Super God Undead Lord

Chapter 395: Killing Jiang Yun

The two powerful men fought in the air, and the air waves swept wildly.

The air waves were like a hurricane, and in the blink of an eye, the buildings, flowers, trees, and ponds in the mansion were destroyed.

The city lord's mansion caused a huge commotion, and instantly awakened countless soldiers patrolling the streets outside the mansion.

"The city lord is attacked! Go to the city lord's mansion to rescue the city lord!" The soldiers quickly teleported to the front and back doors of the city lord's mansion, and then rushed into the mansion.

The main city is like a huge teleportation array, and people in the empire can be teleported to any point outside the building.


As the majestic roar sounded, the army rushed in, with hundreds of people in each wave, and it was endless.

However, Yang Tian was well prepared. He summoned the army of undead, and guarded both sides with Xiao Jin Keli and others.

Yang Tian's side is full of spirit kings, with explosive combat power. The endless soldiers who rushed in would become corpses in an instant, becoming the experience and benefits of Yang Tian and others.

In the mid-air battlefield, Jiang Yun fought for a long time and found that Xuanyuan Long'er's health value increased and became weak.

"Another Immortal King, Immortal King Priest!" Jiang Yun's mouth twitched, and his heart was cold.

Facing two Immortal Kings, one of whom was a nurse, he couldn't fight.


Not possible.

Facing the Immortal King, how could he escape?

He was just a Spirit King, relying on the Thunder Dragon bloodline, fighting spirit, and his combat power was not inferior to the Immortal King without fighting spirit.

However, in terms of speed, he was no match for the Immortal King at all. Escape, just died faster.

In despair, Jiang Yun lowered his eyes and looked down, and suddenly found that most of his 100,000 men were dead, and the corpses were all over the ground... He was immediately horrified.

"Are you kidding? None of those people are mortals, are they all Spirit Kings?" Jiang Yun was cold from head to toe, and roared, "You idiots, stop fighting, report to the empire quickly, and call for reinforcements, I can't hold on for long!"

The soldiers below woke up as if from a dream and took action instantly.

Yang Tian and the others frowned. For NPCs, the main city of the empire can be teleported at will, so as long as they are willing, they can call for help very quickly.

"Quick battle, quick decision!" Yang Tian shouted, and everyone gathered all their firepower to besiege Jiang Yun. Xuanyuan Longer even activated the dragon transformation, doubling all attributes, and the real combat power is unknown.

Boom boom boom! ! !

After the horrible explosion, Jiang Yun finally lost all his life breath and fell with the exploded objects.

Xuanyuan Longer breathed a sigh of relief, lifted the dragon transformation, his face was pale, and he was shaky in the air, and finally fell down. Yang Tian stood up to catch it, rotated a circle to release the force, and landed steadily on the ground.


Yang Tian snapped his fingers casually, and a black knight under his command came out of the crowd. It rode the undead warhorse and came to Jiang Yun's body quickly. With a sweep of the black gun in his hand, he directly cut off his head, and blood splattered all over the ground.

"Everyone go separately. Long'er and I will go to the Dragon Valley, and you will go back to the Water Alliance. Remember, from now on, no one is allowed to enter the Shenwu Empire alone." Yang Tian gave an order, and Xiao Jin, Alice, Kerry and others nodded and teleported away instantly.

Yang Tian helped Long'er and walked over to pick up Jiang Yun's head and Thunder Dragon Bloodline.

Although it was a pity that the rest of the spoils were all over the ground, Yang Tian had no time to pick them up. In the current situation, staying for one more second would be very dangerous.

"Let's go." Yang Tian looked at Xuanyuan Long'er and said.

After the latter nodded, Yang Tian dispersed all the undead under his command and teleported to the Dragon Valley together.



A few seconds later, countless imperial soldiers filed into the city lord's mansion.

Among them, there were quite a few cloud-walkers, each of whom was above the Spirit King, and the pressure was off the charts.

"It's still a step too late, Jiang Yun has been killed." Looking at Jiang Yun's headless body, one of the black-armored generals said in mid-air.

"Too cruel, even the head was chopped off. Hey, did you guys see the murderer's appearance clearly?" In mid-air, another general asked several soldiers from Half Moon City below.

The Half Moon City soldiers' scalps tingled, and they hurriedly recalled the appearance of Yang Tian and others. The Empire had professional painters to draw.

A moment later, the portraits of Yang Tian and others were all engraved on it, vividly.

"All unfamiliar faces, very young, hum, with such talent, not serving the Empire, but murdering the city lord, damn it!" A golden-armored marshal, surrounded by nine-color treasure light, with a majestic face, looking around, making people feel infinite pressure.

"Put a reward on these people, once found, kill them without mercy!" The marshal snorted coldly, and finally glanced at the portrait, but he couldn't look away...

He stared at the portrait of Edith in a trance...

"This... How is this possible! It turned out to be Dr. Edith?!" The marshal took a breath, his heart was in turmoil.

Addis does not belong to this era. He is a hero who died in battle hundreds of years ago. Hundreds of years later, dynasties have changed, and things have changed. Countless people remember him and know the name and merits of this hero, but no one recognizes his face.

Only the older generation across the ages can recognize him.

Spirit Kings and above are extraordinary and can live longer with their life levels evolved. Legend has it that the Saint King has a lifespan of a thousand years.

"Marshal, do you know this murderer?" asked a black-armored general.


The marshal's eyes darkened, he stared at the general and shouted: "Do you know the greatness of Dr. Edith? His wise mind, cross-era technology, and the main city containing the teleportation array were designed by him! His contribution is , even if ten marshals combined are far inferior to one and a half month city lord, he will be killed. Are you talking to me about the murderer? Such dirty words are blasphemous to his old man!"


The black-armored general's face was sprayed with saliva, and the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched, and he took a few steps back, not daring to say anything.

The marshal ignored him and sighed to himself: "Dr. Edith has been dead for hundreds of years. Unexpectedly, he is resurrected now. This group of teenagers is not simple. They must have been the ones who dug the grave of Black Tiger some time ago."

"Killing the city lord, killing the lieutenant general in the hero cemetery, and digging the graves. They have already committed a heinous crime. Even ten deaths are not enough to atone for their sins."

"The key is Dr. Edith. He has been resurrected. He may have completed the soul exploration equipment! However, he has come back from the dead and is definitely more willing to serve those teenagers than the empire."

"You, spread the word that they can survive, provided that they must serve the empire. The empire will arrange for them the rank of general." The marshal ordered to the black-armored general from before.

The black-armored general was startled when he heard this.

Hey, are you mistaken? This way you can avoid death and still get the rank of general for free? !

"Marshal, this matter is not easy to handle. There is no such precedent! Massacre the city lord, behead the lieutenant general, and dig the hero's cemetery. Not only is it fine, but he also enjoys the rank of general. Who can accept it?" Heijia shook his head, his face full of dissatisfaction.

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