Super God

Chapter 1173: Huyou Sword Soul

The 300,000 wooden men, although only aimlessly wandering, have the defense strength of the Great Consummation of the Void Realm, but they all shattered under Yunfei Yang's stroke of the Thunder Sword Dao, which was really shocking.

If during the siege of Tianxiong City, Yun Feiyang exerted the Thunder Sword Dao, went down with a sword, and killed more than 300,000, it will definitely make the deep earthquake shake the warriors of all circles.

It is a pity that Yun Feiyang did not use this sword way in order to let the world witness the intrepid spirit soldiers.

Even if it is not the performance of the spirit soldiers, he will not show it.

Because, the consumption of Sky Thunder Kendo is too fierce. At the moment, he has cut 300,000 wooden men with a sword, and the attributes in the body have evaporated at least 80%!

Yun Feiyang's real dragon nucleus is dozens of times of the warrior of the same realm, and he can only barely cast a sword. It can be seen how powerful Tianlei Kendo is!

It cannot be said that Tianlei Kendo is strong.

It's mainly this girl. Under a sword, thunderclouds condensed for fifty miles. If they explode in this way, they will definitely consume a lot.

If the scope is reduced to seven or eight miles, and there will be six or seven swords in a row, there is no problem.


After the Wuling Excalibur was sheathed, Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Did I pass?"

The soul of the sword is silent.

He had been shocked, and he didn't expect that this guy would condense the thunder cloud of fifty miles, and he could still stand!

After all, with the Dragon Soul Battle Emperor fighting south and north, Jian Soul calmed down and reluctantly said, "Passed."


Shen Xiaoyu said with joy: "Uncle Yun passed the fourth test!"

Shen Linfeng was still shocked and said: "A sword smashes 300,000, Brother Yun is a real evildoer."

Shen Linyuan said with a bitter smile: "At that time, I was only over 10,000 years old."

Also shocked were Shen Ming and Shen Hui, to be precise, they were deeply hit, because the number of bombardment of the wooden man has never exceeded 5,000.

One sword, three hundred thousand.

If they had not seen it with their own eyes, the two would definitely not believe it!


Yun Feiyang passed the fourth test of the Jiulong ban, but did not leave. Instead, he sat down to absorb the strong sword energy around him and replenish the consumed attributes.


The whole body is condensed with sharp sword gas, forming a dense fog.

Sword Soul did not leave. He has been observing Yun Feiyang, comparing with the Dragon Soul Battle Emperor when he was young, and finally concluded that this son is very similar to Shen Hao in many ways.

the difference.

This man has an unruly and discouraged eyebrow, and should be an extremely arrogant guy. It is in sharp contrast with Shen Hao, who grew up and had a more restrained personality.

Why did Soul of the Sword compare Yun Feiyang with his master, Dragon Soul Battle Emperor? Because, he can feel that this child has the potential to become a strong man, and the future martial arts achievements are inestimable!


Three days later.

Yun Feiyang's energy consumption was replenished, but he still didn't leave. Instead, he looked at Long Yanjian and smiled, "Can we fight?"


Shen Linfeng and Shen Linyuan looked dull.

Shen Xiaoyu was also staring at Xing.

You heard it right?

Is this guy going to fight with Grandpa's Sabre Spirit? Is he confident or is he dead?

Soul of the sword is quite unexpected.

He smiled and said, "Little guy, you have courage."

Yun Fei Yang said: "I was wrong, I mean, can we learn a game with kendo?"


Jianhun whispered: "I haven't done it for tens of thousands of years, okay, I will play with your junior today."


Longyan Sword trembles gently, a breath that can be seen by the naked eye emerges, and gradually turns into a humanoid figure. It is an old man with a long beard, wearing a robe, and has the style of a strong swordsman.

"Boom! Boom!"

The Longyan sword was still trembling, and immediately saw the iron chain fall off, and the sword gradually shrank.


The dragon sword transformed into a normal form, inserted on the ground, the flame suddenly spread out, revealing a thick and red sword sheath.

The Longyan sword is a typical giant sword with a six-inch width (20 cm) and a four-foot length (133 cm).

Yun Feiyang frowned slightly.

He can feel that this sword is very strong, and is not weaker than his own Hunyuan Qiankun sword!


Sword Soul grabbed on the slender hilt and said lightly: "Your sword is too weak. For the sake of fairness, the sword will not be sheathed. Fight against you!"


Yun Feiyang has no comments.

He didn't realize that the opponent's sword was unsheathed, and he was humiliating himself. On the contrary, it was a balance under a disparity in strength.

"Weakly asked." Yun Fei said: "What state are you in now?"

Jianhun Dao: "According to the level of Little God Realm, my strength is comparable to that of a realm."

"so smart?"

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

Jianhun shook his head and said: "If I am powerful, would I be put here by Shen Hao's bastard, and have followed him to fight the Zhenwu God Territory."

Yun Feiyang heard it.

This guy should not be able to provide stronger fighting power for Dragon Soul Battle Emperor before he will be placed here.

"I can understand your pain."

Yun Feiyang expressed sympathy.

"If you are eager to fight, longing for the vast world." He paused a little, his eyes firmly said: "I can take you and this sword to the sky and earth!"

Shen Linfeng and Shen Linyuan convulsed at the corners of their mouths. Listening to the meaning of this guy, it was the idea of ​​hitting his father Longyan Sword.

"If Uncle Yun has grandpa's Dragon Sword, his strength will definitely be horrified." Shen Xiaoyu murmured.

Shen Linfeng almost fell.

Shen Linyuan said earnestly: "Xiaoyu, don't talk nonsense, Longyan sword is the treasure of my Shenjia town, how can I take it out casually."


Shen Xiaoyu said: "Grandpa said that if someone gets the approval of Jianhun, they can control the Dragon Flame Sword."

Shen Linyuan said: "Your grandfather is talking about our Shen family."

"Yeah." Shen Xiaoyu blinked and said, "If I married Uncle Yun, wouldn't he be the Shen family."


Shen Linyuan was speechless, and then looked at Shen Linyuan, bitterly said: "Brother Feng, I think, Xiao Yu can't wait to get married, you should prepare the dowry as soon as"

Shen Xiaoyu smiled and said: "Take Grandpa's Dragon Flame Sword as the dowry."

Shen Linyuan and Shen Linfeng suddenly became stiff, thinking, this little Nizi had not yet married, elbow, and began to turn to the husband's house.

Yun Feiyang's discussion is false, and the real purpose is to communicate with Jianhun, and if he can succeed, he will come out with Longyan sword.

In the world.

Who else dares to fight against yourself!

The tragedy is, as an old fried dough stick, will Jianhun be fooled by him, he laughs: "Little fellow, you are too weak now, not qualified to come to control me, and control the Dragon Flame Sword."

Yun Feiyang pouted.

Sword Soul could see that there was unbelief in his eyes, so he waved his hand gently, and the Dragon Flame Sword flew out, crashing down on him reluctantly, his hands clasped his chest, saying: "If you pull out this sword, I will listen to you."

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