"Clap!" In an instant, thunderous applause erupted from the audience.

The applause was so loud that it seemed to lift the roof off.

The flashing lights kept shining, illuminating the dark auditorium as if it were daytime.

"To win gold with full marks, he is the pride of China." Sina News...

"Overcoming all obstacles, Xueba won China's first individual championship..." NetEase News.

"The first person in the younger generation..."

On the other side of the ocean, countless people learned of Qin Luo's victory through various channels.

For a time, the domestic media went crazy.

Sina, qq, Yunyi...

But all the large media have started reporting on Qin Luo again.

Of course, there are doubters among them.

They questioned Qin Luo's strength, and questioned whether an IMO champion could be the first person in the younger generation.

But when a report titled "The strongest high school student in history!" swept the entire network.

The doubters fell silent.

The reason is very simple, the person who wrote it is the chief mathematician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wang Xuecai.

Wang Xuecai, Yenching University, National Academician, winner of Hua Luogeng Award, has published numerous papers at home and abroad...

"IMO is by no means his end, his goal is Fields..."

When Zhou Haizhong's article came out, the Huaxia Internet was instantly boiling.

"Mathematics, may be written into the Nobel..." - signed Song Baoguo.

The three academicians spoke at the same time, just for a high school student.

Qin Luo's name spread throughout the academic world in the middle of the night.


In the auditorium, looking at the gold medal on his chest, Qin Luo was very excited.

A soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier, and a scholar who does not want to win the championship is not a good scholar!

Beside him, Tesla clenched his fists, his face gloomy as if water was about to drip.

Originally, he vowed to win the championship, but at this moment, it is indeed a silver medal for him!

"Congratulations! Keep working hard." Deligne held the ribbon and hung the silver medal on Tesla's chest.

"Thank you!" Tesla squeezed two words between his teeth, and then walked away.

This is the American, sometimes a gentleman, sometimes a rascal.

Just when everyone was stunned, Qin Luo suddenly said: "Professor, can you take this lecture stand together!"

"Do you have anything to say?"

"I want to prove the twin prime conjecture!"

Quiet, deadly quiet.

Deligne, Stanley... A group of famous old professors were speechless with their mouths wide open.

genius? Or crazy?

In the auditorium, the audience was full of people, about two or three hundred people, among them, there were many academic giants like Deligne.

But at this moment, they all widened their eyes.

Qin Luo's words almost shocked their eyes.

"Student Qin, are you sure?" Deligne frowned slightly, then asked.

If Zhou's conjecture is a conjecture with a difficulty of 5, then the difficulty of the twin prime number conjecture has been raised to 8!

"Can you give me a whiteboard?"

"Okay!" Deligne waved, and soon the staff came up with a whiteboard.

"The effect of whiteboard projection will be very poor." The conference staff reminded. .

"Then don't project." Qin Luo walked straight to the whiteboard with a marker in his hand.

In an instant, many people in the audience whispered and talked a lot.

Twin prime numbers have been proposed since a hundred years ago, and there are countless people who want to prove them, and there are many "big cows" in the mathematics world.

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