Super God Undead Lord

Chapter 731 Natural Charm

The person who came was Yang Tian Liu Yan.

At this time, Liu Yan had already opened the blood of the nine-tailed fox and turned into a human-shaped fox demon.

The originally black and straight long hair like a waterfall turned into a strange silver-white color.

A pair of fluffy ears grew on the top of the head.

The hands also became fluffy, very cute, but there were very sharp claws hidden inside.

A total of nine snow-white, flying tails emerged from behind the buttocks.

The nine-tailed fox is the king of the fox clan. She is beautiful and charming, bewitching people, and countless creatures of the opposite sex have knelt at her feet.

Under a pair of white eyebrows, there are two different eyes, one red and one blue.

This is her "bloodline magic power·natural charm", which makes people hallucinate and control creatures of the opposite sex.

Of course, this powerful bloodline magic power can only control one creature of the opposite sex at a time, and the stronger the opponent, the weaker the control effect, or even no effect at all.

At this time, Liu Yan charmed and controlled the flying insect.

The expression of the flying insect instantly became extremely dull. Even if the middle-aged woman was right in front of it... it was a delicious meal for it, and it would not take any action.


In most species, including humans, males are often higher in status.

Because compared to women, females;

males, males are stronger, so they have a higher status.

But the Zerg is an exception.

Because in the Zerg, the number of queens is too small, and males fight for the right to mate, which invisibly improves the status of queens.

This is just one of the reasons.

Another more important point is that the Zerg is an egg-laying species, and it is unknown how many offspring a queen will give birth to in her lifetime.

The Zerg is huge in number and can rule the Zerg domain, which is inseparable from the existence of queens.

So, even if resources are scarce for the Zerg, they are not enough anyway, and they need to constantly attack alien races and plunder resources.

But queens enjoy resources first, and each one is a treasure, not a combat unit at all.

Queens don't need to fight at all.

That is why Liu Yan was able to act decisively at such a critical moment. She determined that the flying insect was a male insect.


In fact, all the Zerg armies that invaded the Earth and other life planets were all male insects, not even a female insect.

At that time, a flying insect and two reptiles formed a triangle and rushed towards the middle-aged woman at the same time.

Among them, the flying insect was relatively close and the fastest. It rushed to the middle-aged woman first and was about to swallow her in one bite.

At this critical moment, Liu Yan took action, charmed the flying insect, and controlled it.

"Go." Liu Yan's eyes flashed, and the sluggish flying insect moved instantly.

However, its target of attack was no longer the middle-aged woman, but swept to a reptile on the left, knocked it away, and then chased it and attacked continuously.


At the same time, Liu Yan stretched out her hand to draw the bow, and an arrow shot out through the air, instantly piercing the body of the reptile on the right, and the filthy insect blood surged out, and it couldn't be deader.

A large amount of insect blood splashed and poured down.

Insect blood is poisonous. If ordinary people get a little bit of it, their bodies will fester, or even worse.

And the middle-aged woman was not a "Taixu" player before, but a standard ordinary person. There was no energy fluctuation on her body.

The middle-aged woman was panicked, and suddenly found a small, translucent phantom of a divine turtle emerging from her body.

The insect blood rushed down, but was blocked by the small phantom of the divine turtle, and the middle-aged woman was unharmed.

And that kind of damage was borne by Yang Tian, ​​which was equivalent to the insect blood pouring on him.

Yang Tian frowned slightly and felt a slight burning pain in his body, but he recovered completely in an instant.

His physique was too strong, and the insect blood of a first-level insect beast could not cause any harm to him.

Yang Tian used the phantom of the divine turtle to save the middle-aged woman. Liu Yan flashed and flew out, with nine snow-white and soft tails dancing wildly in the wind.

The flying insect was bewitched and controlled by Liu Yan, and was killing its compatriots at this time.

Liu Yan flew over and whipped up the nine tails directly. The nine tails swelled with the wind. They seemed soft, but they were actually very powerful.

With just one blow, the two insect beasts were blown up.

The battle was over.

Liu Yan's body flashed with light and returned to normal human form.

Afterwards, Yang Tian and Liu Yan used their spiritual senses to search for the middle-aged woman's little daughter, and finally found a little girl who was unconscious and very weak in a corner of the ruins.

"Thank you, thank you, both adults." The middle-aged woman knelt on the ground holding the little girl, tears and snot flowing, and thanked Yang Tian and Liu Yan profusely.

Yang Tian shook his head and said, "Teleport to the shelter and find a priest to treat the child."

The middle-aged woman nodded, took out the teleportation stone, and teleported away with her little daughter five seconds later.

"How many situations like this are there around the world?" Liu Yan suddenly sighed.

"Distant water cannot quench a nearby fire, so we just need to focus on what is in front of us." Yang Tian said.


Next, Yang Tian and Liu Yan acted together, using their spiritual sense to search for the Zerg in Togo New City and kill them together.

The two cooperated very well, and the efficiency of killing the Zerg was very high.

In addition, Yang Tian summoned a large army of undead.

As he reached the fourth level of the divine realm, the army of undead he summoned became stronger——

Team 1: Lich King, five bone dragons, fourth-level wild beasts.

Team 2: Black Knight, Nether Assassin, Vampire Count, Cerberus, Skeleton Demon General, one hundred each, five hundred in total, third-level wild beasts.

Team 3: Skeleton Warriors, etc., totaling over ten thousand, second-level wild beasts.

This is a large and very powerful team.

In reality, as long as the divine power is continuously used to nourish the undead army, it can exist forever, and the undead are difficult to be truly killed. Even if the body is damaged, it can be reassembled, which is very terrifying.

If you want to crack the undead army, you must first kill the undead mage.

In other words, Yang Tian is not dead, and the undead army is immortal!

"Goal, kill all the Zerg in the city, disperse." Yang Tian waved his hand, and the undead army dispersed and looked for targets to slaughter.


The Zerg continued to invade, and the people on Earth survived in danger.

In just a few months, the World Government united all the countries under its command to build a new city.

But there are relatively few new cities.

Only local rich people, businessmen, dignitaries, and even talents with outstanding contributions in various fields, as well as their families, are eligible to have the right to live in new cities.

More ordinary people still live in the original ordinary towns and villages.

The Zerg invaded all parts of the world on a large scale, regardless of new cities or old cities.

The survival rate of residents in new cities is higher.

Once old cities, towns, and villages are invaded by Zerg, the residents have almost no chance of survival.

The world is still so cruel.

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