super lord

Chapter 159

Chapter 159: Acceptance.

Arthur and Emilia, who had solved the coyote king’s coyotes, did not immediately step forward to help the two bronze-level ghosts who were dealing with the coyote king to deal with the coyote king.

Of course, it’s not that Arthur and Emilia don’t want to help, but the two big ghosts who are dealing with the Coyote King are enough to deal with the Coyote King.

Although, the strength of the two great ghost clans who dealt with the Jungle Wolf King in the early bronze-level stage was much worse than the strength of the Jungle Wolf King’s late bronze-level level.

But I have to say, but I have to say, the strength of the big ghost clan is still not to be underestimated, just two early bronze level big ghost clans, they have suppressed the coyote king whose strength has reached the late bronze level.

Moreover, as time went by, the injuries on the coyote king became more and more serious. At this time, the seriously injured coyote king already knew that his life was in danger if he stayed, and immediately howled and prepared to flee.

However, how could the two bronze-level big ghost clans let go of the prey of the Coyote King, and stopped the Coyote King when he was about to flee 590.

After that, after a while, the seriously injured Coyote King was killed by two bronze-level ghosts.

The two big ghosts who killed the strong enemy of the Coyote King did not relax, but looked at Arthur and Emilia nervously. Although, before, Arthur and Emilia helped their village solve all the coyotes in the coyote pack except the coyote king, so that their village would not be badly damaged in the face of the coyote pack’s attack.

But who knows, these two who helped their village solve the existence of the coyote pack will not be their new enemies!

Looking at the two bronze-level ghosts who were vigilantly looking at him, Arthur smiled and said: “You two don’t need to be vigilant, you should know the strength of me and Emilia, if we really want to be enemies with you, even if all of you combined, they are not our opponents!” ”

Hearing Arthur’s words, although the two bronze-level ghosts still did not relax their vigilance, they were not hostile to Arthur and Emilia.

After all, as Arthur said, with the strength of Arthur and Emilia, everyone in their village together would not be the opponent of Arthur and Emilia.

After not being hostile to Arthur and Emilia, one of the bronze-level ghosts opened his mouth and asked Arthur, “Who are you?” Why help us? ”

“I am the lord of the Black Iron Lord, she is my handmaiden, and as for why I help you, it is because I value your potential and want to subdue you.”

Hearing the inquiry of the bronze-level big ghost clan, Arthur did not hide it in the slightest, and directly said his identity and the purpose of helping the little ghost tribe’s village.

Hearing Arthur’s words, another bronze-level big ghost clan asked a little puzzled: “What potential do we have, worthy of your strong man’s acceptance?” ”

“I can’t explain this to you now, you just need to know that I want to accept you, and now, the choice before you is to surrender to me or not to surrender to me, so please tell me what your choice is?”

Hearing the inquiry of another bronze-level great ghost, Arthur said directly.

Hearing Arthur’s words, the two bronze-level ghosts knew that they were about to make a statement.

Although Arthur gave them two choices, the two bronze-level big ghost races, as existences who can advance from small ghost races to big ghost races, and their IQ is not weak, naturally knowing that in fact, Arthur gave them only one choice, that is, surrender.

Otherwise, there would be no need for these people to exist.

The two bronze-level big ghost clans who knew that they and the others only had one choice, naturally knew how to choose.

However, he directly agreed that Arthur, the future master, would inevitably look down on them a little, so he added a condition and said to Arthur: “Food, water, as long as you provide us with sufficient food and water, we will surrender to you.” ”

Don’t think that the two conditions of food and water mentioned by the Bronze-level Great Ghost Clan can be easily achieved for Arthur, just think that the conditions mentioned by the Bronze-level Great Ghost Clan are nothing.

In fact, for the little ghost villages, food and water are the most scarce resources.

Although, in their clan, due to the existence of two bronze-level strength of the big ghost clan, the strength in the surrounding area is quite good [all the surrounding are goblin villages], I think they are doing well.

In fact, their life on this medium-sized island is very difficult, and the combat power of the two bronze levels is really nothing on this medium-sized island.

If nothing else, let’s just talk about the resource of water! Since the water source on the island is basically occupied by the existence of silver and gold levels, the source of water resources that the little ghost tribe has always been from the rainwater stored on rainy days.

And rain? It’s always been fixed.

Therefore, this makes the little ghost village, for a long time, very short of water sources.

As for food, the little ghost village is better, with the existence of two bronze-level big ghost races, although they can’t provoke those powerful monsters, it is still no problem to hunt some ordinary beasts or apprentice-level monsters.

However, because there are only those beast resources around them, in terms of food, the little ghost clan village is also lacking. Therefore, the two conditions of adequate food and water are very much in line with the current situation of the little ghost village.

Unfortunately, the two bronze-level great ghosts did not know that the two conditions they proposed were very simple for Arthur.

Therefore, after hearing the conditions proposed by the two bronze-level ghosts, Arthur directly spoke: “Provide sufficient food and water?” These two conditions were simple, and I agreed. ”

After that, without waiting for the two bronze-level ghosts to speak, Arthur directly took out a bunch of food and water resources from the small world, which was regarded as expressing his sincerity.

After seeing Arthur’s sincerity, the two bronze-level big ghosts took the little ghosts in the village of the little ghost tribe and the four apprentice-level big ghosts to submit to Arthur.

After all, Arthur had already expressed his sincerity in accepting them, and why not submit them to Arthur. Since then, more than three hundred ghost monsters with extraordinary potential have been included in Arthur’s command.

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