Super God Undead Lord

Chapter 429: Exploration on the Insect Planet

"I've been here before!" Yang Tian felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

In his previous life, he came to the Insect Star, probably in this wilderness, but was surrounded by countless Zergs, all of which were god-level Zergs.

A moment later, Huangmao came, and the two fought side by side to kill some god-level Zergs, and were finally killed by a Zergman.

Yang Tian still remembered the strength of that Zergman, who was not in the same dimension as the gods. At that time, Yang Tian Huangmao couldn't even block a single move and was killed in a flash.


After sighing in his heart, Yang Tian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This time, at least he was not surrounded by Zergmen and the god-level Zergs everywhere. Perhaps, the Zergs are also in the growth stage at this stage, and perhaps, the Insect Star has not yet produced god-level Zergs, or even Zergmen...

"Yang, you look very happy." A teammate said to Yang Tian in English.

"Not happy, but relieved. I originally thought that the Insect Star was full of powerful Zergs, but now it seems that the situation is not bad." Yang Tian also spoke in English. After more than three months, he can now communicate in simple English.

"Haha, Yang, you are so timid!" Except for Liu Yan, the other four teammates all laughed.


Yang Tian rolled his eyes and thought to himself, you have never tasted the fear of being dominated by the Zerg and the god-level Zerg all over the mountains!

"Okay, stop making trouble, everyone release the spiritual sense to search. Our goal is to search every corner of the Zerg Star to detect whether there are god-level Zerg." Liu Yan gave an order, and several people began to release the spiritual sense to search honestly.

Spiritual sense is the official definition of Liu Yan and other genuine awakeners. In the words of Yang Tian, ​​a wild man, it is soul perception.

Generally speaking, the higher the realm, the greater the range of perception.

What is perceived?

It is Qi.

As mentioned earlier, any life has a kind of Qi. The strong have strong Qi, and the weak have weak Qi, but ordinary people can't see it. The awakened can "see" the qi through their spiritual sense. The qi of ordinary humans is very weak, just like a strand of white hair...

Through qi, one can tell the strength of a life.

Qi cannot be hidden.

Even someone as strong as Yang Tian cannot completely hide his qi, but he can intentionally compress it to the level of ordinary people.

Normal walking, running, jumping, even eating and sleeping, will not be affected at all; but once fighting with all his strength, or even flying, using this superhuman power, the qi cannot be compressed and will be completely exposed.

But humans are humans after all, they are smart enough to compress their qi and hide in disguise. And the Zerg, even the god-level Zerg, do not have such high wisdom and do not know how to compress their qi at all. Even if they lie still, their breath is very strong.


In his previous life, Yang Tian was a god-level assassin, and his spiritual sense could cover the entire earth.

But the insect planet is much larger than the earth. Moreover, Yang Tian, ​​Liu Yan and others have not reached the god level yet, and releasing their spiritual sense can only cover a small part of the insect planet.

Among them, Liu Yan is a Saint King, and her spiritual awareness range is the largest.

Yang Tian and the other four teammates are only at the Immortal King level now, and their spiritual awareness range is even smaller.

After a reconnaissance, everyone, including Liu Yan, had no gains. In this wilderness, there was not even a single Zerg, let alone a God-level Zerg.

"Strange, we have done research on Earth and found that the Zerg has a strong reproductive capacity on Earth. After the Zerg mother lays eggs, those eggs are just different every day, and they will become giant insects in a few months."

"According to this reproductive capacity, this insect planet should be full of Zerg. In fact, my spiritual awareness has covered the entire wilderness, but I haven't found any Zerg."

"Is it because the environment of the insect planet is so bad that the reproduction capacity of the Zerg has also decreased?" Liu Yan said continuously, and raised her own questions.

"It is indeed possible." Yang Tian nodded. In fact, he didn't know much about the Zerg on the insect planet. He came once in his previous life and then died, so even he could only guess.

"Let's take a look around. Let's move together and don't separate." After saying that, Liu Yan led the team to fly towards the front of the wilderness. Along the way, Liu Yan opened her spiritual sense to detect the breath of life around.

However, opening the spiritual sense is extremely exhausting and will make you tired in a moment.

After a while, because there was no Zerg at all, and even any slightly stronger life could not be found, Liu Yan breathed a sigh of relief, closed her spiritual sense and continued to move forward, intending to wait until they were out of this wilderness and open her spiritual sense again to scan again.


Yang Tian, ​​Liu Yan and others were flying very fast, far exceeding the speed of sound. If they searched with all their strength, they could travel around the entire insect planet in three to five days at most.

In fact, the speed of Yang Tian, ​​Liu Yan and others was many times faster than that of a spacecraft. It was just that they could not travel in the universe, so they had to rely on spacecraft.

On the way forward, Yang Tian and others were awakened by a series of roars from the front.

Everyone was startled, and looking forward, they found that they had almost reached the end of the wilderness without realizing it, and in front of them was a rare dense forest in the insect planet.

What exactly happened ahead, because the mountains, valleys and giant trees blocked the view, everyone didn't know for the time being, but those roars were definitely the roars of the Zerg. And there were not just one or two, but a whole group, a large group.

"It's the Zerg!" Liu Yan stretched out her hand to signal the team to stop moving forward. At the same time, she released her spiritual sense to investigate.

In just a moment, her face turned pale, her eyes trembled, and her upper and lower jaws kept interlocking and making slight panting sounds. She was scared!

She couldn't believe that there was not a single Zerg in such a vast wilderness, and there were countless Zerg at the narrow junction of the wilderness and the forest! In the sea of ​​consciousness, there were densely packed, countless powerful auras in that place.

And after Liu Yan measured each aura, she concluded that it was far stronger than her own.

——That means there are countless god-level Zergs entrenched there!


At the junction of the wilderness and the forest.

In this place that Yang Tian and others could not see, countless god-level Zergs were fighting each other fiercely.

The environment inside the Zerg Star is extremely harsh. In addition to the Zerg, there are other creatures on this planet, but the types and numbers are very few.

Yang Tian and others still underestimated the reproduction ability of the Zerg. Even in a harsh environment, the powerful Zerg Queen still has an almost abnormal reproduction ability.

Just as humans dominate the Earth, the Zerg dominate the Zerg Star, but they are much more miserable than humans. In order to survive, they have to classify their own kind as food targets.

Fighting among Zerg is actually an extremely common thing on the Zerg Star.

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