Super God

Chapter 1370: It turns out that you are half a fairy perfection!

Yun Feiyang has inferred from the prince's breath, and this year, this child's strength has been greatly improved.

But what about?

As long as my opponent has been defeated, no matter how he grows, he will not be afraid.

Yun Da cheap **** is mad, is arrogant.

Very contempt for the prince, after all this year, his promotion is even more terrifying!

The arrogant spectators will not think of this. They think that the crown prince's promotion is too horrible, and it is definitely not what it used to be.

Yun Feiyang and one battle, it is definitely difficult to win.


Whoever wins or loses, the observer does not care.

They care more, the two pride can stage a fiercer battle than yesterday.


The crimson ground blew through the breeze, dust rolled up, countless pairs of eyes stared at the light curtain, on Yun Feiyang and the prince who were ready.

An arrogant who defeated the thirteenth and fifteenth successively.

An arrogant who defeated twelve.

The battle between the two hadn't started yet, so the blood was boiling!


The prince took the first step, and the breath of the emperor broke out around him, and a majestic and real emperor appeared, with a total of seven.

He lost to Yunfeiyang a year ago, knowing that this person is very strong, so there is no need to hide it.


Yun Feiyang laughed: "One more than last time."

Between words, there is still contempt.

As one of the most powerful martial arts skills in all realms, Emperor Jue's power, although comprehending one weight, will only condense an emperor's true body, but its power has increased several times.


Over the past year, the prince has not only learned the imperial tactics to the seventh level, but also improved his strength a lot, and his combat effectiveness must have improved greatly than before.

"The last time I lost to you, it was because Jiu Zun Tian Tianzhang, this time I will not make the same mistake again."

The prince said coldly.

He remembered that battle well.

If it weren't for the sudden Maitreya Bodhisattva's palm crushed the real body, causing damage to the meridians, it would not eventually fail.

This time, as long as the opponent uses Buddhist martial arts skills, he will withdraw his real body.

Yun Feiyang laughed: "Come on, I'm too lazy to use martial arts against you now."

Mad, too crazy!

Many prides despise it.

Without using martial arts, to compete with an arrogant who has destroyed Jing-Jie, this guy is so funny!

The prince from the royal family is sufficiently high, but it is also difficult to tolerate Yun Fei Yang defying himself, he said coldly: "Go!"


Suddenly, Yun Fei lifted his body and displayed it in front of the first emperor's true body. His right fist slammed his strength and said: "Look at me!"


The horror divine power poured into the fist, flashed dazzling light, and bombarded strongly.


The emperor's true body standing at the front was hit by Yun Feiyang with a heavy punch, and the strength exploded and shattered nothingness on the spot.


Everyone took a breath.

Suddenly appeared, suddenly punched, so a real king was crushed?

The Prince's heart was shocked, and the blood in his body suddenly rolled, obviously his real body was broken, causing him to suffer a backlash.

But it doesn't matter.


He made a fingerprint and left six real bodies. He clenched his fists in both hands and carried the power of stirring the space to Yunfei.


The space was so distorted that it collapsed suddenly.

These six real princes of the prince are stronger than the previous six, and they have even surpassed the domineering sword of the Ba Dao!



The emperor really carried a heavy punch on the ground, and the earth trembling suddenly, like an earthquake.


In the dust, Yun Fei flew out, landed on the second emperor's body, threw his fists and sneered: "Break me!"


The loud noise came and was deafening.

The second emperor's true body completely shattered nothingness under the force of terror.

The Prince's face was difficult to look again.


Yun Fei lifted his body and displayed it in front of the third Emperor Zhenzhen, and used the same force to destroy his violence.


It was difficult to suppress the tumbling blood, spouting out of the mouth, and the Prince's eyes flashed with horror.

He knew that Yun Feiyang had three punches in a row, without using any martial arts, but with the purest physical strength.


Never possible!

In just one year, why would he be so strong that, with his own strength, he can break down his three emperor real bodies one after another!


Too few.


Yun Feiyang flew by the way, his fists condensed horror power, and he bowed left and right, blasting on the fourth and fifth emperor Zhen.



The two emperors really shattered!

The prince was hit hard again, spewing out blood, and his body receded wildly, his face pale.

In a very short period of time, the seven real bodies smashed the five completely under the powerful power of Yun Feiyang, leaving the outsiders with dull looks.

that moment.

They deeply felt that the prince was nothing worth mentioning in front of Yun Feiyang.

"associate dean!"

The big elder looked solemnly: "Will this son have already entered the half-central perfection!"


Several other elders present were shocked.

Huang Fuyi was silent for a while, and said, "Not only has the Great Consummation entered, but the realm may have stabilized."

The elders present were beating heart and the expression on their faces was wonderful.

This son came to the Hall of Pride, and has not yet reached nine ranks and a half cents. Now, within two years, he has entered the Great Consummation and stabilized the realm. This...absolute evil!

The elder bitterly said: "Is it possible that this child has been hiding the realm, but actually stepped into the Great Consummation before entering the hall?"

The other elders who were shocked suddenly realized.

They are more willing to believe that Yun Feiyang hides cultivation behavior, playing pigs and eating tigers.


Huang Fuyi murmured.



The loud noise came again, and the clouds in the red continent flew, and the sixth and seventh real bodies were smashed again with powerful fists.

Seven punches, destroy seven.

Yun Feiyang's performance can be described in horror.

And when he fell to the ground, the prince also retreated to the outside.

This prince from the Shenyin Empire has a pale and extreme face, but his eyes are staring at Yun Feiyang.


The prince spit out another blood, but his face squeezed a smile of self-deprecation, and said weakly: "So you are a half-central perfection..."


As soon as the voice fell it fell to the ground.

The seven emperors' real bodies were violently cracked, and his meridians were almost completely broken, causing serious injuries.

"Father Emperor..."

The prince fell to the ground, his thoughts gradually blurred, but he said bitterly: "I...have lost again..."

Half Immortal Great Consummation.

How can such an opponent be defeated!

The ridiculous self thought that he could be ashamed when he realized the seven-level realm of the imperial decree, but in the end, he was still abused.

A year ago, after losing to Yun Feiyang's hands, the prince was very reluctant and thought he was careless.

"Prince, what did you just say?"

"It seems to be half... half a fairy perfection?"

Outside, many martial artists were dumbfounded.

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