super lord

Chapter 059

Chapter 59: Division of Spoils.

Arthur’s return was naturally discovered by the people who remained at the place of battle, no, Arthur’s sister Irene, sister Ai Xue and Ai Bing, all quickly came to Arthur’s side.

Although Arthur’s strength has surpassed his own now, Erin still asked Arthur with some concern: “Arthur, nothing happened to you chasing that silver-level Demon Spider Beast King, right?” ”

Hearing Erin’s inquiry, Arthur naturally knew that Erin was worried about herself, and immediately said: “Sister Erin, with my strength, I am just chasing a silver-level Demon Spider Beast King, what can happen.” ”

“It’s good if nothing happens.”

Hearing Arthur’s words, Erin naturally relaxed her heart.

Then, he opened his mouth and said to Arthur: “Since you are not in trouble, then let’s talk about your strength now!” ”

Good fellow, if we hadn’t come to this Carlos branch forest with you, we still wouldn’t have known that since you had cultivated your fighting qi to the Golden Knight.

“Moreover, in addition to cultivating your fighting qi to the Golden Knight, Gai has cultivated your magic power to a senior magician of the same level as the Golden Knight, and now, explain it to us well.”

Hearing Erin’s words, before Arthur could answer, Ai Xue on the side also spoke: “Sister Irene said well, brother Arthur, quickly explain to us why you have the strength of a golden knight and a high-level magician.” ”

And Ai Bing, who was next to Erin and Ai Xue, although he did not speak, but the eyes that looked at Arthur seemed to be waiting for Arthur’s answer.

Looking at the reactions of Erin, Ai Xue, and Ai Bing, Arthur knew that if he didn’t give Erin, Ai Xue, and Ai Bing an answer, it was estimated that he would not be able to.

Even, when his strength to have a golden knight and a high-level magician spreads to his father Euon Chris and his mother Claire, his father Yuon Chris and mother Claire may also come to the Black Iron Collar.

Moreover, he has nothing to hide about his own strength, anyway, as long as he does not reveal the matter of the super lord system.

Immediately, Arthur opened his mouth and said to Erin, Ai Xue, and Ai Bing: “I didn’t mean to hide the strength of my Golden Knight and Senior Magician, in fact, before I became the lord of the Black Iron Collar, my strength was the same as you know.” ”

It wasn’t until I was driven by my father to the Black Iron Collar to become the lord of the Black Iron Collar that I was as if I had been blessed by a god, and my strength was rapidly improved, thus reaching the strength you see now.

“So, I didn’t mean to hide my strength from you.”

“It’s good that what you said is true.”

Hearing Arthur’s words, Erin accepted Arthur’s statement, and then, quite curiously, she opened her mouth and asked Arthur: “Arthur, I am curious, how strong is your strength now?” ”

Hearing Erin’s inquiry, Arthur said with some embarrassment: “It’s not that strong, that is, the late Golden Knight and the middle stage of the Senior Magician, the combat power can reach the peak of the gold level.” ”

Hearing Arthur’s words at Versailles, Erin was almost.

What is called not how strong, the late Golden Knight, the middle stage of the senior magician, the strength of the combat power reaching the peak of the gold level, this is not called how strong.

You know, she is only a silver-level mid-level magician now.

Subsequently, Erin directly took Ai Xue and Ai Bing and the two left, returning to the team of the Carlos King Capital Magic Academy where they were before.

Anyway, in a short time, she didn’t want to pay attention to Arthur this Versailles.

And seeing Erin taking Ai Xue and Ai Bing leaving, Arthur did not care, but checked the situation of the black iron leader warriors under his command to clear the cobwebs of the demon spider beast.

Perhaps because this time it was possible to defeat the Demon Spider Beast family, all thanks to Arthur’s relationship.

Therefore, although the price of the Demon Spider Beast spider silk is not low, the people who receive the harvest have not collected it.

Of course, it may also be because the people on the harvest side do not have the tools to remove the webs of the monsters, so they cannot collect the silk of the monsters.

However, it is more likely that the harvest leader will no longer be able to carry the spider silk of the Demon Spider Beast because it needs to carry too many corpses of the Demon Spider Beast.

Although the spider silk of the demon spider beast has a good value, in terms of value, it is still not comparable to the corpse of the demon spider beast.



Although, among them, the spider silk produced by the transcendent level demon spider beast is worth a good value, but in this dense cobweb, it is still very troublesome to find the spider silk laid by the transcendent level demon spider beast.

After all, among a demon spider beast group, the largest number is still ordinary level demon spider beasts.

Therefore, for those who received the harvest, instead of spending time collecting the spider silk of the Demon Spider Beast, it was better to directly carry the corpse of the Demon Spider Beast.

Of course, because the spoils had been divided before the joint battle against the Demon Spider Beast clan, the harvest party only collected the corpses of the Demon Spider Beast killed by its own side.

However, in view of the fact that the harvest leader gave all the spider silk of the demon spider beast to its own side, before Arthur did not return, Irene still gave up more than ten bronze-level demon spider beast corpses for Arthur as compensation for the harvest party.


When Arthur returned and heard the news from Palos, he didn’t think Erin was doing something wrong. Anyway, in this battle with the Demon Spider Beast clan, he has obtained a lot of loot.

Not to mention anything else, there are more than forty corpses of the silver-level Demon Spider Beast King alone [there are more than fifty silver-level Demon Spider Beasts in total, and some have escaped, so there are only more than forty Demon Spider Beast corpses], and the silver-level Demon Spider Beast corpses belonging to Arthur’s side alone have more than thirty [Arthur and the Black Iron Leader Warriors, killed more than ten, the Knights killed a dozen heads, the Carlos King Capital Magic Academy and the Carlos King Capital Warrior Academy, killed a few], and the harvest leader side, only eleven.

In addition, the bronze-level Demon Spider Beast General and the trainee-level Demon Spider Beast Soldier, Arthur’s side also took advantage of the harvest to be targeted by the Demon Spider Beast family, and secretly attacked and killed a lot.

Therefore, even if Harvest was given a part of the corpses of the bronze-level Demon Spider Beast General and the Trainee-level Demon Spider Beast Soldier, there were still many corpses of the Bronze-level Demon Spider Beast General and the Trainee-level Demon Spider Beast Soldier owned by Arthur’s side.

As for the ordinary demon spider beast corpse, there is no need to talk about this, which side can still bring down, which side can bring it. Therefore, after the harvest collar gives up the spider silk, there is no problem in giving the harvest some compensation.

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