Qin Yin and Wang Xiuyue walked out of the court hand in hand.

It was sunny outside, the scorching sun was high in the sky, scorching the earth, and the air was filled with an extremely hot breath.

Passers-by held parasols in their hands, afraid of being sunburned by the scorching sun.

Qin Jiaorui saw Qin Yin and her daughter coming out.

He took off the mask on his face and looked at Qin Yin and Wang Xiuyue with resentment. The hatred in his eyes was so strong that it was almost condensed into substance.

The scene of his parents being detained in handcuffs kept appearing in Qin Jiaorui's mind, and he couldn't get rid of it.

Qin Jiaorui roared with a distorted and ferocious face.

"Qin Yin! You are so cruel. He is not only my father but also your father. You sent your biological father to prison for committing such a heinous crime. Aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning?"

"My parents did the wrong thing by attempting to murder your mother, but your mother is still alive. Why don't you show mercy and let my parents live?"

Qin Jiaorui roared hysterically, like a beast trapped in a cage, hitting the cage constantly to vent the anger and dissatisfaction in her heart.

Qin Yin originally didn't intend to pay attention to Qin Jiaorui.

However, after hearing this speech, her steps paused for two seconds and then walked towards the direction of her half-sister.

There was wildness and ruffian in her eyes.

She raised her bony hand and gently patted Qin Jiaorui's haggard face with her slender white fingers.

Qin Yin's tongue pressed against her teeth.

"My stupid sister, do you want to hear what nonsense you said? Did your mother cut off your brain as if it were an umbilical cord when she gave birth to you?"

"According to what you said, if I stab you now and you don't die, I'll let you go. What do you think of this proposal?"

Qin Yin's strength was obviously very gentle and soft, but Qin Jiaorui felt a chill, trembling with fear, and goose bumps all over her body.


The heartbeat seemed to jump to the throat.

Wanted to scream but couldn't make a sound.

Qin Yin clearly saw the fear in Qin Jiaorui's eyes and sneered in her throat.

She slowly tidied Qin Jiaorui's messy hair.

"As for being struck by lightning? I don't believe it. If the heavens really have eyes, the only ones who will be struck by lightning will be Qin Zhiming and your mother Ye Lingzhi."

As Qin Yin finished speaking,

She exerted a little force with her hand and immediately pulled off a few strands of hair from Qin Jiaorui's head, which made people feel a slight numbness and pain on their scalp.

Qin Yin gently loosened her hand.

A few strands of hair fell to the ground and were blown away by the breeze.

She shrugged with a smile in her eyes.

"Sorry, my hand slipped."

After saying that, she ignored the furious Qin Jiaorui and returned to her mother's side.

Wang Xiuyue looked at her daughter tenderly and took out a tissue from her bag.

"Yinyin, you just touched something dirty, wipe your hands quickly to avoid being contaminated by bacteria."

"Yes, mom, you are right."

Qin Yin reached out and took the tissue handed by Wang Xiuyue to wipe her fingers, then crumpled the tissue into a ball and threw it into the trash can next to her.

"Let's go home."


The two walked towards the parking lot.

Open the door and sit in the noble purple Ferrari. With the roar of the air wave, the Ferrari kicked up the dust on the ground and went away.

Qin Jiaorui stood at the door of the court.

Her hands were clenched into fists, her eyes were bloodshot and she stared at the direction where the purple Ferrari disappeared. Her white teeth bit her lower lip tightly, and blood flowed from her delicate lips.

"Qin Yin... Qin Yin..."

"Qin Yin! It's all because of you. You completely destroyed my happy family. I won't let you go!"

The hatred in Qin Jiaorui's heart continued to grow, from a young seedling to a strong one, and developed towards the direction of a towering tree.

The haze covered her cheeks, and her pretty face looked extremely distorted and ugly because of the hideousness and hatred.


"What a scary auntie!"

A little kid passed by and was so scared when he saw Qin Jiaorui's sinister expression that he burst into tears. He dropped the lollipop in his hand on the ground without picking it up, and ran to his mother crying with his short legs.

The child's mother quickly hugged the child, wiped the tears from the child's face with a distressed look, patted the child's back and coaxed him gently.


The purple Ferrari was speeding on the wide road.

Wang Xiuyue, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat with a seat belt, thought of Qin Jiaorui's distorted and hideous face, frowned and worried.

"Qin Jiaorui may not give up, be careful when you go out, I'm worried that Qin Jiaorui will do something extreme."

Qin Yin took off the mask on her face, held the steering wheel of the Ferrari with one hand, and her driving skills surpassed steadily.The vehicle ahead.

"It's okay, don't worry."

She soothes Wang Xiuyue in a soft voice.

Her expression is relaxed and contented, and she doesn't take Qin Jiaorui's hatred for her to heart.

Opening the workshop, the system in her mind bubbles.


Congratulations to the host for unlocking the new title [Defender]

You successfully defended your mother's happiness, sent the scumbag and the bitch who committed a heinous crime to prison, and let them accept legal sanctions and reform. Your wisdom and courage, and your decisiveness make me, as a system, admire you.

[Reward high-end restaurant blue, the restaurant's relevant information and procedures have been prepared, please check it. ]

Blue restaurant?

Qin Yin felt that the name of this restaurant sounded familiar. While waiting for the traffic light, she picked up her phone and searched for blue restaurant on Baidu.

Dense information popped up on the Baidu page, and the core of these information was only one.


Ridiculously expensive!

Blue Restaurant in Hai City is a high-end restaurant with an average per capita consumption of over 10,000 yuan. The cost of a normal meal is equivalent to a month's salary for a white-collar worker.

Because of its high consumption and outstanding status, Blue Restaurant is known as a symbol of status and position. People often come to Blue Restaurant to eat and check in, so it has gradually become a popular restaurant.

The traffic light is over.

Qin Yin exited the page and turned off her phone.

She started the car and returned to Yufu Haoting Community.

She parked the Ferrari in the garage, took the elevator home, changed into a pair of slippers, and found a file bag on the bed when she walked into the room.

Qin Yin opened the file bag and took out the information inside. It was about the purchase procedures of Blue Restaurant, etc., which were all ready.

After reading it, she put the file bag away and walked out of the room.

"Mom, drink some water."

Qin Yin went to the kitchen to pour two glasses of boiled water and put one of them on the coffee table in front of her mother.

"Thank you Yinyin, my Yinyin is so considerate. It turns out that a daughter is a mother's considerate little cotton-padded jacket."

Wang Xiuyue picked up the boiled water with a smile. It was obviously colorless and tasteless warm water, but it tasted sweet and delicious.


Seeing her mother like this, Qin Yin's face was as doting as always.

Hmm... Mom is really cute.

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