Flying all the way back to the ground, the other superheroes were still evacuating the crowd, but at the same time, a large number of robots began to drill out of the ground, and distributed according to the situation they appeared, it seems that just like the scene in the movie universe, Ultron wants to strip Sokovia from the surface, and then use special devices to send him to the sky and drop him again.

“Fury, isn’t it time for your people to strike? Is it interesting to make so many dramatic things? ”

The moment Lin Ye fell to the ground, he directly connected the communication with Nick Fury, and he knew that this guy must have prepared the space carrier for a long time, but he didn’t want to drive it out yet.

“You guys are super war, and these people of mine are not opponents of those robots at all.”

Fury’s voice came, and what he said was true, those were robots, and they were first designed by Stark and now copied by Ultron and enhanced in terms of attack, and ordinary humans could not be their opponents at all.

“Captain, help me watch Natasha and Barton, they are both injured, if something goes wrong again, I will find you to settle the score.”

“Why me? Now the boss is Lin Ye, and I’m just a part-time worker. ”

The captain replied, and at this moment, the two sides had already begun to fight, and those robots directly launched indiscriminate attacks on the people in the city as soon as they appeared, no matter who they were, as long as they were within the range of their fire attack, they would continue to attack.

Everyone naturally entered the attack state in the process, everyone was fighting, and those citizens who did not have time to withdraw could only wander on the battlefield.

At the same time, a large number of agents began to appear in the city, which were the remaining personnel of the former S.H.I.E.L.D., and were trusted people that Nick Fury was still able to dispatch.

The space carrier stopped overhead, and all kinds of transport ships and combat machines were moving rapidly.

“When is it, and are you still in the mood to joke with the two of us?”

Natasha said, he was fighting back to back with Barton at the moment, both of them had injuries, this was Barton, the wound where the missile hit before was severely broken, if he hadn’t insisted on coming, Lin Ye wouldn’t have planned to let him participate in this big battle.

“Stark, it’s time for you to come out and figure out what Ultron wants to do?”

Lin Ye ignored the mutual ridicule between the few people over there, he needed to confirm Ultron’s specific plan, even if the genetic system was already beginning to scan the entire situation of Sokovia, but Ultron now has more than two thousand steel warriors, in terms of pure combat effectiveness, it is not weaker than them in the slightest, this meteor plan, it cannot be the whole plan.

Stark immediately got into action.

“Ultron used nanomolecular technology to create an exceptionally powerful robot warrior, and he is now uploading data to that warrior, and once this warrior is generated, the power may exceed imagination.”

Helen Zhao stepped forward, she should have retreated with this time, but stayed at this moment.

“Vision? But now it’s not so much for Stark and Banner to transform him. ”

Lin Ye naturally knows what Ultron is making, and also knows how the combat effectiveness of Vision is, but the current situation is that they have not transformed Vision like in the movie, I am afraid that this is only an upgraded version of Ultron.

“Wanda, take a look at Dr. Helen Zhao.”

Lin Ye said to Wanda, who was fighting not far away, and Wanda also turned around at the first time.

“Where are you going?”

“Find the super robot that is uploading data and stop it before it is fully built, or destroy him outright.”

After speaking, Lin Ye’s figure had disappeared in place, he directly opened the space wormhole and walked towards the central area of the city, the genetic system began to search for information data about Vision, and the battlefield outside was all handed over to other superheroes.

Sokovia’s former Hydra’s secret factory, if you want to build robots, this is the most suitable place.

At this moment, Lin Ye is standing here, surrounded by all kinds of robots, the Mark series taken directly from Stark by Ultron, the defense series specially made for various superheroes, and those imitation robots made by Ultron.

“Lin Ye, you are always so annoying!”

These words suddenly came out of the mouths of hundreds of robots, and the voice almost didn’t collapse the entire space.

“Ultron, you know that I am here, you should obediently listen to Stark, now run out like this, do you really think that relying on these robot legions of yours, you have to make a so-called meteorite plan, you can eliminate me?”

As Lin Ye spoke, the Heavenly Blade Sword had already appeared in his hand.

“I specifically analyzed your data, the Flame Sword you hold in your hand is extremely sharp and can produce ice and flames, so every robot here is specially set up with anti-low temperature and anti-heat functions, you…”


The robot didn’t have time to finish his words, and the Heavenly Blade Sword directly slashed through his head, and what was resistant to high temperature and cold instantly lost its effect.

“What’s the matter, that sword of yours… Not the original one? ”

Ultron’s voice came, and at the same time, the other robots moved almost simultaneously.

From their palms and eyes, various laser rays shot out, and all the robots attacked Lin Ye at the same time.

“The data you analyzed is just the data I want you to see, do you really think that I will be targeted by others so easily?”

Lin Ye said, the Heavenly Blade Sword continued to swing, jumping between those robots at any time along with this wormhole.

The lasers they shot were either all dodged by Lin Ye or disappeared in front of Lin Ye, and then transferred to other robots by wormholes, and then attacked on those robots.


There was a sound of shaking from underground, and Sokovia began to shake, and Ultron directly started the machine and began to drag Sokovia towards the sky.


The plot of playing Ultron was arranged in this way at the beginning, but the civil war was put in front so it seemed a little long, and there was no intention to deliberately delay the plot. _

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