Super God Undead Lord

Chapter 318 Earth Dragon

Although there is only one level between elite monsters and high-level monsters, the gap is obvious. After the skeleton warrior becomes a level 80 elite monster, its health alone is as high as one million, so it will not be easily killed.

It is not until now that the necromancer has begun to rise. There are many undead and they are not easy to kill. This is simply invincible, and it will become stronger as time goes by.

"Open the way."

Yang Tian waved his hand, and more than 600 skeleton warriors rushed forward and quickly killed the surrounding earth dragons with a crushing momentum.

The skeleton warrior is already a level 80 elite, and its attributes are already very high. With the blessing of Yang Tian's dark power, armor penetration, and critical strike, it becomes very fierce. Any skill can easily kill the earth dragon.

And the skeleton warrior has an advantage in number, so it is naturally very simple to kill the earth dragon.


Not long after, Yang Tian and others followed the red dot on the small radar and came to a cave. No, it can no longer be considered a cave, but a cave house.

The cave entrance is a hundred yards long and half a hundred yards wide on both sides. It is really too huge. Looking forward along the cave entrance, it is pitch black, and there is a great majesty coming from inside, as if there is some extremely powerful life living here.

The earth dragon is already a relatively large monster, but compared to this huge cave, it is still very small.

Obviously, the life living in this cave is not an earth dragon, or it is not an ordinary earth dragon...

"In here?"

At this time, the red dot on the small radar in Yang Tian's hand is still flashing, pointing to the cave entrance in front. Huang Mao took a look and couldn't help asking.

Everyone was stunned. Dr. Edith is just a human. How can he live in such a big cave?

"Well," Yang Tian nodded, "One of Dr. Edith's ghosts is in here, but there should be another powerful life in here."

Ka Ka~~

As Yang Tian was talking, a row of earth dragons suddenly emerged from the soil at the entrance of the cave, and shouted at Yang Tian and others fiercely. Obviously, they intended to guard the cave and prevent Yang Tian and others from entering.

However, they were just a chariot, Yang Tian waved his hand casually, and the skeleton warriors around him rushed forward, picked up the short sword and chopped fiercely, instantly killing the group of earth dragons, and some things burst out.

Automatic pickup!

The pets walked up and quickly cleaned up the spoils.


Yang Tian lit a cigarette, lit a torch, waved his hand, and led everyone into the cave, which was getting brighter and brighter.

The cave entrance was dark, but the cave was very bright. The stone walls around were inlaid with glittering gems, which were the light shining from them.

Not long after, Yang Tian found a huge monster, a real dragon beast, with a blue-black body. It was obviously sleeping, but its momentum was intimidating.

Because it was lying on the ground at the moment, it was hard to see how big it was, but the length of the dragon head alone was nearly three meters, which was suffocating.

[Earth Dragon] (World Royal Beast)

Level 90

HP: 120 million

Introduction: Overlord of the island.

"You can't deal with this dragon, retreat!"

The moment he found the earth dragon, Yang Tian's eyes condensed and he shouted immediately.

You know, even in the world map, the world royal beast is a BOSS-level existence.

Monsters with world titles are one level higher than ordinary monsters. And above the royal beasts are the spirit beasts.

Of course, there is a huge gap between the royal beasts and the spirit beasts. The world royal beasts are not as good as the spirit beasts. It can only be said that they are much stronger than ordinary royal beasts.

Hearing this, Huang Mao and others hurriedly retreated, leaving only Yang Tian and a group of skeleton warriors to block the earth dragon.

As Yang Tian shouted, the earth dragon woke up from its deep sleep, and it suddenly opened its dragon eyes. The dragon's might descended, making the skeleton warriors tremble, and their attributes also decreased a lot.


Yang Tian's mind moved, and a group of skeleton warriors suddenly forgot their fear and picked up their short swords to attack the huge dragon head.

Heavy hit!

Heavy hit!

Heavy hit!







As the skeleton warriors focused their fire, a large area of ​​damage appeared on the top of the earth dragon, but it was only three or four thousand.

Compared with the terrifying 120 million health of the earth dragon, this little damage is just a drizzle.

But Yang Tian was not disappointed at all. Just kidding, it is already a glorious thing for the elite to break the defense of the world emperor beast, okay?

Darkness is coming!

Yang Tian immediately snapped his fingers, making the surrounding environment instantly dark, and at the same time weakened the earth dragon's total dark resistance of 5500 points.

Then Yang Tian glanced at the current dark resistance of the earth dragon and found that it was still about 10,000.

The earth dragon is indeed worthy of being the world emperor beast, and even more so a dragon beast, it is indeed extraordinary.

"Ping ping pong pong!"

The skeleton warriors were still attacking fiercely, and then they smashed randomly. As the dark resistance of the earth dragon decreased, their damage finally increased a little, barely breaking 10,000.

Because of the large number of skeleton warriors, just like that, the earth dragon quickly reduced its life by about 7 million.


The earth dragon roared in pain, and the dragon roar triggered a powerful shock wave, knocking all the skeleton warriors around it away.







The earth dragon's roar alone was lethal.

A group of skeleton warriors were knocked to the ground, and their health dropped by half instantly.

Fortunately, the skeleton warriors were already level 80 elites with millions of lives, so they were not killed by the earth dragon's roar...

Dragon Breath!

After the roar, the earth dragon stood up and raised its head. Suddenly, a powerful energy wave surged from its open dragon mouth. Immediately, it ejected the energy, like an earth-colored laser, completely swallowing Yang Tian...

However, after the light dissipated, Yang Tian did not die in the battle. He did not even drop a drop of blood, but the thick bone shield on his body was shattered and horrible.

He has a LV50 bone shield, which provides a total of 15.5 million lives and some dark resistance.

The earth dragon is indeed very strong, with strong vitality, attack power, and defense. But it has no attribute attack and no attribute damage, so its combat power is limited.

Because of this, Yang Tian was able to withstand its attack without dying.

Seeing that Yang Tian was still standing, the earth dragon seemed to find it hard to accept, and then its eyes turned red, which meant that all its hatred was focused on Yang Tian at the moment.

Yang Tian was not panicked, and immediately changed his clothes and activated the five elements shield.

He already possessed the five original powers of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. His five elements shield was naturally the ultimate version of the five elements shield: immune to all damage within five seconds (if controlled, the five elements shield will be temporarily invalid during the control period)!

As long as he is not controlled, he is invincible within these five seconds!

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