Super God

Chapter 1333: Battle Stars 36

"I go!?"

"Yun Feiyang wants to challenge the 36-point mark on the Stars List?"

Hearing the sound of Hong Liang, the entire hall of pride suddenly burst into the pan, many prides scrambled to discuss, and their eyes flashed with surprise.

Before sitting on the top of the list, I started to challenge the star of the star list. This is too fast!


Hong Liang's voice came again: "Thirty-six bell marks in the Stars List, accepting the challenge of Yun Feiyang, the top of the Earth Stars List, and one hour later, the battle with the Yanwuchang Ranking!"

"I watched a big show!"

Many arrogants suddenly became excited.

Since the crown prince won the top spot, he chose to retreat and practice. The 36th in the Stars and the 1st in the Stars haven't played in a long time!

"Go quickly!"



Many arrogants cast their moves one after another, flew towards the Yanwuchang, and tried to grab the best viewing position.

"This Yun Fei Yang is okay, just sitting at the top of the list, dare to challenge our proud star."

"It must be thought that defeating the prince, you feel that you are qualified to fight against the pride of the star list."

Several prides ranked in the top 30 of the Stars List. During the discussion, people also appeared in the small pavilion outside the Yanwuchang.

"Don't underestimate this person."

At this moment, a man with a knife in his back came in. There were three striking scars on his left face, and his arrival caused the surrounding air to condense instantly, and the pure sword intention spread out.

Pa knife.

The star list is ranked fifteenth.

This man proves with his sword that his strength has reached the peak of the Ninth Grade, and his understanding of the sword method is extremely powerful. Especially in the battle, he has only cut a sword, and he is called a sword by the arrogant palace.

"How did this guy come out?"

Several proud stars in the Stars List were surprised. In their understanding, this person fell in love with the sword, and always liked to retreat and learn the sword technique alone, and seldom walked around the hall.

Pa Dao stood in the pavilion, his eyes flashed with fine eyes, and said: "Prince can be defeated by his men, and Zhong Chen will never be able to contend."

Everyone was silent.

Although I don’t want to admit it, it is indeed the case. After all, the prince is not a simple generation, and has the potential to impact the top ten of the star list.



Under the eyes of everyone, Yun Feiyang and Zhong Jian landed in Bidoutai, keeping a distance of ten feet.

The top of an earth star list.

A star list thirty-six.

This is the first time in the past ten years that the two stars of the earth star and the star star have been ranked.

"According to the records of the palace, the top of the star list has challenged the star list thirty-six times, which has been tens of thousands of times."

"Among them, the star list won thirty-six times by nineteen thirty-one times, and the top star list won by one hundred and twenty-five times." Pride, who is familiar with the ranking battle, talked eloquently.

"From the data point of view, the top of the earth star list wants to beat the 36 of the star list. Instead, the success rate is only one-tenth." Someone said.

"Either way, the ranking of the earth star list changes from time to time, only the ranking of the star star list has not changed much for decades and hundreds of years."

"Yun Feiyang challenged the 36th star list this time, is there any hope?"

"He should be able to defeat the prince, and it should be no problem to defeat Zhongzhen." Someone said.

Yun Feiyang stood on the stage and smiled slightly. Sure enough, the feeling of being favored was cooler than being looked down upon.


The man added: "He played nine Zun Tiantian palms yesterday, and he should have consumed a lot of energy. This battle is a bit overhanging."

"Yeah, this guy can rest for a while, and it's the best way to fight after fighting with one."


Yun Feiyang almost fell.

It seems that in their hearts, they can defeat the prince, it is all because of the nine Zun Taotian palm, without this martial art, it is very weak.

The facts, no.

Yesterday, Yunfeiyang could defeat the prince even if he did not use the Nine Respecting Heavenly Palms. He could use the first change, the second change, and the combination of the two changes.


He clapped his hands and said, "Go ahead."


Zhong Zhen's thoughts moved, and a seven-foot long sword appeared in front of him. He held it with one hand, but listening to the sound of "qiang", the sword came out of the sheath, and the sharp sword flashed.

"Seven-foot broken soul sword!"

Many arrogant eyes flashed with envy.

Zhongjian's saber is a second-level fairy, classified according to a more accurate level, which is already regarded as a fifth-grade level.

Yun Feiyang said with amazement: "The quality of this sword is probably not weaker than Lingtian Battle Halberd."

"Boy, your Lingtian Battle Halberd is, at best, a third-grade fairy. In front of this sword, the weak one is not a star." The spirit of the sword in the Dragon Sword is out of date.


Yun Feiyang collapsed.

Previously in the pharmaceutical world, relying on Ling Tian war halberd, majestic, he did not expect to come to the Pride Temple, and compared with the sword of others, immediately no grade.

It seems that it is necessary to earn more points and go to the Points Pavilion to exchange for a hand weapon, but thinking of the Ninth Grade Immortal martial arts and resources, I conclude that there are no million points and I will never get the Nine Grade Immortals.

"Let the weapon shine."

Zhong Jian said.

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "I still use my fists."


Everyone's mouth twitched.

This guy is so mad, dare to use his fists to face up against an eighth-grade pinnacle and half-central arrogant holding a fifth-grade fairy.

"Then blame me for bullying people." Zhong Jian also had no ink, the voice just fell, and the dazzling sword light quickly emerged.


Yun Feiyang took a step forward, condensing golden light around his body, forming a defensive border.



A harsh sword spirit blasted on the golden enchantment, and the explosion was endless, but it was difficult to shake.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

This guy does not wear defensive equipment and can rely on his own attributes to carry it down.

The Pa Dao standing in the pavilion frowned: "This child's body is so great that with the strength of Zhonghen and the level of weapons, he can't break the defensive border."

The pride of the star list next to me just remembered that Yun Feiyang is already a **** body, and his defense is terrifying!


Zhong Hen was furious and rose up into the air, exhibiting his famous sword skills, and saw the majestic sword turned into a huge sword light.


With a sword cut, there is a tendency to cross the river!


Yun Feiyang is still standing in the same place, condensed in the golden enchantment around him, still not broken at all.

This is the perfection of the divine body. Even a half-sen of the eighth-grade pinnacle, holding a fifth-grade immortal weapon, would never want to be shaken.

brush! brush!

Zhong Chen didn't believe in evil, raised his sword again, and slashed madly. Yun Feiyang never shot, letting Jianmang bomb.




Half an hour later, the sword light became weaker and weaker. Eventually, Zhong Jian put the sword on the ground, his forehead was sweating and he was a little exhausted.

of course.

More crashes!


Yun Feiyang appeared in front of Punched, said: "You are too tired, go and rest."


A punch hit in front of Zhong Chen's chest, the latter suddenly flew out, and stunned faintly because of excessive energy consumption.


Everyone's mouth twitched.

I originally thought that it would be a wonderful battle for the top of the earth star list to challenge the 36 of the star list.

As a result, Zhong Jian cut half an hour, not only did not break the clouds and fly defense, but was lost by a stroke of seconds, so simple ended.


PS, the baby is half a year old, has had a fever repeatedly in recent days, blood routine examination, either white blood cells are high, or myocardial enzymes are high.

I have been running back and forth in the hospital, and the time is too tight, so I will take the lead to stabilize 3 for the time being.

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