Super God Undead Lord

Chapter 416: Violent Ding

In the world of "Taixu", after death, the soul leaves the body.

But not every soul is completely separated. Occasionally, there will be multiple souls wandering together.

This is what happened to the tyrant in front of him. His two strongest heroic souls were tightly connected, possessing most of the strength in front of him.

As the name suggests, the Brutal Man has a fleshy face, a ferocious appearance, a tall and muscular body, and carries a heavy hammer as tall as a person, giving people a sense of violence.

His figure was illusory, blending into the darkness, resembling a ghost in a ghost movie, with a ferocious look that could scare a child to tears.

"You two inexperienced brats, you will be unlucky if you meet me!" Without any extra preamble, Baoding laughed ferociously, picked up the heavy hammer and swung it towards Yang Tian and the two.

Huang Mao took a step forward, pushed his small buckler horizontally to block, and there was a "bang" sound. Huang Mao was hit so dizzy that he retreated wildly.

"This guy is so powerful, no wonder he's called the Bull Warrior!" After blocking the blow, Huang Mao still lost a third of his blood, and he suddenly cried out in surprise.

"Be careful, don't get caught in seconds." Yang Tian warned, took the initiative, and fired his double bone spears——

Bone spear!

TP bone spear!

Two bone spears hit him one after another, killing Ding with tens of billions of lives.

The thug was unmoved, with a ferocious smile on his face, and launched a savage charge——


I saw the tyrants rushing out wildly, like a heavy tank tearing open the ground, smoke and dust billowing all the way, and then suddenly hit Yang Tian, ​​pushing Yang Tian horizontally for hundreds of yards.


With a crisp sound, half of the glazed bone shield on Yang Tian was broken. More importantly, after Yang Tian was hit, his limbs were stiff and unable to move, and he fell into a state of rigidity.

For a physical output person, the higher the strength, the easier it is to put the enemy into a state of stupor.

The higher the intelligence of a magic output person, the easier it is to put the enemy into a state of stupor.

Rigor is a type of "pseudo-control" in which the body is stiff and unable to move, but generally lasts only a very short time. Only combos can cause cyclic catalepsy.

Yang Tian is now the Immortal King, and he has a very high level of hidden erectitude. It has been a long time since he was beaten to immobility, but this time he met a freak.

Taking advantage of Yang Tian's frozen state and being unable to move, the thug raised his hammer and hit Yang Tian with one hammer after another, causing a series of "bang bang bang" explosions.

As Huang Mao said, Baoding's strength is unimaginable. In addition to brutal collision, his basic attacks can freeze Yang Tian. And his crazy combos naturally caused cyclic stiffness to Yang Tian.

——Every time Baoding attacks, Yang Tian will be pushed back by half a yard. Baoding will move and attack fiercely at the same time, and the cycle will continue.

You must know that after "Taixu" has been revised many times, many skills of each profession will also increase strength or intelligence during the period in addition to percentage damage, further increasing the damage and increasing the chance of knocking the enemy into a stupor.

For example, Brutal Crash, between skill releases, increases the percentage of strength, causes high damage, and has a high chance of knocking the enemy into a stupor.

However, being stunned with skills is nothing. What is truly terrifying is being stunned with basic attacks!

Not all skills increase strength, so what if you stun the enemy once or twice? The duration of catalepsy is inherently short, and it doesn't kill anyone within a second, making it easy for someone to escape.

After reaching a certain level of strength or intelligence, the basic attack and cycle will freeze, and the enemy can only wait for death...

Although Yang Tian didn't lose a drop of blood under the violent combo of crazy attacks, the bone shield was so damaged that it almost exploded.

Compared to the glazed bone shield, Yang Tian's basic life was really pitiful. If the bone shield exploded, he might not even be able to withstand a single blow from the devil.

However, Yang Tian is not an ordinary person. Although he is frozen and unable to move, the attack triggers [Amos's Heroic Ring] passively, and the spider web pops up to restrain Baoding in place.

The shackles of the spider web restrict movement.

The tyrant was restrained in place, but he still raised his hammer to attack wildly.

Baoding's power is so high that every attack can knock Yang Tian back half a yard. Baoding must move and attack continuously in order to freeze Yang Tian.

However, at this time, Baoding was restrained in place. Because of the extra half yard distance, Baoding's heavy hammer could not touch the corner of Yang Tian's clothes for a while.

The catalepsy is just a false control and lasts very short time.

Yang Tian quickly recovered and quickly stepped back three yards in a blink of an eye, pulling away.

"Wow... You kid is really covered in treasures, including bone shields and passive reflex spider webs... If I am circulatory stiff, I will definitely not survive." When Yang Tian was beaten by the thug and fell into cyclic stiffness, Huang Mao hurriedly Rush to the rescue.

However, he was just halfway through the rush when he discovered that Huang Mao had been freed from the desperate situation of cyclic stiffness by relying on his own strength, and he was immediately envious.

"Don't be stupid, I am the Crispy Mage and you are the Dragon Knight. Your hidden hardness is much higher than mine. It is almost impossible for you to be stiffed." Yang Tian curled his lips and said, but he was a little envious of Huang Mao.

Previously, Huang Mao raised his shield to block a blow from Tyrannosaurus. Although he lost a third of his blood, he was not stiff. This already explains the problem.

"It's useless to be strong and tall, I'm brittle! Although compared to you, I'm not brittle, but you have a bone shield, your grandpa's, a bone shield has billions of lives..." Huang Mao was envious and jealous.

At this time, Yang Tian stopped talking nonsense with Huang Mao and summoned the Immortal King Skeleton Mage with a wave of his hand.

The tyrant's figure is illusory, he is a dead soul, and he is immune to physical attacks.

Yang Tian summoned the Immortal King Skeleton Mage to deal with it.

Explosive Flame Technique!

Black hole!

The Immortal King Skeleton Mage instantly cast two big moves, knocking away 10 billion lives, and the black hole also controlled Baoding.

Bone spear!

Cursed arrow!

The Immortal King Skeleton Mage continued to cast magic instantly, causing Baoding to lose blood crazily.

When the black hole disappeared, Baoding immediately counterattacked, and after connecting with the Immortal King Skeleton Mage with one move, he instantly put him into a state of cyclic stiffness.

For a while, the health bar of the Immortal King Skeleton Mage dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye. And it continued to be stiff and unable to resist.

When the Immortal King Skeleton Mage fell into a cyclic stiffness, Yang Tian knew that it could no longer do anything.

However, Yang Tian summoned it out, and he just wanted to use it as a shield to attract firepower.

Undead transformation - Skeleton Archer!

Yang Tian transformed himself into a skeleton archer.

The skeleton archer is a physical output, but any undead form transformed by Yang Tian [Undead Transformation] is a magic output!

Armor-piercing arrows!

Multiple arrows!

Heavy rain of arrows!

Bao Ding attacked the Immortal King Skeleton Mage crazily, while Yang Tian attacked Bao Ding crazily, dealing damage crazily...

As a result, Bao Ding and the Immortal King Skeleton Mage lost blood crazily, while Yang Tian squatted behind them and fought. No one cared about them at all. The damage environment was simply too good.

"..." Looking at the scene in front of him, Huang Mao was speechless, lamenting that Bao Ding was stupid and deserved to be hung up and beaten.


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