Super player

Chapter 841 You fucking call this weak?

Ding Jilin deeply agrees. If you want to say that the most talented person in national uniforms is you Wang Muzhi, you don’t think too much about anything, just do it and it’s over. You don’t give in to anyone you meet. No wonder you brought a few rotten fish during the civil war. Xia dares to attack Xianlin’s Lanling City!

Therefore, Ding Jilin, Jiang Yan, and Wang Muzhi quickly secretly gathered their troops outside Feiyu City and prepared for action.

At this time, Hexi Corridor.

Vultures were circling in the sky, and the earth looked like a doomsday scene. A battle had just ended, and countless corpses were left on the ground, most of which were the corpses of national server players.

Jiang Ziya was holding a blood-stained spear. His armor and shield were already riddled with holes. He was sitting on a piece of yellow rock, looking extremely desolate. His eyes looked at the densely packed corpses in the wilderness, with a look of sadness on his face.

"Alliance leader."

Mr. Wangyou walked over in a white robe, holding a flaming staff. He was originally handsome and elegant, but now he is also quite tired. As someone who has already ranked among the top ten in the national server in terms of number of enemy kills, Mr. Wangyou has always been After enduring high-intensity battles in the Hexi Corridor and saving lives from North American players countless times, I was actually exhausted.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Ziya frowned and asked.

"The Eleventh also lost!"

Mr. Wangyou frowned, "It has been confirmed that the territory over there has turned into the blue of North America. Now, we only have 7 towns left in the Hexi Corridor among the eighteen towns, which also means that we have lost the Hexi Corridor. A territory of more than 60.”

"Is it our fault?"

Jiang Ziya was a little confused, looked at Wangyou Lord with a wry smile, and said, "Eternal Fire, Cavalry Cut, Skywalker, three-point attack strategy, who can defend the Hexi Corridor?"

At this time, Hou Ye came over, sat down on the loess earth beside him, and wrote lightly: "Our number of casualties is getting higher and higher. Since the beginning of the war, each person in the Four Seas Concentration has been killed an average of 32 times. This is only the first battle of the National War." In three days, if we continue to fight like this, I am afraid that all of Four Seas United’s numbers in the national server will be wiped out.”

He frowned and said, "I don't want to complain, but I just feel damn bad. This national war is really terrible..."

"Yeah, it's hard."

Jiang Ziya smiled bitterly, "The enemy is very strong. It has always been like this. Our country... has always fought at the highest level. But now the financial system in the game reflects reality, so the game is the same. We have no choice but to play this high-end game." Bureau."

"Alliance leader."

The left hand, whose armor was in tatters, stepped forward on his horse, frowning and said, "Eternal Fire + Mounted Blade, God's Domain + Final Fantasy, these two combinations are really too ruthless. We are united in the world and cannot resist it. If we continue to fight, we Our level is getting lower and lower, and our equipment is getting worse and worse. We are afraid that we will be killed indiscriminately. It doesn’t matter if we are killed indiscriminately. The most terrifying thing is that if we lose the entire Hexi Corridor, it will be over.”



Yiqi Dangqian stood aside with a spear and said, "If the Hexi Corridor is really penetrated by North America, they can directly enter the Prancing Horse Plains in the next step. By then, no one will be able to contain it. Stop their cavalry offensive."


The left hand wanted to speak but stopped.

"What else?"

Jiang Ziya glanced at him and said, "Speak directly, no need to hesitate."

The left hand frowned and said, "Tell Ding Jilin and Xianlin to come back... Leader, I really feel that in the current national server, except for Ding Jilin + Xianlin, no guild can withstand the eternal fire + divine domain. You must know that the immortal Lin is the strongest fighter in our national server. If we don't have to fight against the strongest, we will suffer a loss."


Jiang Ziya thought for a few seconds and suddenly gave a wry smile, "Okay, don't bother Ding Jilin, Jiang Yan and Wang Muzhi anymore... They are on an expedition, and they are also living a life of licking blood from the edge of a knife. Ding Jilin's number of enemies killed so far is still the highest in the national server." One, Jiang Yan is in the top five, do you think it will be easy for them?"

After saying that, the commander-in-chief of the national uniform stood up gently, raised his spear and said, "Although life is hard, it is not impossible to tighten your belt, brothers? Damn it, it is so difficult. Is it more difficult than it was five or more years ago?" Difficult? Immediately send the order, everyone should pee and eat, and everyone should be online in 20 minutes to defend the town behind them and compete with the Eternal Fire, Cavalry and Skywalker!"

He grinned, "We just want to delay, not win, that's fine!"


Everyone nodded in unison.

Under Jiang Ziya's few words of relief, a group of warriors from all over the world smiled. It was a bit hard, but the brothers were all around and the situation was still not out of control, so it didn't matter!

What's more, even if the situation is out of control, we must never give up. Chinese players have never been soft persimmons and cannot be pinched by anyone who wants to, not even North America!

After one hour.

Yunlu Pass, dozens of miles away to the east.

It snowed all over the sky. It snowed in Russia, and it fell so hard that no one could be seen clearly from almost ten meters away. The sound of the north wind covered the sound of horse hooves, and the heavy snow quickly covered the hoof prints.

Ding Jilin led 60 cavalry to the north like a rolling torrent, and the message sent by Yeka was marked on the big map. The 250+ people from the Polish server were on the way to march in a hurry.

Ahead is a naturally formed pass, with cliffs and canyons on both sides, and only one in the middle.

There is a road leading to Yunlu Pass.

Perfect place for an ambush!


Ding Jilin raised his hand, motioning for everyone to stop, and said, "Let's not rush to Yunlu Pass. How about ambushing them in this area?"


Wang Muzhi grinned and said, "This is a good place. We can ambush troops in the valleys on both sides, and the wind and snow are strong, which can reduce the detection capabilities of the opponent's assassin players, which is quite beneficial to us!"

"As long as it's beneficial!"

Ding Jilin pointed behind him and said, "Brother Mu, you lead 15 cavalry to ambush in the valley behind you, Xixi leads 15 to ambush in the valley on the left, Xiaoyan leads 15 to ambush in the valley on the right, I will lead 15 elites to ambush in the rear. , wait for their troops to enter this map, attack them from all sides, and beat them to a pulp?"


Everyone laughed.

So, each led his team and rolled away.

Half an hour later, Ding Jilin took a circuitous route back to the distant forest outside the valley. Behind him were all Xianlin's elites. Chips, Nanfeng, Linyuan, Xiaozhu, plus himself, the five Xianlin tiger generals were all here. , after all, cutting off the opponent's retreat must be very dangerous, and it is not enough if the strength is not enough. As for Lin Xixi, leaving Feng Chui Sanwu, Jian Jia, Li Ren Weihuan and others to her, an ambush is more than enough.


Wang Muzhi's voice came from the command channel, "The Poles are coming. Sure enough, they are so large and so dense that it's scary. In half a minute, I will lead 15 cavalry to intercept them head-on. The people ambush on both sides can move. I will take action first, and you will follow immediately."


Lin Xixi and Jiang Yan nodded in unison.

Ding Jilin made his hands into sleeves in the wind and snow, looking like he was about to freeze to death, and said with a smile, "You guys fight first, and when all the long-range systems behind them rush to reinforce, I will take action and directly send a blow to the Polish server." If nothing happens, our 60 cavalrymen will have a chance to eat all the 250 Polish players in one go."

"It would be great if I could actually eat it!"

Linyike smiled and said, "Damn, just thinking about it makes my blood boil. There are only 250 regular online players in Poland. Let's eat them all in one go. This is no different from destroying the country!"


Ding Jilin grinned and said, "But now is not the time to talk about this. In the first national war, we can only defend passively. As for the destruction of the country, as long as we can endure it, the second and third national wars will be for us to open up borders." Tuotu, it’s time to launch a war of annihilation against other servers!”

"What a damn look forward to it!"

Wang Muzhi laughed, "Okay, brothers, I'm here to get started, you guys

You have to figure it out yourself and wait for the opportunity to attack! "

As he said this, there was already a sound of rushing and killing from his side.

Ding Jilin opened the large map of the command channel, and the orange dots on the left and right wings began to move, forming a pincer attack on the Polish server like a trident with Wang Muzhi's troops.

Although the Polish people are more powerful, to be honest... it feels like a fat-headed fish has encountered a harpoon. What's more, there is an experienced hunter named Ding Jilin hidden in the snow forest behind the Polish server. He will definitely not give it to them. There are so many opportunities.

ten minutes later.


Zuanchi stepped forward and shook Ding Jilin's shoulder, "I'm about to scream from the fucking, let's give some movement here... Damn it, boss, please speak, you're not freezing to death, are you?" ?”

"roll roll roll!"

Ding Jilin opened his eyes, his eyelashes were covered with frost. He was always staring at the map of the command system. It was indeed the best time at this time. The people on the other side were quite dense. 250 people were crowded in the huge canyon ahead. It's time to close.


He suddenly pulled out the Starfall Sword and said with a smile, "Brothers, come with me and kick their butts!"

For a moment, 15 cavalry rushed towards the snow forest all over the mountains and fields, rushing towards the rear of the Polish position with Ding Jilin, and the rear were all slower-moving, and they were the lower-ranked guilds in Poland.

Suddenly, when the sound of horse hooves was heard in the wind and snow, the old, young, women and children from the Polish server were startled.

"Fuck me!"

A Polish archer was shocked and said, "It's not good. They still have an ambush in the east. It's too bad. We seem to have fallen into someone else's trap. What should we do?"

"What the hell can I do?"

A strong man holding a tomahawk and staring at the emblem of the deputy leader came with a tomahawk and said angrily, "Turn around and fight with them. News came from the front position. Jiang Yan, Wang Muzhi, Lin Xixi, Fengchui Sanwu and other masters They are all over there, so those who attack us from behind should be relatively weak, brothers, don’t be afraid!”

"Yes, don't be afraid, quickly form a position and fight them!"

Amidst the sound of horse hooves, in the next second, figures rushed out of the wind and snow and appeared in the sight of Polish server players.

The first three people to rush out were Ding Jilin, Chuanchan, and Nanfeng. Each of them had the emblem of the SI champion member on their head.

"Fuck me!"

A Polish assassin's eyes nearly popped out of his head, "Damn it, aren't you the weaker one? Ding Jilin, Chuanchan, and Nanfeng are all here, and there are many S-class and S-masters behind them... You fucking call this weak?!"

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