The Skyblade series, the most advanced battle-shaped celestial spacecraft in the known universe of the supergod world, its combat ability is almost invincible in all supergod world civilizations guided by supergod technology.

Lin Ye wants to build such a spaceship, the resources and technical support required must be of the highest level.

Now, the core technology of the Skyblade series of spaceships provided by the genetic system is manufactured by the dwarves who created such a powerful artifact as the Thunder Warhammer, and Asgard provides enough resources as a backup, and the first celestial-class spaceship in the Marvel world is under preparation.

Inside the temple, dwarves such as Hayashi, Odin, Sol, and Ettri are gathering with the core members of Asgard to discuss the construction of this huge celestial battleship.

“If you want to build such a huge spaceship, I am afraid that it will not be possible in Nidawi, and staying here, we have to provide some core parts forged by Nidawi, etc., it will be very troublesome to transport.”

The dwarf king Ai Tri came up with a complete idea, using a large mountain in Asgard as the central core, and then cooperating with Nidawi’s forging process to create a metal shell on the periphery for synthetic construction, but in this way, they had to travel between two planets tens of light years apart, which was also a very troublesome thing.

“With the Rainbow Bridge and the portal, can’t it too?”

Thor asked if Asgard had used the Rainbow Bridge to teleport every time it contacted all parties over the past thousands of years, and that speed would not take long.

“Every transmission of the Rainbow Bridge requires a lot of energy, and once the construction project begins, the density of its traffic will be very huge, the Rainbow Bridge needs to be opened with a lot of energy and the way to transmit is too lost, and the result will inevitably be worth the loss!”

Although the Rainbow Bridge was not built by Ai Cui, the friendship between him and Asgard has not been in and out of Asgard once or twice, and naturally he also knows something about this thing.

“If necessary, maybe I can build a space-time wormbridge station between the two planets, use the space-time wormhole to directly connect the two planets, and if there is anything that needs to be transported or people in the future, you can go back and forth directly through the wormhole.”

Lin Ye said, the big worm bridge terminal, this technology was learned when Lin Ye studied the micro wormhole, but there has always been no place where he needs to do this, so he has never used it, and now since the interaction between the two planets is needed to build the Skyblade-level flagship, it seems necessary to build such a space-time worm bridge.

“Do you have the ability to build this kind of big insect bridge?”

Ai Cui looked at Lin Ye and asked, after the previous discussion on the construction of the Heavenly Blade Seven Core Technology, Ai Cui had already realized how terrifying the scientific knowledge that Lin Ye possessed was, so he was a little accustomed to Lin Ye mastering more other abilities and the like.

“The wormhole itself exists in the universe, and I have the ability to shuttle between these unstable wormholes, and naturally I can find a wormhole directly from Asgard to Nidawi, but in order to establish a stable passage, you need to establish two interconnected entrance and exit terminals, and the scale of the construction of these two terminals must be at the level of a battleship.”

Lin Ye said that the two terminal platforms connecting the entrance and exit of the Great Worm Bridge are not simple, and the resources required to build them have exceeded a battleship that space-grade technology can build to some extent.

“No problem, we in Asgard will provide the resources you need for you to build…”

Odin said, and facing Lin Ye’s gaze, Odin immediately replied: “Compared with the use of teleportation towers to teleport between two planets, such consumption is already much less, and the frequent and high-density use of teleportation towers may also produce deviations, once it fails, the energy of the teleportation tower is continuously transmitted out, maybe it will directly destroy Nidawi.” ”

The Asgard Rainbow Bridge is not just a portal, it has the power to destroy planets, and Loki wanted to blow up the planet inhabited by the Frost Giants three years ago.

“Then start executing, you first prepare the main building of the Heavenly Blade, and I am responsible for building the Great Worm Bridge linking the Star Domain.”

Lin Ye said that the sooner the construction of the Heavenly Blade flagship began, the better, because there was not much time left for Lin Ye to make it.


Everyone stood up, and their respective parts began to proceed as fast as they could, and almost everyone in Asgard and Nidawi was working on this huge project.

At the same time, the situation in the universe has begun to change.

According to Lin Ye’s instructions, the Guardians of the Galaxy who went to the Void Land were quietly sneaking in, they were already famous in the universe during the Battle of Shandar Star, so it was extremely inconvenient to act, but they still accurately found the location where the etheric particles were collected, and now they are just planning how to invade the collection of the universe collector so that they can steal this thing.

Earth, after Lin Ye left with Wanda, Pietro took over everything in Lin Ye’s residence in Huaxia, and the Heavenly Dream System has been assisting him in carrying out the blows of some major criminals in the Huaxia region.

The magic teaching of Stephen by the Ancient One has entered the final stage, and her second disciple Casillas is already secretly arranging to raid the three temples set up by the Ancient One around the world at any time.

The registration bill for superheroes in the world, led by the United States, has begun to be discussed, and Wakanda has gradually appeared in the world’s vision, and one consultation after another is underway.

At the same time, the Ultron system obtained by Stark and Banner has been successfully launched, and all global defense affairs, Stark has been handed over to Ultron, and after Ultron successfully took over this task, the crime rate and danger index of the earth are rapidly declining.

In the center of New York, in the property that belonged to Lin Ye’s name, the captain looked at Sam’s latest message to him, his face became gloomy, and the clues about Bucky that he had been searching for finally appeared.

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