Super God

Chapter 2028: Heavenly Taoism!

The warrior of the real martial arts domain opened up the space of Taoism, condensed Taoism here to form a Tao fetus, and then cultivated Dao infants, and then slowly cultivated to become Dao Tong and the last Taoist.

This process is just like the growth of human beings. There are infancy, adolescence, and finally adulthood.

After six years of uninterrupted absorption and cultivation, Yun Feiyang finally raised the Taoist Daotong to the Taoist level. This speed is extremely fast.

of course.

As a price, he spent a lot of fairy stones.

In exchange for any of the top powerhouses of the True Martial God Territory, or even the major forces, they cannot bear such a high cost.

Daoists in adulthood also have a strong understanding of the Tao, so Yun Feiyang naturally benefits greatly.

At this moment, he was standing in a defensive formation, and even if he didn't show any breath, it felt very holy.

If a strong man sees it, he may even guess that this may be a fairy-level strong man!

"With this son's current understanding of heaven and earth, even if it is difficult to become an immortal emperor, it will smoothly enter the immortal emperor level."

Heaven murmured.

Over the years, he has been watching Yun Feiyang, and he has witnessed the improvement of each other's morality step by step.


In the Taoist space.

Yun Feiyang raised his hand gently, and the multicolored light of fossils appeared, suspended in mid-air, and the diffused Taoism was pure and pure.


"This is fossil."

Yun Fei said.

Aren is the name of the Taoist.

Yun Feiyang had given it a name called Xiaobudian before.

But now that I have grown up, the name is definitely not appropriate, so I have a name called'Aren'. The origin of the name comes from the homonym of the Taoist's human character.

"the host!"

Aren's eyes were hot: "I can feel the inside with a magnificent meaning. If I can take it for myself, it will definitely bring great benefits to me and the owner."

Yun Feiyang laughed: "So, whether you can control it depends on your ability."

"no problem."

Ah Ren said confidently.

Yun Feiyang said anxiously: "Then let's get started."


Aren nodded, then flew over, turning his body into a group of Taoism, and covering up the Dao Stones.

Yunfei Yangpan sat down and merged with the spreading Taoism.

"the host."

Aren heard a voice: "I'm going to go!"

"Go ahead."

Yun Feiyang said seriously.

"call out!"

Groups of Taoism quickly moved closer together and poured into the fossil stone body.


At the moment when the two touched, Yun Feiyang and the sea seemed to explode, and the burning pain surged up instantly!


Yunfei Yang gasped.

Shen Tianxing said that the warrior's condensed Taoism needs to bear great risks if he wants to control the fossils.

And this risk is that in the process of trying to control, it will have to bear the huge backlash of soul and morality.

"the host!"

A Rendao: "There is a Dao realm on the surface of this fossil Dao stone, I need time to break it!"

"how long!"

Yun Feiyang endured pain.

A Rendao: "It takes about three months."

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

In other words, you must bear this pain for at least three months.

In order to condense the thunderstorm, Yun Feiyang will never care even if he suffers three or thirty years of suffering!

A month later.

The powerful Taoism is still erupting, and Aren infiltrates insanely, attacking the Dao world around him insanely.

During this time, Yun Feiyang was still suffering from huge pain, the cold sweat on his face, and his face was twisted.

Fortunately, in his life, the tortures that he has experienced are endless, how could he fall under the backlash from the control of fossils?

Hard work pays off.

Two months later, Aren finally relied on the powerful Taoism to break through the Dao world and smoothly integrate into it.

There is nothing in the Dao stone, like a small independent space.

After being blended in, Aren quickly condensed Taoism and transformed it into a miniature body, and began to control it.


In an instant, a vast sense of Dao appeared in the space.

"It's cool!"

Aren Tao Ran said.

However, he was happy, but Yun Feiyang was tragic.

Because after the emergence of vast morality, the kind of heartbreaking pain became more intense, so that he could not help but scream.


The sound rippled in the Daohua space, which was very creepy.

Fortunately, Aren merged his own Daoist success with the Daoist internal fossils, so that the pain gradually disappeared.


After the release, Yun Feiyang panted heavily, sweating all over his body.

"the host!"

Aren excitedly said: "I have successfully mastered the fossils!"

It doesn't say Yun Feiyang also knows, because after the fusion, he felt that he had a qualitative leap in his understanding of Dao!

How strong is it?

Yun Feiyang had no intention to speculate, but after a little breathing, his thoughts moved and appeared in the ring of fortune.

The fossil that had been controlled also followed.


Yun Fei Yang said: "Manipulate the fossils and release the Taoism!"


Aren drives the fossil stone into a streamer and flies into the sky above the ring of fortune, flashing a dazzling light immediately.


"what is that?"

Luo Mu and others found the Dao stone, with a blank face.


Suddenly, a breath of Dao, which was visible to the naked eye, diffused through the stone body and spread to the entire plane.

Luo Mu and others felt shocked in unison: "This is Dao!"

The Taoism diffused from the fossil stone was initially very thin, but as it continued to emerge, it became more intense.

After a few days.

The ring of fortune is full of majestic Taoism, and its strength is not weaker than that of Zhenwu God Realm.


This is just the beginning.

Because Aren is still manipulating the fossils and is still releasing the Taoism.

If there is no accident, it will not take long, and the strength of Taoism of the Ring of Fortune can definitely be comparable to that of the Great City with the Taoism Array in Zhenwu God Realm!

When the Taoism spread, Yun Feiyang blended into the world and became the supreme being, perceiving everything in this plane.

After a few months.

Yun Feiyang heard faint breathing and heartbeat.

This voice exists in space, as if a new life is being born.

Half a year In the deep space, a weak living body slowly grows up while ingesting the Taoism and the attributes of heaven and earth.

Yun Feiyang is always paying attention.

He knows that the life born in the void is the order of heaven and earth, and it is the heaven and earth of his own aspect!

"Hurry up and be born."

"My soldiers are still waiting for you to refine the fairy body."

Yun Feiyang murmured.

Heavenly Dao, who is being conceived, would be very depressed if he knew that this guy would take himself and help the soldiers to refine the fairy body.


One day, a vast cloud appeared in the void sky of the Ring of Creation, and from time to time thunder snakes erupted.

Yun Feiyang couldn't be more familiar with this kind of breath, so he said excitedly: "The Power of Heaven's Power!"

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