Super God Undead Lord

Chapter 253: Minotaur Leader

Luckily it was Xuanyuan Longer.

She is a level 60 lord, and now her HP has exceeded 1.5 million.

If it were a player, who could withstand it except for those top tanks?

Even the great gods with fighting spirit could not withstand it!

At present, even if the great gods led a group, they would not dare to kill the level 80 elite monster group.

The great gods have explosive combat power, plus the fighting spirit amplification, and it is no problem to kill the Minotaur Guard in seconds.

But the Minotaur Guard can also kill them in seconds with a backhand...

Even the top elemental mages can't burn much blood of the Minotaur Guard when they use the sea of ​​fire.

On the current player side, the basic attack power of the top great gods is only about 30,000, and the extreme fire power is 2150 points. Burning the Minotaur Guard will double the damage by 7.5 times, and the magic penetration will burn out the real damage, which is five times the critical strike.

This is a basic combat power of one million. Any skill can deal tens of millions of damage and easily kill the Minotaur Guard in seconds.

But the sea of ​​fire only does 10,000 damage per second.

You need to burn for more than 80 seconds to burn the Minotaur guard to death.

But, is the Minotaur so stupid that he will stand still and let you burn? Obviously impossible.

Even the top mages can't burn it, let alone ordinary mage players, because their sea of ​​fire has almost no damage...


The Heart of the Divine Tree increases 100,000 spirits.

Because the effect of the Dragon Empire Badge is actually 110,000 spirits and 1.1 million MP!

Because of the magic conversion, Yang Tian's basic magic attack soared by 110,000!

In addition, Yang Tian is a spiritual-level bloodline, and various factors make Yang Tian's basic magic attack as high as 150,000! This is far beyond the current players.

Bone shield!

Seeing Xuanyuan Long'er's residual blood, Yang Tian's eyes were stern, and he immediately waved his hand to put a layer of white bone shield on the former.

Today, his bone shield is still LV30, because he didn't dare to resist the tiger monster for more than ten days before.

If he doesn't resist, the bone shield will never be upgraded.

The LV30 bone shield is 30 times the life of the basic magic attack.

After Xuanyuan Longer put on the bone shield, it was equivalent to adding 4.5 million lives for nothing.

"Come back quickly!" Yang Tian shouted.

Xuanyuan Longer turned around and took a step forward. The minotaur guards behind him also caught up and raised their giant axes to chop fiercely, but only the bone shield lost blood, and Xuanyuan Longer did not lose a drop of blood.

"Long-range concentrated fire!" Yang Tian gave an order.

Hearing this, nearly 200 skeleton mages and skeleton archers attacked frantically, instantly killing the minotaur guards chasing behind Xuanyuan Longer.

Xuanyuan Longer came back in a panic, panting, her pretty face was pale, her pearly teeth bit her lips lightly, and she stared at Yang Tian with an inexplicable look.

"Be good, it's okay." Yang Tian's heart moved and comforted her.

Under normal circumstances, Xuanyuan Long'er would immediately roll her eyes, but now she nodded meekly, her pretty face flushed.

"Don't be so impulsive in the future. I said I would protect you, but if you force yourself to die, I will also worry." Yang Tian pouted and scolded.

He had to scold her. If this little girl is still so impulsive in the future, she will die sooner or later.

And she only has one life, and the copy mirror does not count. If she dies in the wild, she will really die.

Yang Tian could not accept that situation no matter what.

"I... I know, I will not be impulsive in the future and will not make everyone worry." Xuanyuan Long'er lowered her head and whispered.

Yang Tian nodded and smiled, and then he was satisfied.


At this time, the undead army had already stepped on the fire and fought with the minotaurs.

After one wave, there were only the last three minotaurs left in the entire minotaur tribe.

Two white minotaurs and one black minotaur.

Two leaders and one lord.

[Tauren Guardian] (Boss BOSS)

Level 85

HP: 1.8 million

Basic Physical Attack: 60,000

Non-attribute Attack

Four Resistances 3000

Armor Break 0

Dual Guard 1600

Skills: Shield Bash, Iron Wall, Charge

Passive: Guard

[Tauren Leader] (Lord BOSS)

Level 85

HP: 5 million

Basic Physical Attack: 100,000

Non-attribute Attack

Four Resistances 4500

Armor Break 1500

Dual Guard 2500

Skills: Heavy Bash, Wild Charge, Powerful Sweep, Earthshattering

Passive: Earthquake

The white tauren are over three meters tall, all white, and look very noble.

They hold huge shields, and look like shield warriors.

The black tauren are over five meters tall, all black, with a majestic body and sturdy limbs, and look extremely powerful.

It holds a huge mace, and looks like a berserker.

It can only look like.

Because Yang Tian's level was not high enough, even with the Eye of Truth, all he could see were question marks, and he couldn't see through their attributes at all.

Of course, Yang Tian had a lot of experience, so he could probably tell that they were two leaders and one lord.

At the moment, the undead army had surrounded the three of them, attacking them frantically, but they couldn't break their defenses at all.

And they, especially the black minotaur, could kill large swathes of undead in seconds by causing an earthquake with a casual blow.

Corpse explosion!

Yang Tian knew that the undead army had no power, so he snapped his fingers decisively while there were still about 300 undead left.

Bang bang bang~~~!

All the undead exploded, causing a sky-high fire curtain and billowing black smoke——







Three consecutive damages floated out, and the gap between them was so huge.

The power of corpse explosion depends on the number of undeads. One will double it! Three hundred will double it!

Corpse explosion is the most powerful skill of the necromancer, no doubt about it.

No, there is another skill that may surpass it, which is damage deepening.

Damage deepening is a skill that Yang Tian often uses. Now he has practiced it to LV20, doubling the damage.

If he had dealt 100 million damage before.

Using damage deepening, it will be 200 million, taking dark power, magic penetration, and critical strike.

If Yang Tian's dark power exceeds the opponent's dark resistance, and magic penetration exceeds the opponent's magic protection, then the damage dealt will be more than 200 million?

On the contrary, if Yang Tian's dark power is not as good as the opponent's dark resistance, and magic penetration is not as good as the opponent's magic protection, then the damage of damage deepening will be weakened, and even far less than the previous damage.

At that moment, Yang Tian blew up a corpse explosion, causing more than 20 million damage to the two white minotaurs, killing them instantly.

However, he only caused more than 450,000 damage to the black minotaur.

The black minotaur's attributes were too high, and Yang Tian's damage reduction was too severe, so he couldn't deal any damage.

The damage deepened!

Yang Tian decisively snapped his fingers again, causing the damage on the black minotaur to increase again.



"Huh? What's going on?" Looking at the damage, Yang Tian was shocked.

Logically speaking, his dark power is not as good as the black minotaur's dark resistance, and his magic penetration is not as good as its magic protection. He should be infinitely reduced in damage. It would be good to be able to deal a few thousand points of damage...

"Could it be that the damage deepening has been revised to double the fixed damage? Not taking dark power, magic penetration, and critical strike?" Yang Tian frowned.

You know, "Taixu" is often revised, and occasionally some attributes, skill characteristics, and skill percentages will be adjusted accordingly.

In the previous life, in the later stage of "Taixu", the damage deepening was double the fixed damage, not affected by dark power, etc.

Has it been revised now?

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