super lord

Chapter 073

Chapter 73: The Invasion of the Kingdom of Arukaki.

With the Carlos branch forest, the matter of the medium-sized magic crystal vein has been dealt with, and now, all Arthur has to do is go to sea to explore and explore the cave.

However, due to the fact that too many black iron collar laborers were transferred when mining medium-sized magic crystal veins before, half of the ships that had already been built were still not completed.

Therefore, the matter of leading a group of black iron led soldiers to the sea to explore was not done. Therefore, the original two things were only left to enter the cave to explore.

Although, before mining the medium-sized magic crystal veins in the forest of the Carlos branch, Arthur spent a lot of time alone in the cave.

However, because the cave is too large, even though Arthur spent a lot of time exploring, he still did not finish exploring the cave.

And now, it just so happens that the group of black iron leader warriors under his command have nothing to do, and it is better to use it for cave exploration.

However, just when Arthur was about to take a group of black iron led soldiers under his command to enter the cave and explore the cave, the news from Arthur’s father directly dispelled Arthur’s idea of taking a group of black iron led 963 soldiers into the cave to explore.

Because the news from Arthur’s father was that the northern region of the kingdom of Carlos had encountered an invasion from the kingdom of Arukaki, the northern kingdom of Carlos.

In addition, since the lords of the western and southern regions of the Kingdom of Carlos need to guard against the invasion of the western kingdom of the kingdom of Carlos and the kingdom of the south of the kingdom of Carlos.

Therefore, the royal family of the Kingdom of Carlos directly dispatched the three great lords of the eastern region of Carlos to the northern region to support. And the three great lords who were drawn were Arthur’s father, Earl of Flame, Yuon Chris, Elise Shook’s father, Earl Tulip, and the Marquis of Iron Horse.

In addition, the royal family of the Kingdom of Carlos also sent the Grand Prince Baker Carlos and a group of students from the Carlos Capital Magic Academy and the Carlos King Capital Warrior Academy to support.

The commander of this support force composed of the three lords of the eastern region of the Kingdom of Carlos is the Marquis of the Iron Horse.

As for Arthur’s fathers, Earl of Flame, Euon Crees, and Earl Tulip, he served as deputy commanders.

And the news from Arthur’s father to Arthur was that Arthur would draw some soldiers from the Black Iron Collar to participate in this support.

After receiving his father’s letter, Arthur summoned the four commanders of the Black Iron Lord, Raymond, Karur, Laputa, and Palos, to the Black Iron Castle.

Hearing Arthur’s summons, Raymond, Karur, Laputa, and Palos, who hurriedly came to the Black Iron Castle, quickly opened their mouths and asked Arthur: “Lord Arthur, what happened?” We needed to be summoned in such a hurry. ”

“The Arukaki Kingdom in the north of the Karos Kingdom invaded the northern region of our Karos Kingdom, and the royal family urgently dispatched my father, the Count of Tulip and the Marquis of the Iron Horse, the three great lords of the eastern region, to the northern region to support.”

“My father just received news that our Black Iron Leader also mobilized a force to accompany this support battle.”

Hearing the inquiries of Raymond, Karur, Laputa, and Palos, Arthur opened his mouth to answer.

Hearing Arthur’s answer, Raymond, Carur, Laputa, and Palos also understood the seriousness of the matter.

However, this does not have much to do with them, Raymond, Karur, Laputa, Palos four, the most concerned is this support battle, who Arthur is going to go.

No, Palos directly opened his mouth and asked Arthur, “Who is Lord Arthur going to send to support?” ”

“This support, this lord is ready to personally lead people there, and then, from the four of you, select two of you to go with this lord.”

Hearing Palos’ inquiry, Arthur spoke.

Hearing that Arthur was going to personally lead people to support, Raymond, Karur, Laputa, and Palos did not object.

Because, in this other world, it is common for lords to personally participate in war.

Instead of opposing Arthur’s participation in this support, it is better to fight for a place to accompany Arthur to the support.

Therefore, after hearing Arthur’s words, Raymond, Karur, Laputa, and Palos directly opened their mouths and petitioned: “Lord Arthur, I can accompany you there.” ”

Hearing the petitions of Raymond, Karur, Laputa, and Palos, Arthur did not immediately make a choice, but thought about it.

Without long thinking, Arthur made his choice.

First of all, Palos, who is currently only the peak of the Silver Knight, Arthur is not prepared to take him to the northern region to support.

After all, the strength of the peak of the Palos Silver Knight is still a little worse.

Secondly, Raymond, in addition to him, the strongest existence in the black iron collar [not counting the earth dragon], Arthur is not prepared to take it, after all, the black iron collar, as Arthur’s lair, definitely needs to leave people to garrison, and Raymond, the black iron collar, the strength is only weaker than Arthur’s existence, naturally was stayed.

After excluding Raymond and Palos, it was naturally Karur and Laputa, the two golden knights who accompanied Arthur in the early days.

After thinking about it, Arthur said immediately: “This time to go to the northern region to support, just Karul and Laputa, go with me, as for Raymond and Palos, you two, stay in the Black Iron Collar and garrison.” ”

“Yes, Lord Arthur.”

Hearing Arthur’s words, Carol and Laputa immediately responded with joy.

Although Raymond and Palos were a little reluctant, they would not oppose Arthur’s decision, so after they also agreed to accompany him to the northern region to support, Arthur and Karul and Laputa discussed the personnel to bring to the northern region to support this time.

After some discussion with Karur and Laputa, the number of Black Iron Leader soldiers who went to the northern region to support this time was decided.

This time to the northern region to support, in addition to bringing the two golden knights of Karur and Laputa, Arthur is also ready to lead five hundred and ten black iron collar warriors, including ten silver knights and one hundred bronze knights.

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