super lord

Chapter 092

Chapter 92: Dark and Rainy Night.

Hearing the objection of the Marquis of Giant Bear, Marquis Jumu once again opened his mouth and proposed: “Since a frontal attack is not possible, then we might as well take advantage of the night, gather all the extraordinary people of the bronze level and above, surprise the defenders of the gate of the Limestone Heavy City, open the gate of the Limestone Heavy City, and then take the Limestone Heavy City in one fell swoop.” ”

And this time, the gathered Great Lord and Grand Prince Baker Carlos were all a little moved after hearing the words of the Marquis of Jumu.

After all, compared to the previous method of directly attacking the Limestone City head-on, this method of surprise attack on the Limestone City at night is obviously much more reliable.

Moreover, there is a great success rate that can achieve the purpose of taking the limestone heavy city.

Seeing that no one opened his mouth to oppose his proposal, Marquis Jumu immediately spoke: “Since no one opposes this method, then let’s use this method to take down the Limestone City!” ”

“Yes, I agree.”

“I agree.”

Hearing the words of the Marquis Jumu, one after another the great lords opened their mouths to agree.

After seeing that everyone agreed to his proposal, Marquis Jumu immediately spoke: “Since everyone agrees, then we will rest early today, and tomorrow morning, we will launch an attack on the Limestone City.” ”

Subsequently, the great lords of the Kingdom of Carlos returned to their camps one after another, allowing the army under their command to hurry up and rest.

In the early morning of the next day, because the great lords of the Carlos Kingdom all adopted the method of the Marquis of Jumu. Therefore, in the early hours of the morning, a great lord of the Carlos Kingdom gathered together with a group of transcendent people whose strength had reached the bronze level or above.

And Arthur, as a rare earth-level existence in the kingdom of Arukaki in this attack, is naturally among them.

However, because Arthur is not a great lord, Arthur and Arthur’s group of bronze knights, silver knights and Karul [Laputa stayed in the camp, responsible for leading the remaining black iron knights], the golden knight, were with Arthur’s father Yuon Chris, and acted together.

In addition, the knights of the thousand-man kingdom brought by the great prince of the Carlos Kingdom, Baker Carlos, as well as several great lords and the knights under their command, did not participate in this surprise battle.

Of course, this is not that they temporarily regret not wanting to participate in the surprise attack, but the camp of the army of the Carlos Kingdom, and someone needs to sit there.

In addition, there is another point that after Yuon Chris, Arthur and others took the gates of Limestone City, they commanded the entire army of the Kingdom of Carlos to launch a general attack on Limestone City.

Although the Knights of the Kingdom and several great lords and their knights did not participate in this surprise attack on Limestone City, there were still thousands of people who participated in the surprise attack on Limestone City.

Since this time was preparing to surprise the Limestone City, none of the people who participated in the surprise attack this time were riding war horses.

After all, the movement made by riding a war horse is still a bit big.

Perhaps it was all day to help Euon Chris, Arthur and others in this surprise attack, and soon after Eau, Arthur and others dispatched, a light rain fell in the sky.

It didn’t take long for this light rain to turn into heavy rain again.

With the help of the dark night and the cover of the sound of rain, Yuang, Arthur Wind and a group of people who were ready to surprise the Limestone City soon came to the vicinity of the Limestone City.

Then, relying on the cover of the dark night and the sound of rain, Yuang, Arthur and others slowly climbed [a large area in front of the Limestone City, which is a clearing, and standing and moving is easy to be discovered] to the walls of the Limestone City.

And not long after Yuang, Arthur and others came to the city of Gray Rock Heavy City, several great lords who remained in the camp of Carlos’ army directly awakened the army of the Carlos Kingdom in the entire camp, and took advantage of the cover of night and rain to directly advance towards Gray City.

On the wall of the Limestone City, an ordinary warrior of the Arukaki Kingdom who was patrolling in the heavy rain couldn’t help but complain: “The adults above are really, it rains so much, let us patrol.” ”

“No way, who called us just minions? We can only obey the commands of the adults above. ”

Hearing the ordinary warrior’s complaint, an older ordinary warrior next to the ordinary warrior replied helplessly.

“Instead of talking nonsense here, you guys might as well hurry up and patrol.”

Listening to the conversation of the two ordinary soldiers under his command, the captain of the patrol team immediately spoke.


“Got it, Captain!”

Hearing the words of the patrol team leader, the two ordinary soldiers responded at the same time.

After that, he followed the leader of the patrol team and continued to patrol the walls of the limestone heavy city.

And such a patrol team, on the wall that Yuang, Arthur and others want to attack, there are more than a thousand.

Among them, each patrol team consists of a squad leader of trainee strength and nine ordinary soldiers.

And every ten patrol squads form a patrol squadron, equipped with a squadron leader with bronze-level strength.

Every ten patrol squadrons form a patrol group, equipped with a silver-level strength captain.

After 000, he is the general captain who has the golden power and is in charge of these ten patrol groups.

There are more than 10,000 warriors of the Arukaki Kingdom on one wall, and it has to be said that the defense of the Limestone Heavy City is still very tight.

Unfortunately, even if this defense is tight, it cannot withstand the surprise attack of Eauon, Arthur and others this time.

After all, who is called Eau, Arthur and the others’ surprise attack this time, even God is helping.

If it weren’t for the darkness of the night and the continuous rain, Yuang, Arthur and other people who were preparing for a surprise attack would really not be able to lurk under the walls of the Limestone City under the strict defense of the Limestone City.

Yuang, Arthur and others, who lurked under the walls of the Limestone City, did not immediately launch a surprise attack on the Limestone City, but waited for the arrival of the army of the Kingdom of Carlos under the walls of the Limestone City.

Only after the arrival of the army of the Kingdom of Carlos will they surprise the Limestone City and take the walls of the Limestone City.

Otherwise, in the absence of the army of the Carlos Kingdom, even if they raid and seize the gate of the Limestone City, they will not have the strength to hold it.

After all, Yuang, Arthur and other people who participated in the surprise attack this time were only a thousand people.

Even if these thousands of people have the strength of the bronze level and above, they can’t resist the 100,000 army of the Arukaki Kingdom in the Greystone Heavy City.

What’s more, in the Limestone City, it is not without high-level combat power comparable to Yuang, Arthur and others.

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