Super player

Chapter 331 Just a dog

Yandi City, small stone bridge.

Under the stone bridge is a small river that runs through the city, and on both sides of the river are thousands of lights. At this time, each household is already cooking dinner, with smoke rising from their cooking stoves.

A lonely figure sat by the stone bridge, arms folded, quietly looking at the reflection in the water.

At this moment, Nanfeng wanted to see himself clearly and see how innocent and stupid he was to actually believe that Xuanyuan Dapan would be an aspiring enlightened master.

"Tuk tuk..."

Amidst the sound of hooves, Ding Jilin jumped onto the bridge on his water unicorn, immediately canceled his mount, sat on the white jade railing beside him with his sword in his arms, and said with a smile, "I've said it before, people like Xuanyuan Dapan are not a thing, he is He only has himself in his eyes, how can there be anyone else? People like you are just pawns in his eyes."

"I know."

Nanfeng frowned and said, "Ding Jilin, I'm sorry... I did mistrust someone before." ??

"Then what?"

Ding Jilin asked with a smile.

"Then no."

Nanfeng smiled bitterly, "I can't join Xianlin now. After all, my grievances with Xianlin are too deep. How can I have the nerve to go to Xianlin now? Xuanyuan Dapan is right, I am a bereaved dog. If I go to Xianlin now, I would feel awkward, and I’m afraid everyone would feel awkward too.”


Ding Jilin smiled, "Xianlin is not as unbearable as you think, let alone as awkward as you think, but I respect your decision. You don't have to come if you don't want to come. I recognize your Nanfeng character, and Xianlin's door will always be open to you." Open up and send me a message directly when you want to come, and I’ll ask Xixi to give you a quote in person.”


Nan Feng nodded without looking back.

"What are your plans next?" Ding Jilin asked.

"There is a small guild that wants to take me in."

Nanfeng smiled slightly and said, "A guild called Shuntian League invited me. I plan to spend some time in Shuntian League."

"Shuntian Alliance."

Ding Jilin quickly checked the ranking of this guild and found that this guild ranked 5429th in the national server. The leader's level was only level 89. It was really not bad. He couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "It's a good guild."


Nan Feng smiled and said, "It would be nice to have a place to stay."

"Okay, let's go!"

Ding Jilin waved his hand, took the arrow and left.

Nanfeng continued to look at the small bridge and flowing water, feeling infinitely sad. In this shitty world, why do some people change their faces once they enter the game and become less human?

Just like on the Internet, some people who are submissive in front of you in real life will turn into a vicious dog barking at you once their i-address is hidden on the Internet.

I have a headache. It’s so unfair for good people to live in this world.

Resting place.

Lin Xixi frowned slightly, "It didn't work?"


Ding Jilin slashed his sword on Blazing Taotie's buttocks, and Blazing Taotie immediately turned back to glare at him.


\u003e  Ding Jilin even looked a little embarrassed.

"After all, he was abandoned by Xuanyuan Guild, and in the end he even got into a fight and was kicked out of the guild. Nanfeng's mood must be quite complicated. He rejected my invitation before I even opened my mouth and went to hang out in a guild ranked 5000+. went."


Lin Xixi pursed her red lips and said, "Are all top masters...all such weird personalities?"

"Roughly the same."

Ding Jilin smiled and said, "Sometimes the more talented a person is, the weirder his personality becomes, just like me."

Lin Xixi smiled and asked, "What's so strange about your character?"

"You have a very good personality."


Lin Xixi chuckled, gave Ding Jilin a pink punch, and said, "In recent days, the base has begun to be short of funds again. Soon we will be able to upgrade the guild to level 5, and recruiting new people will cost a lot of money."

"It doesn't matter."

Ding Jilin said, "I will transfer 1e to the base account first and use it first."


Lin Xixi was surprised, "Where did you get so much money?"

"Don't ask about what I earned from doing a small business. This is my little secret."


Lin Xixi smiled slightly and asked no more questions.

Naturally, she absolutely trusts Ding Jilin. She has known since the year she met Ding Jilin in her sophomore year. Ding Jilin's character is steady and kind, and kindness is steady. People like him can definitely do things with confidence. of.

A day spent brushing mounts flies by.

The next day, early morning.

Ding Jilin decided to go to the Northern Sky Tower to see if there were any tasks.


The moment he arrived at the Sky Tower, an icon of a golden arrow cluster appeared in the upper right corner of the interface in front of Ding Jilin. It was the guild's cloud-penetrating arrow, and the person who pulled the arrow was Xiaozhu Can't Come Back.

"What's wrong?"

He asked on the guild channel, "Drawing arrows early in the morning?"

"There was a fight."

Xiaozhu Bu's voice was a little urgent, and he said, "Our team in the Moonlight Forest was attacked by a few thorns from ECG. Three people were killed instantly. Both sides are now pulling arrows. Boss, please don't worry about it for now. You don't have to." Come."


Ding Jilin nodded and rode Water Qilin to the West Wind Camp.

While on the road, the icons of the guild's Cloud-piercing Arrow kept popping up on the interface. The two sides seemed to be fighting fiercely. Lin Xixi said directly, "I declared war directly. More and more people from the ecg came, even Li Zhuomo came."


Ding Jilin frowned and said, "Is it really hot?"


That's right! "

Chiping said solemnly, "Wei Zhengyang is also here. He said that if Xianlin's arrogance is not suppressed today, then Guanghan Palace will have no place in the national server. He also said that he will spend the whole morning not practicing. Even if everyone fighting for the ecg drops 10 levels, they still have to show their momentum."


Ding Jilin said, "Okay, then I won't do the task. If the ecg wants to be beaten, we Xianlin will go ahead and give the order, everyone should not do anything else this morning, just focus on the ecg!"

The next second, Ding Jilin's figure also appeared in the moonlight forest.

"Be careful, Ding Jilin is coming!"

In the distance, there are ecg players shouting.

But what's the use of being careful?

As soon as the light of Ding Jilin's sword was cold, he activated the water unicorn and rushed into the crowd. He directly opened his left hand to summon the magic dragon!


A blazing dragon descended from the sky and wreaked havoc on the ecg's front line. Ding Jilin rushed forward with the super giant panda, quickly disintegrating the opponent's front line.

"Break it into pieces!"

Deep in the ecg crowd, Wei Zhengyang said angrily, "Fight with them in the moonlight forest!"

Ding Jilin waved his sword and frowned, "Let's also break up into parts and form a team of 100 people to have fun with them!"

For a time, a large area of ​​Moonlight Grove turned into a chaotic battlefield, and players from both sides began to scatter and fight each other.

However, Xianlin's reloading advantage is too great.

Now there is a luxurious lineup of 330+ Blazing Taotie Cavalry and 5200+ Shui Kui Cavalry. After being reduced to zero, 55 small cavalry regiments are charging back and forth in the forest, as if they are in a deserted land.

The ecg people couldn't stop them at all and were chopped to pieces.

Ding Jilin did not join the group. He was a group by himself, leading the super panda to kill everywhere. He cut down countless ecg players with one person and one sword. Basically, no ecg group of 100 people could stop Ding Jilin.

As soon as Jian Gang's protective body was opened, the super giant panda opened up with rolling flames to attract firepower. Ding Jilin covered it from the flank, and a few lightning rods flowed down, and the whole land was filled with mourning.

This battle lasted for a long time and continued until 12 noon. The ecg people finally couldn't hold on any longer and dispersed one after another. More and more people returned to the city. In the blink of an eye, there were no ecg people in the Moonlight Grove.

In the forest, there is an open area.

Ding Jilin, Lin Xixi, Chuanchan, Chen Jia, Xiaozhu and other core members of Xianlin gathered together.

"The battle is over."

Lin Xixi asked, "How did everyone gain?"


Chen Jia smiled and said, "I never died even once."

"I haven't died either," Zuanchi said.

Ding Jilin glanced at the package and said, "I killed a total of 2,216 people in one morning, and picked up a total of 124 pieces of equipment dropped by the opponent.


Three of them are flowing gold items, and most of the rest are dark gold items. If I sell them all, I feel I can earn about 300. This morning is quite fulfilling. "


Li Ren didn't hold his forehead, "It's too abnormal..."

Lin Xixi chuckled and said, "Okay, don't show off. The results were brilliant this morning. The ecg will definitely be honest for a while. Go offline and eat. In the afternoon, you will continue to develop step by step. Don't waste any more."


Everyone nodded in unison and went offline to eat.


Suzhou Park, Board of Directors of Weishi Group.

Wei Zhengyang, wearing a suit and leather shoes, participated in the afternoon board meeting like a dog, and made a report on the work in the game. As for being killed by Xianlin in the morning, he did not mention a word.


A fat director laughed and said, "Mr. Wei, don't just pick out the nice things, talk about the bad ones! I heard my son say that our Guanghan Palace Guild suffered a big loss in a map of Yandi City this morning. I fought with Xianlin’s people all morning, and each person lost 18 levels on average, and also lost a lot of equipment. Is this true?”


Sitting in the chair of the board of directors is a middle-aged man in his 50s who looks extremely scheming. He is none other than the owner of the Wei Group and Wei Zhengyang's father, Wei Xinyuan.

In his previous life, Wei Xinyuan was one of the masterminds of Wei Zhengyang's murder of Ding Jilin.


Wei Xinyuan frowned and said, "Tell me."

"Yes, Chairman..."

Wei Zhengyang bit it, stood up and said, "In the morning, due to some small disputes, a large-scale team battle broke out between ecg and Xianlin. As everyone knows, Xianlin established an alliance earlier than us, and more importantly, Xianlin Lin's cavalry combat system is very complete, and their heavy equipment is one level better than ours, so..."

He paused and continued, "We have indeed suffered a big loss. Just like Uncle Lin said, we have lost 18 levels per person, but this loss will not be in vain. Our ecg will fight back sooner or later."

"Do you have a coping strategy?" Wei Xinyuan asked.


At the board meeting, Wei Zhengyang did not dare to call him dad, but could only call him chairman. He frowned and said, "If you want to crack Xianlin's cavalry style, it is very simple. As long as the legal firepower is enough, you can wait for work and kill as many as you come. With the long-range restraint effects of archers and Taoist priests, it can still be used with a little adjustment."


Wei Xinyuan narrowed his eyes, "Continue to increase investment in ecg. Since our Wei Group has decided to invest in this "World", we must implement it to the end. Zhengyang, you can go ahead and sign new people. With the financial resources of our Wei family, I Otherwise, I don’t believe that we can’t crush that Xianlin Guild.”

He smiled calmly and said, "In the final analysis, Ding Jilin, the so-called professional player, is just a dog that our Wei family used to raise. It's time for this dog to learn to be obedient."

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