super lord

Chapter 094

Chapter 94: Killing.

In the face of a group of attacks from the high-level combat power of the Arukaki Kingdom, Yuang, Arthur and other people who participated in this surprise attack were still very stressful.

As for why it is very stressful, it is naturally because in the current Limestone City, the earth-level existence on the side of the kingdom of Arukaki is a little more earth-level existence than on Arthur’s side.

After all, who called Arthur’s side and several great lords with earth-level strength, because they commanded the army of the Kingdom of Carlos, they had not yet entered the Limestone City.

However, although these great lords with earth-level strength did not enter the Limestone Heavy City, they were also fast.

As long as Yuang, Arthur and the others hold out a little longer, the great lords who have not yet entered the Limestone City will enter the Limestone City and participate in this battle.

Perhaps knowing that this time was a rare opportunity to attack the Limestone City, every great lord who participated in this surprise attack battle was particularly hardworking.

For example, this time the strongest army of Ka06 Los who went to the Arukaki Kingdom, the head of the three marquis in the northern region of the Karos Kingdom [Marquis Jumu, Marquis Giant Bear, and Marquis of the Lizard], relied on the strength of his earth knight peak, and his own mount monitor lizard king whose strength reached the early stage of the earth level, directly dragged down the four great lords of the Arukaki Kingdom with the strength of the earth knight in the middle stage.

It was precisely because the marquis of the monitor lizard directly dragged down the four mid-earth knights of the great lords that Arthur and his party were able to hold the gate of the limestone heavy city that had been captured under the attack of the earth-level existences in the kingdom of Arukaki.

And several great lords outside Limestone City and the leaders of the Knights of the Kingdom of Carlos also seemed to know the crisis of Arthur and his group.

Therefore, after giving the order to attack the Limestone Heavy City in front of a group of soldiers of the Carlos Kingdom, several great lords and the head of the Knights of the Karos Kingdom immediately rushed to the gates of the Limestone Heavy City.

Finally, when an earth knight in the kingdom of Arukaki was about to lose, he came to the limestone heavy city and faced the earth-level existence of the kingdom of Arukaki.

At this moment, the number of earth-level combat power on the side of the Karos Kingdom was finally equal to the number of earth-level combat power on the side of the Arukaki Kingdom in the Limestone Heavy City.

Even, because the Marquis of the Monitor Lizard dragged down the four mid-Earth Great Lords of the Arukaki Kingdom, Arthur’s side still had a slight advantage in terms of numbers.

Seeing that his side was finally equal to the earth-level number of people on the side of the Arukaki Kingdom, Arthur suddenly became relaxed.

Looking at the deputy legion leader of the Limestone City Garrison Legion who was fighting with him [the Limestone Heavy City Garrison Legion has a total of one Earth Knight Late Legion Leader and four Earth Knight Early Deputy Legion Leaders], Arthur was ready to do his best to fight against him.

Previously, because the number of earth-level combat power in the Kingdom of Carlos was inferior to that of the Arukaki Kingdom, in order to avoid being targeted by more Alukachi Kingdom’s earth-level combat power, Arthur did not show all his strength to fight against this deputy legion leader.

Now, after the number of earth-level combat forces is equal, Arthur naturally does not have to worry, and after breaking out with full strength, he will be targeted by the other earth-level combat forces of the Arukaki Kingdom.

Arthur, who is a dual cultivator of magic and martial arts, even if the realm is the same as the deputy commander of the Limestone Heavy City Garrison Legion who fought in front of him, but in terms of combat strength, he is much higher than this deputy legion leader.

No, after Arthur was no longer hiding his strength, he only held the golden long sword in his right hand, which was comparable to the deputy commander of the garrison legion of the Limestone Heavy City that was fighting.

Of course, this is only a superficial manifestation, because Arthur is fighting with the golden longsword and the deputy commander of the garrison legion of the Limestone Heavy City.

The other left hand, but hidden behind him, quietly gathered the magic bursting fireball.

Then, taking advantage of the intersection between the golden long sword in his right hand and the sword in the hand of the deputy legion leader of the Limestone City Garrison Legion, the bursting fireball gathered in his left hand was directly pasted on the face of the deputy commander of the Limestone Heavy City Garrison Legion.

Although, the strength of this deputy legion leader of the garrison legion of Limestone City reached the early stage of the Earth Knight, and the bursting fireball used by Arthur was only a low-level magic.

But in the face of the mushy face of the bursting fireball, the deputy commander of the garrison legion of the Limestone City was still injured a lot.

And Arthur took advantage of the fact that the deputy legion leader of the garrison legion of the Limestone City was pasted by the bursting fireball, and carried the fine gold longsword and directly cut off the deputy legion leader who had the initial strength of the old earth knight.

And this is also the first earth-level existence to die in battle since the war between the Kingdom of Arukaki and the Kingdom of Carlos this time.

After beheading the deputy commander of the garrison of the Greystone City Garrison who was fighting against him, Arthur immediately set his sights on the early existence of the earth knight who was fighting with his father, Euon Chris.

Because the combat power of Arthur’s father Yuon Chris has been comparable to the existence of the earth knight in the middle period, so this earth knight who is at war with Arthur’s father in the early existence, Arthur’s father Yuon Chris, is suppressed to death.

It is precisely because of the early existence of this earth knight who was suppressed by his father Yuon Kris since 897, that Arthur will target him.

So, taking advantage of the fact that the early existence of an earth knight was once again fighting his father Euon Chris, Arthur directly attacked him with a sneak attack.

Facing the sneak attack of Arthur, a more powerful existence in the same realm, this earth knight who fought with Arthur’s father Yuon Chris existed in the early days, although with rich combat experience, he dodged the fatal blow, but he was also seriously injured.

In the end, he was still directly killed by Arthur.

And as Arthur once again killed a Araukaki Kingdom earth-level combat power, the side of the Arukaki Kingdom finally fell into the downside in this battle.

And the earth-level combat power of the Carlos Kingdom, seeing that Arthur killed two Arukachi Kingdom earth-level combat power, he also had high fighting intent, and the battle with the earth-level combat power of the Arukaki Kingdom became more and more intense.

Perhaps because he saw that both Euon and Arthur were empty, in order to avoid another earth-level combat power being sneaked up on in the process of fighting, the four earth knights who were fighting with the marquis of the monitor lizard existed in the middle of the period, and directly separated one and faced Euon Kris and Arthur.

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