Super God Undead Lord

Chapter 710 Dao Weapon

On the other side, Yang Tian himself has returned to his residence.

The current Zerg army invading the earth is not strong.

Just leave it to the God's clone and Huang Mao.

For Yang Tian, ​​the most urgent task now is to improve his cultivation and strength as soon as possible; lest there are stronger Zerg invading the earth in the future, and he will not be able to resist.

"Xiaobai, go back to my parents and protect them." Yang Tian called Xiaobai and ordered.

Nowadays, the Zerg army has not invaded China, and the domestic environment is relatively safe.

Of course, there are still thugs committing crimes in various urban areas.

Although Yang Tian's parents are both in the third level of the God Realm, their combat power is very average. Let Xiaobai protect them, Yang Tian is more relieved.

Xiaobai nodded, flew high into the sky, and rushed out.

A magical and huge snow wolf, flying in the air... Such a strange thing, people are no longer surprised...

It can be seen that the invasion of the Zerg army has greatly enhanced the tolerance of the world.

This era has quietly entered the era of superpowers.

Summoning the Undead!

On the rooftop, Yang Tian summoned all the undead armies under his command at once.

The Lich King and the Bone Dragon are the strongest, at the level of third-order wild beasts.

The Black Knight and the Nether Assassin are second, at the level of second-order wild beasts.

Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Mages, etc., number over ten thousand, at the level of first-order wild beasts.

In "Taixu", the undead summons exist for a maximum of five minutes.

But in reality, as long as Yang Tian continues to use divine power to nourish them, the undead army can exist forever, and the undead are difficult to be truly killed. Even if the body is damaged, it can be reassembled again, which is very terrifying.

As long as the undead mage is not dead and has sufficient divine power, the undead army will be immortal!

Of course, ordinary undead mages have limited divine power or spiritual power, and the undead army they summon will not last long. Moreover, ordinary undead mages are not strong in their bodies. Once they are killed by someone, their efforts will be in vain.

But Yang Tian is different.

Yang Tian not only has abundant divine power, but also has the heart of the sacred tree in his body to continuously restore the lost divine power, which is endless.

As long as Yang Tian is willing, the undead army under his command can exist forever.

Moreover, Yang Tian himself is extremely powerful, which is really an outlier among the group of undead mages...


Above the sky.

The undead army with tens of thousands of numbers and a gloomy and terrifying breath, standing in the air with black clouds under their feet, is mighty and dark.

Yang Tian's mind moved, and the word "water" condensed on the foreheads of all the undead.

Tell the world and warn the thugs that this is my undead army of muddy water. If you dare to take action, you can try it.

"You are scattered everywhere. If there are Zergs coming, kill them." Yang Tian ordered.

In fact, even in reality, the wisdom of the undead summons is extremely low.

Give them too complicated orders, such as asking them to kill thugs, they can't execute them. Because they don't understand human hearts and can't distinguish between good and evil. If they kill naughty children by mistake, it will be bad.

Next, Yang Tian had to practice in seclusion for a period of time. He could not command at any time, so he only issued a simple order.

This was enough.

Even if there was no Zerg invasion, they were scattered everywhere, and the "water" character on the forehead alone was enough to suppress the thugs.

"Go." Yang Tian waved his hand, and the army of undead flew away.


"This is my home." Yang Tian introduced to Feng Xian.

After returning home, Feng Xian's soul flew out of the temple.

Of course, he would rather stay outside than stay in the temple.

It's just that his identity is special and it's inconvenient for him to show up in front of outsiders.

"Well, you can start practicing now." Feng Xian was not interested in the environment of Yang Tian's home, and said lightly.

Hearing this, Yang Tian sat cross-legged.

Feng Xian also kept looking at him, amazed.

"What?" Yang Tian was startled.

"You haven't practiced any skills yet, but your meridians have been opened, your Qi Sea is stable and solid, and you have reached the third level of the Divine Realm."

"Your friends are the same."

"This phenomenon is really hard for me to understand." Fengxian frowned.


Although Fengxian had read Yangtian's memory, he couldn't understand many things.

Yangtian explained to him the various wonders of Taixu.

"Daoqi." Fengxian's eyes were stern.

"The Taixu server you mentioned can form a world inside. This is undoubtedly a Daoqi." Fengxian said.

"Daoqi?!" Yangtian was shocked.

Daojun, that is, a strong man in the Dao realm, is the master of the universe.

This Daoqi also has the word "Dao". Could it be the weapon of Daojun?

How terrifying would that be?

"No." Fengxian and Yangtian's souls merged, he naturally knew what Yangtian was thinking, and shook his head repeatedly.

"I told you before that there are three thousand great ways... Of course, these three thousand are just quantifiers. There are countless great ways."

"Three thousand great ways are all subcategories of the Heavenly Way."

"The Lord of Dao has already comprehended the Heavenly Way and is omnipotent."

"Dao instruments only contain the mysteries of a certain great way, or a few great ways."

"Of course, even so, Dao instruments are very remarkable and precious. Each one is a priceless treasure." Fengxian explained.

"What about Dao instruments? The server of "Taixu" has consumed all its energy. Now, I'm afraid it has become a piece of scrap metal." Yangtian sighed.


"Energy that can be consumed can naturally be replenished." Fengxian sneered.

Yangtian's eyes lit up.

"Well, if I have a chance, I will definitely get that Taoist weapon."

"No, two pieces." Yang Tian smiled slightly. He almost forgot that "Taixu" also had an awakening server.

"Seize the time to practice."

"First look inside to find where the Dantian is." Fengxian said.

"Found it." Yang Tian found the so-called Dantian under his belly button.

The vast divine power in the body is stored by it.

"Your Qi Sea has opened. Within it, there are three levels of Qi waves. Your cultivation level is the third level of the divine realm."

"Now, control the divine power to flow along the meridians and become familiar with each meridians." Fengxian instructed.

"Done." Soon after, Yang Tian said.

Strong men from other living planets need to cultivate their martial arts and open up all the meridians in their bodies.

But for those who have awakened from "Taixu", all the meridians in their bodies have already been opened.

Yang Tian is now using his divine power to travel around the meridians. He just knows the meridians, which is naturally very simple.

"Memorize the formula I gave you, and then activate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth." Fengxian said.

Yangtian's mind is free and easy. Although he has not reached the state of having no desires and no desires, he does not want much.

And Yang Tian also advocates martial arts. He does not seek to be above ten thousand people, but only seeks not to be inferior to others.

Before, when Fengxian passed the technique to Yang Tian, ​​Yang Tian already knew it by heart.

Inspire the aura of heaven and earth!


Once activated, a huge suction force instantly emitted from the Dantian in Yang Tian's body, causing the surrounding auras of heaven and earth to rush towards him crazily.

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