Chapter 296

Over the next period of time, Morgana returned with Wanda and Carol.

The crowd gathered together, had a reunion-style barbecue, and then each rested

Single dogs like Dagu and Siro, Hongkai and Juggler are naturally sleeping rooms.

In the case of Mon Yashi, although there were objects, he was helplessly separated from Ola by two circles, so he could only guard the vacant room alone.

As for Yun Che, let alone.

This is his home court, okay, how could it be possible to rest alone?

As the saying goes, happy alone…not as good as everyone happy, eh!

“Yun Che, do you really want to go back now? How about a few more days…”

After spending almost half a month in the super god world, Yun Che plans to take the original team, Tsunade, Otsuki Teruya, and Hexi, to go back to the world of Naruto that was the first to wear ~ Yue.

But when he got to the Dimension Wall, Tsunade had committed a crime.

“It’s been more than half a month, do you still want to delay?”

“Furthermore, what can be done if you delay it for a few more days, the dish is still the same.”

Yun Che rolled his eyes helplessly.

Tsunade, the girl, didn’t want the fellow to see what she was doing now, but she didn’t exercise or change.

Really have lived in modern society for a long time, become a housemaid?

“Naruto World… I don’t know if those two little ghosts have grown up.”

Hexi sighed.

At the beginning, she was the first person to travel through the world with Yun Che.

For the two little guys Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, she also regarded them as family members from the bottom of her heart.

After all, if you teach with your own hands and watch them grow from ignorant children to responsible teenagers step by step, there must be feelings.

“Don’t talk about growing up, the two of them may even have children.”

Yun Che grinned.

The time flow of the two worlds is different. God knows how long the Naruto World has passed.

“The children of Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki are equivalent to my great grandchildren. I really want to meet them.”

Datongmu Huiye whispered thoughtfully.

Datongmu Yuyi, that is, the six immortals, is the crystallization of her condensed Chakra.

And Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki are the reincarnations of the two children of Otsuki Yui.

In other words, the children of Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto are equivalent to her great-grandchildren.

Well, this relationship may be a little messy, but the truth is like this, there is nothing wrong with the old iron!

(;『:. Ben:. Group:; Every?. Day.! More? “New, fly;: Lu;. Xiao? Say’』! “『? If?, Water;’群;”』.’6 ,5,6;6,1?8!8!9!,6?”『.’若.水;中.’转;』”3?,0′?0;:0’3″1;4: .2,7,”)  ”Damn! I always feel that you are so laid-back, I’m the only one who is nervous! ”

Tsunade was crying, uncomfortable, shiitake mushrooms.

“You can’t live by committing sins. Who will let you go to waste cultivation?”

With a helpless shrug, Yun Che stopped listening to Tsunade’s ink nonsense, and directly tugged with a big hand, leading them across the dimension wall, descending from the world of super gods to the world of Naruto.

As for the Dagu, Hongkai and others who had been brought from the Otto world before, they continued to stay in the super god world.

Anyway, there is nothing important to deal with, so continue to stay here and idle, and they are happy to relax.

“Hey, this world has developed so well?”

Naruto World, integrate the country.

Standing on the edge of the sky, Hexi looked condescendingly at the towering building below, and smiled in surprise.

You know, the previous Naruto World, or Ninja World, didn’t use technology at all.

Buildings and the like are all small flat-storey buildings, very simple and simple.

And now, there are high-rise buildings, one after another, I don’t know, I thought it was a modern world!

“The era of Bo Ren Chuan…No, this development trend seems to be better than Bo Ren Chuan.”

“It should be the result of the technological inspiration Hexi gave them.”

Yun Che whispered thoughtfully.

Looking at it like this, it is estimated that Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha have already entered the middle age of 30 from the nineteen and twenty-year-olds when they left.

The child must already be there, and even can make soy sauce.

“Let’s go, go down and take a look.”

With a wave of his hand, Yun Che took the three women and flew towards the palace in the center below.

This was the end of the fourth Ninja World War. After the five nations were unified and the nation established and integrated, the highest authority center in the Ninja world.

It is also the territory controlled by Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto.

If nothing else, the two of them must be here.

“Huh? Why are there no one?”

He fell in front of the palace, stepped into the luxurious interior, looked around, and found that there was no one.

Tsunade scratched his head and said with a puzzled look.

She has a carefree personality, although she was nervous before coming, but after she actually arrived, she completely relaxed.

· ····Find flowers 0 ····

“Could it be that the two little ghosts had an accident?”

Hexi frowned and looked at Yun Che.

After living in Ninja for a few years, she also had a general understanding of this world.

To put it bluntly, it’s chaos.

Between country and country, and between villages, there is chaos. In order to occupy the other side, all kinds of indiscriminate plots and tricks have emerged one after another.

Although the five major countries have been unified, but who are not convinced to make trouble?

“It shouldn’t. They are the apex of combat power in this world now. It’s not that easy to get into trouble.”

Yun Che shook his head and said.

Then closed his eyes, let go of perception, and probed the entire palace.

As a result, they did not detect the breath of Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, that is to say, they are not in the palace right now.

……… .. 0

However, although he did not detect the breath of Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto.

However, Yun Che detected another faint aura that was obviously strange but also familiar.

“Avoid us?”

Opening his eyes, Yun Che’s mouth twitched slightly.

Unlocking the power of the space gem, instantly moved behind the owner of the faint breath hidden in the corner, grabbed the back collar, and lifted it up.

“You are……”

Turned his face, looked at the face, and found that it was a little girl, Yun Che frowned.

Red shorts and black sleeves.

Black hair, black eyes and red frame.

Yun Che felt familiar with this image inexplicably, but for a while, he couldn’t remember who it was.

“Yun Che, there is a trace of Indra’s Chakra in this girl’s body. I think it should be related to the child Sasuke.”

Perceiving the strength in the girl’s body, Datongmu Huiye said thoughtfully.

Indra is the child of Otsuki Yui and her grandson, and the only person known to be Indra Chakra is Uchiha Sasuke in the entire Ninja World.

“Is it related to Sasuke?”

“Wait, is this girl… Uchiha Sarana?!”


Sorry, fellow irons, this area of ​​my house has been inexplicably out of power recently.

Two days ago, it was because of the power outage. It was a chapter of the pigeon. Today, it was out of power for a whole day. It is very uncomfortable. Please understand. Ha~4.

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