Super player

Chapter 190 Lin Xixi’s pattern

"Wow wow wow wow~~~"

A group of extremely dense ghouls rushed towards Ding Jilin and others with their mouths wide open, their tongues flying wildly, and their saliva splashing everywhere. These ghouls seemed to have taken too much medicine. When they saw a living person, they looked like wild animals. The dog's eyes shone brightly when he saw a pile of hot feces, which made Ding Jilin, Zuan Chuan and others feel terrified.

What a look in the eyes of such a stupid ghoul!


The next second, Ding Jilin swung his sword directly, and thrust it forward to break through the barrier. Then he stepped out and left the first front line. He had no intention of fighting in a row with everyone to spawn monsters. The efficiency was too low. In the eyes of everyone, Ding Jilin floated out, jumped into the air on the head of a ghost soldier, and landed in the group of monsters with a fatal shoulder chop. Suddenly, white light flew everywhere, and in an instant, 5 people were killed. Bloody monster.


His body poured down, Ding Jilin chopped down a ghoul with a powerful and heavy sword, and at the same time directly summoned the super giant panda Huahua, and gave Huahua a "full force and free output" command. Suddenly Huahua roared and hit hard with all his strength. Knocked over a group of monsters.

Immediately after the Bamboo Shoot + Bamboo Sea Trample was activated, Huahua suddenly jumped up and turned into a star in the sky just as a large group of ghouls were surrounding them. The monster smashed over!

So fierce! ??

A super giant panda can at least increase Ding Jilin's overall damage by more than 35%. Huahua's existence is also the capital that Ding Jilin dares to compete with top mages such as Gu Yizhi and Wangyoujun for first place.

"be careful!"

Chips raised his long sword horizontally, activated the flaming swordsman skill, and slashed the monsters with AoE flaming swords. At the same time, he looked at both sides of the front line and said loudly in the guild, "Some bastards, please be careful. Don't look at Ding Jilin's powerful boss." Unparalleled, but that's him, you must not imitate him, or you will be bitten to death by a ghoul if you are not careful!"

Indeed, after the ghouls, ghost soldiers, and ghost slaves rushed up, a level 58 Xianlin swordsman was already killed. He was a bit unlucky. Due to his carelessness in standing a little forward, he was hit by three ghouls at the same time. Gnaw, and then hit the Plague Claw skills of two ghost soldiers. He was instantly killed, and the backline healers didn't even have a chance to save him.

After being scolded by Dan Dan, everyone immediately woke up and began to take seriously the so-called basic monsters of the Death Legion in front of them.

In the distance, several small guilds have formed a line of defense outside the city. They are even worse. Most of the players are between 5257 and 5257 levels. How can they withstand the ravages of level 81 legendary monsters or even the bite of a ghoul? When skills fall on the body, they all deal fatal damage of more than 15 points. Coupled with basic attacks, he will fall to his knees in a few times.

On the front line, a white light rose.

This is the game. When you are not strong enough, you are nothing.

The Battle of Firehalberd City


Although players at level 50 can enter the battlefield in the monster siege activity, this does not mean that this activity is prepared for players at level 50. In fact, it is more suitable for players at level 60 and above!

"Intensify output!"

Lin Xixi stood at Xian Lin's front line with the sword in hand. This beautiful alliance leader was slashing wildly with her sword. She was completely dominant in terms of attributes, and she had Shen Bingyue as her exclusive nanny, so she had no worries at all. In addition, she was equipped with excellent equipment. So the output is still good, and it can even be ranked in the top 20 in Xianlin's knight list, which is not bad for a knight with a C+ evaluation.

In the back row, Mammoth Ai Dianshao kept waving his staff, raining down water spells on the ground, causing countless damage. Qixin Haitang, the moon-singing demon archer, also had full firepower, holding a piece of enchanted moon. The big bow chanting power continuously rains down various magic archer skills on the monster group, causing explosive damage!

Of course, Xianlin's most powerful long-range player currently is not the two of them, but Chen Jia.

Under Ding Jilin's "careful care", Chen Jia's equipment is not inferior to that of Mammoth Love, but her skills surpass them. Not only does she have the two major skills of Icicle Peaks and Crazy Dragon Purple Lightning, she even has a The SS-level Frost Heavenly Prison, coupled with the Nuwa tribe's 30 spiritual growth bonus, so that within five minutes of the start of the battle, her mage damage ranking had already surpassed Mammoth Ai Dianshao.

On the front line, Chuan Chuan, Xiaozhu, Xiao Aiye and others continued to output, and at the same time they also conducted local command, allowing everyone to continuously consolidate and stabilize the defense line and minimize losses.

"Cheer up, everyone!"

Zuan Chuan said loudly, "Have you noticed? In the version event, the experience value of killing monsters is three times, so we can level up here quite quickly."

"It seems so!"

A female mage opened her mouth slightly and said with a smile, "Let me tell you, my experience bar has jumped twice in just a short while."

Suddenly, everyone was very happy.

In the front row, Ding Jilin was about 30 meters away from the front line with the super giant panda to spawn monsters alone. His figure kept rising and falling, and he rained down shoulder-stepping slashes into the monster group. At this moment, with Lin Xixi's permission, He doesn't care about things in the guild at all, he just grinds like crazy and must surpass the others in terms of data!

After 20 minutes, the result did not disappoint Ding Jilin. Under his desperate brushing, his ranking was indeed at the top of the current standings, even ahead of the God of Law Gu Yizhi——

1. Wei Wu Legacy Level 75 Swordsman Points 87492 Guild Immortal Rain

2. Red Furnace Blood Point, Level 73 Mage Points, 72220 Guild None

3. Baishou Three Thousand Swords Level 72 Swordsman Accumulation

Point 69802 Guild None

4. Mr. Wangyou, level 69 mage points 68788, the guild is united in all directions

5. Rock Tyrannosaurus Rex Level 72 Swordsman Points 65882 Guild None

6. Chen Xiaojia, level 69 mage points 64992 guild fairy rain

7. The remaining people will not cross over. The level 70 mage has 63890 points and no guild.

8. Daydreamer Level 71 Mage Points 62211 Guild None

9. Night Hou, level 70 archer points 62,000, guild unites the world

10. Qixin Haitang Level 69 Demon Archer Points 61992 Guild Xianlin

… ????

On the golden ranking list, everyone’s ranking is clear at a glance.

Ding Jilin relied on the shoulder-stepping slash + super giant panda to be far ahead, followed by the Dharma God Gu Yizhi and the sword god Baishou Sanqianjian. This Baishou Sanqianjian still has something to offer, relying on the barrier to break + shoulder-stepping slash. It's quite good to achieve such a ranking.

Mr. Wangyou is ranked fourth, and the number one mage in the world is well-deserved. Jiang Yan is ranked fifth, just as she expected. This kind of version of the event that relies on brushing data to determine the ranking is the home field of mages and archers. Sword It's good if the scholar can be on the list, but don't pursue ranking high.

What surprised Ding Jilin the most was Chen Jia's ranking. The little girl was actually ranked sixth in the national server. This somewhat surprised Ding Jilin. The data even beat Yuren Budu and Qin Meng!

Hou Yehou ranked ninth, and Sister Haitang, the magic archer, strived to reach the top and just entered the top ten.

On the list of previous lives, Xianlin had three people on the list: Ding Jilin, Chen Jia, and Qixin Haitang. The three Xianlin marks were very eye-catching, while Four Seas Tongxin had two people on the list, so on the top ten list, Xianlin Lin is slightly better!

However, when Ding Jilin opened the top 100 rankings, Xianlin only had 12 people on the list, while Sihai Tongxin had 25 people on the list. This was the gap. In terms of competing against top players, Xianlin did not lose to Sihai Tongxin, but In terms of overall strength in the upper reaches, it still lost a hand. This is probably the foundation of the first guild in the national server!

But it doesn’t matter, Xianlin, a newly created guild, can achieve such an impressive record, which is actually quite good!

Ding Jilin didn't think too much and continued to concentrate on killing monsters. First of all, he had to ensure that his ranking remained unchanged!

… ????

Half an hour later.

"Look over there!"

On top of the city, Qixin Haitang stretched out his hand and pointed into the distance, saying, "The boss of the first round of siege has appeared!"

Everyone looked at it together, and sure enough, under the teleportation sky in the distance, a ghoul as huge as a hill fell down. Its body was extremely huge, and its body was huge.


The body was rotten, the stench was soaring to the sky, and a huge head was covered with mutated maggots. These maggots had an average of eight abdominal muscles per person. As the boss let out a terrifying roar, they headed straight for Firehalberd City.

Alienated Ghoul, level 81, gold-level boss!

"Not good!"

Ding Jilin looked into the distance and saw this alienated ghoul heading straight for the universal position. He frowned and said in the management channel, "Xixi, do you need to grab it? The distance is still enough, I'll grab it." It’s too late if you can.”

"No need."

Lin Xixi's beautiful eyes were like water. She looked at the alienated ghoul in the distance and said, "This boss just happened to be refreshed in front of the Four Seas Tongxin position. There is no need for us to interfere. Don't offend the Four Seas Tongxin just because of a golden boss. It's okay." necessary."


Ding Jilin nodded, gave a thumbs up and smiled, "There is a pattern, I think so too!"

Zuan Chuan scratched his head, damn, I really wanted to grab it, but I was afraid that everyone would despise it, so I had to give up.

At this time, a figure rushed out from the concentric position. It looked like a middle-aged uncle. He was wearing armor and holding a spear. The whole person looked majestic. It was none other than the Riding God Jiang Ziya, the number one in the national uniform. The leader of a guild has nothing to say about his temperament. The moment he comes out, he is like a commander-in-chief of the armed forces. That kind of calm and powerful middle-aged temperament is something that younger generation players such as Ding Jilin and Baishou Sanqianjian don't have.

Soon after, the alienated ghoul was led by Jiang Ziya and went straight to the Four Seas Concentric Position. Then the main forces such as King Wangyou and Hou Yehou fell from the top of the city one after another and went to join the attack on the boss. After all, it was a level 81 golden boss. , even with the human sea tactic, you have to be extra careful, as overturning in public would be quite embarrassing.

Three minutes later.

The alienated ghoul wailed and was drowned by the sea of ​​​​human beings from all over the world. No one knew what kind of equipment it had.

Ding Jilin continued to focus on spawning monsters, but the ghouls and ghost soldiers spawning in front were already quite sparse. They were in twos and threes, and the first round of offensive was about to end.

Under the city, there were scenes of bloodstains everywhere. In front of Xianlin Guild's 300+ meter long position, monster corpses were densely piled up. Since this was the first round of the offensive, Xianlin's loss was relatively acceptable, only 100. + One reinstalled player died accidentally, and there was no other loss.

But other guilds were in a worse situation, especially some small and medium-sized guilds, which suffered heavy losses, and there were areas of defensive vacuum zones outside the city.

In the ruins, a level 57 heavy-armed swordsman held the body of a female mage and cried sadly, "Baby, why did you die just now... You asked me at noon whether my mother fell into the river with you." Who are you saving? You left before I could even think about it. You deserved to die, baby...uaua!!"

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