"Be calm during the exam, don't be in a hurry."

"Don't be afraid, I believe that it will be no problem to pass the rematch with your strength." Chen Shuqing patiently sat and worked for everyone.

After finally getting to the point where he is today, he was worried that Qin Luo and others would break down in their hearts.

"Mr. Chen, you have said this sentence eight times." Qin Luo waved his hand indifferently and said.

Worry? As the owner of the system, he has nothing to worry about.

Chen Shuqing's face was dark and a little unhappy: "This is my experience summed up in previous exams, and it is the magic weapon in the exam room. The mentality in the exam room is the most important."

"9 times..."

This time, Qin Luo did not speak, but patiently listened to Chen Shuqing's teaching of magic weapons.

About half an hour later, when Chen Shuqing was still in the mood, everyone's cell phones rang.

"Please gather in the school auditorium ten minutes later, all the contestants of the Mathematical Union Competition..."

Finally, he could stop listening to Chen Shuqing's chatter, Qin Luo stood up suddenly, and then took out the lounge like lightning.

The remaining few people looked at each other and rushed out.

"Mr. Chen, let's gather first." Lin Shanshan's crisp voice came from a distance.

No one likes to babble, and they are no exception.

Chengdu-Chongqing University, the most prestigious college in Southwest Province, all the students who can stand in this college are at the level of academic masters.

The College Auditorium is an old building, built in 1898.

After the vicissitudes of the years, let the breath of the years be born out of thin air.

This is the heritage of history and the traces of the years, standing here, as if returning to the autumn of 1898.

Ten minutes later, Qin Luo stepped into the auditorium.

The first thing you see is the clearly defined seats, which have been set up as an examination room.

It was not flowers and applause that greeted the scholars, but countless exam questions.

"You are Qin Luo, right?"

Suddenly, a full-fledged voice came from behind Qin Luo.

Turning to look, a man came over.

This man was wearing a suit that was out of tune with his walking position, with gold-rimmed glasses, and looked gentle.

Even Qin Luo had to admit that in terms of looks alone, this person already had half of his own face value.

Qin Luo asked, "Who are you?"

"Bai Chong, from Chengyu No. 7 Middle School." The man smiled and said, "I've seen your grades, they're pretty good."

Qin Luo smiled and said humbly, "I've won awards."

"You don't need to be humble." The man shrugged and said, "Even if you are doing well, there is only one champion in this game, and that's me."

"Hey, it's a competitor." Qin Luo's eyelids jumped and he said with a smile, "So you are my opponent?"

"That's right, you made a mistake, you are not my opponent." Leaving this sentence, the man turned and walked away.

..., looking at the back of the man leaving, Qin Luo looked confused. He had seen someone who was pretending to be forceful, but he had never seen such a forceful person.

Isn't he afraid of blowing the roof off?

"Ding bell bell..." The short bell rang, and the exam was about to start.

At 1.55 points, the invigilator began to read out the test rules: "The rules are very simple, it takes 3 hours to complete the answer sheet. During the answering process, you must not look around or go to the toilet. You are allowed to hand in the test paper after half an hour of the test... Next, the test paper and scratch paper will be distributed."

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