process of being abducted.

"I'm a sophomore at Haishi University. I met a girl when I went out for fun today. She's about my age and looks gentle, which makes it easy for people to let down their guard."

"She told me that her puppy was missing. She took out a photo of her and her dog and cried for me to go with her to find the dog, saying that she was worried that it would be caught by dog ​​dealers. I'm a dog lover myself, so I didn't doubt it after seeing the photo, so I followed her to find the dog."

"I walked into a dark alley and noticed something was wrong. I was a little scared and wanted to leave. At this time, my mouth was covered by a big hand and I was knocked unconscious."

"Maybe they thought I was unconscious and there was no threat, so the traffickers didn't kidnap me, but maybe the drug was not strong enough, so I woke up in the car halfway and was able to desperately open the window to ask for help to get a glimmer of life..."

"I'm sure that the girl is an accomplice of the traffickers, but I didn't see her in the car when I woke up!"

The girl became emotional when she said this.

Qin Yin hurriedly comforted her carefully.

The policeman driving the car also had a serious face.

"Don't worry, the net of heaven is vast and nothing can escape it. Our police will never let any criminal escape!"

According to the girl.

This group of human traffickers is an organized and disciplined gang, involving a wide range of people and a large scale. The number of people is probably more than the few minions arrested today.

They must root out this group of human traffickers and eradicate them completely. They must not let these lawless lunatics threaten the safety of more people!


Qin Yin finished her statement and walked out of the police station.

The night wind blew slowly and was a little cold. It blew on people's skin and made the brain's thoughts become particularly clear and rational.

She stood at the door of the police station and reflected seriously. She couldn't help but think of the scene of being hijacked by a mentally ill criminal last time. Just like today, she was in an extremely passive and powerless state and could only pray to be rescued.

However, good luck will not come every time.

"It's a bit cold at night."

Yan Zhou's voice interrupted Qin Yin's thoughts.

"I'm sorry for today."

She apologized to him again, took out her mobile phone to pay for the designated driver, and then scanned the code to compensate him for the fee.

"Thank you, rich woman! I'll take it without hesitation."

Yan Zhou accepted the money readily.

What happened today was indeed dangerous enough.

The two talked for a while.

After the group of bodyguards who rescued Qin Yin came out, Qin Yin thanked them and asked Huo Shengjun's address.

Then she bought supper for the bodyguards to thank them, and asked Yan Zhou to take her home after she was done.

Yan Zhou walked to the Ferrari and sat in the driver's seat.

Thirty minutes later, they returned to Yufu Mansion.

Seeing this vehicle with some marks, Qin Yin supported her forehead and planned to call someone to tow it for repair tomorrow. She rubbed her tired eyebrows and went home.

"Hua La La——"

The sound of the shower sounded.

Qin Yin came out in a white bathrobe after taking a shower, and the system in her mind suddenly popped up.


Congratulations to the host for unlocking a new title [Rescuer]

[You have a soft heart. When you see a powerless girl being abducted, you choose to go into danger to rescue her without hesitation. Perhaps you are a woman and don't want to see her suffer, or perhaps you hate the existence of human traffickers.

But this impulsive choice puts you in a passive position. You can only pray for the appearance of the God of Luck, even if the Goddess of Luck still favors you and lets you be rescued.

But for the first time, you hate this bad feeling.

You want to gain powerful force. Perhaps only if you are strong enough can you be qualified to protect others and not put yourself in danger. 】

[Ding~ DetectedThe host has a strong desire for the wish, and the host is rewarded with superb martial arts skills, and an additional one-time skill three-word motto. 】

【Superb martial arts: You will have super martial arts, even compared with the strongest individual soldier from the special forces. 】

【Three-word motto: "Truth", as the name suggests, has a magical and incredible ability. No matter how determined the mind is, it cannot escape. As long as the three-word motto "Truth" is used on the target person, the other party will tell the secret hidden in his heart. 】

The cold mechanical sound of the system fell.

Qin Yin felt that this body was filled with majestic power for the first time, as if it was inexhaustible.

Her throat was inexplicably tight.

The tone was sincere.

"Thank you, system."

【You're welcome, my host. 】

Qin Yin's eyes were slightly warm, and she curled her lips, opened the bedroom door and went to sleep.

There were too many things that happened at night, and she fell into a deep sleep soon after lying down, and had a good night's sleep without dreams.


Woke up the next day.

Qin Yin called a tow truck to send the Ferrari for repairs, changed into decent clothes, bought gifts, got in the car and drove to the hotel where Huo Shengjun was staying temporarily.

"Knock knock--"

"Come in."

Entered the hotel suite.

Qin Yin smelled a faint sandalwood scent, put down the gift in her hand, and walked to the sofa and sat down under the guidance of Huo Shengjun.

"Have you had breakfast?"

"Would you like a cup of hot milk? Milk is very helpful for the skin, and the young women in my family love to drink it."

Huo Shengjun asked the person in front of him with a gentle look.

"No, I've eaten."

"Uncle Huo, thank you for what you did last night."

Qin Yin's legs closed naturally, her hands on her knees, her back straight, and her posture elegant.

Huo Shengjun wore comfortable home clothes, and his eyebrows were calm with a bit of softness.

"Well, I'm glad you're okay."

"Helping others is a good deed, but you should think about yourself and your family before helping others. If something happens to you, your mother will be very worried about you, and so will your friends who love you. I hope you won't think I'm nagging because I'm old."

Qin Yin faced the person in front of her calmly. During the conversation, she couldn't help but find that Huo Shengjun was indeed a very charismatic and gentle person.

It's normal for her mother not to hate his contact.

There was a smile on her lips, "Uncle Huo just expressed his concern. I don't thank him, so why would I hate you?"

The conversation between the two was no longer tit-for-tat like before.

It was not only because of Huo Shengjun's rescue, but also because he saw the preciousness of his character through these things.

Maybe you can understand a person only by letting go of your prejudices.

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