Super God Evolution

Chapter 361: Value three

"Huh, it's so comfortable... The feeling that the body cells are rapidly strengthened under the influence of spiritual power is really too cool and enjoyable."

Slowly, Liu Jiang's body cells were saturated, constantly absorbing the rich energy of the world, but his body strength no longer increased.

Eighth level limit.

Liu Jiang continued to run the Yanlei quenching body, engulfing the pure world energy.

Slowly, Liu Jiang's body cell bones became more and more gentle.


Liu Jiang felt as if a shackle had been opened in his body, and his whole body became extraordinarily slow. The feeling of being comfortable in his bones could hardly be described by words.

"Haha, this is nine levels." Liu Jiang was delighted.

Although he merged the god-level fierce beast soul, the body is free of shackles, but it is so easy to upgrade a level, Liu Jiang is still very happy.

Liu Jiang closed his eyes and continued to devour the natural energy of the world. He trained for ten hours at a stretch. He hungry and hungry before he left the cultivation tower reluctantly.

After eating a big meal outside, Liu Jiang returned to the cultivation tower to practice again.

The next day, in September, the list of student hunting beasts came out.

Without exception, Liu Jiang ranked first, Bishi Kaganu ranked second, and Wang Shan ranked third.

Liu Jiang did not go to the soul tower, but was tired of practicing the tower.

After five days of cultivation, all 103 hours of cultivation time have been exhausted. Liu Jiang’s cultivation practice has been raised to the ninth level limit, and he can almost be promoted to the king level.

The third restaurant, Liu Jiang and Qian Yu had breakfast together.

"Go to Soul Tower after you finish eating?" Qian Yu asked?

"I'll be honest, I really didn't lie to you. I really won the first prize of the two-color ball, with a total value of more than 1.5 million."

"Yes, I have been waiting for a long time." Liu Jiang said.

"I don't know how long you can hold on." Qian Yu said curiously, "I heard that in the history of our college, the most powerful students can hold on for seven hours, opening up their soul sea space seven times, and the powerful soul is scary. "

"I think it's good that I can hold on for twenty minutes." Liu Jiang said, holding on for twenty minutes, the soul sea vortex space can also be opened up.

He has four Soul Sea vortex spaces, and all four Soul Sea vortex spaces are expanded by 20%, which is worth 80% of the growth of his peers.

"Come on later." Qian Yu cheered Liu Jiang.

"Uh huh." Liu Jiang nodded and said, "Are you busy these two days?"

His entire popularity was fierce, and he tried his best to go all out. His speed was very fast, and he was rushing towards Liu Jiang in an instant.

Liu Jiang’s eyes were shining and he was very divine. He paid attention to Liu Jian’s every move. For some reason, his vision became clearer in vain. Liu Jian’s speed seemed to slow down all of a sudden. He could even catch it clearly. The trajectory of Liu Jian's long knife.

"What are you kidding." Liu Jiang shook his head. "My relationship with Bi Shi Kaganu is so good. How could he hurt me." Liu Jiang cut off the man's fifth branch with a knife.

"Ahhhhh," Fero Chiguni nearly collapsed with severe pain, and he was almost crazy.

"It's really Butshi Kaganu, really Butshi Kaganu."

"Tell me, where is he now? Who knows this?" Liu Jiang asked faintly. His voice was very gentle, but Ferron Chiguni was trembling with fear.

"As for the two of us, he just hinted that I shot for the purpose of stabbing his father. He is now also in the wilderness area, around the base of the Big Child Survival Base." Ferron Chiguni forbeared heartbreakingly. Severe pain, finished in one breath.

"You are very good, a good person." Liu Jiang nodded, grabbed the man's neck and squeezed, throwing it away from the storage bracelet.

Liu Jiang found a tree house and threw out Bi Shi Kaganu, and he went down with a few knives, first discarding Bi Shi Kaganu's limbs.

When Bi Shi Kaganu woke up in a terrible pain, he could not help looking at Liu Jiang, and when he saw the half-dead man next to him, he exclaimed in shock.

"Liu Jiang, Rao Ming, let me kill you and I will give you 500 billion, no, it is 1 trillion." Bi Shi Kaganu has been terrified.

"Actually, I'm just sure if it's you." Liu Jiang smiled slightly, stepped forward, and cut off the wet Kaganu's neck with a knife, and then killed him with another knife.

"But that woman is not wrong, she is just for life, in order to live."

"These two are completely cattle, not to mention us, even if it is a general king-level evolutionr, it is dead to enter."

He has worked hard for a house all his life. For him, there was only one meal left for a house. It's just not fair, it's such a fucking. So I am not too tired.

We have to study hard and move forward every day, not just a simple statement, but the real meaning.

"Great, these two little guys, great." A Wang teacher said with emotion, in fact, he was already very good at Federal Evolution University.

Elementary school students have started school now, and there are countless elementary school students passing by every afternoon after school. Suddenly feel that buying small gifts should be a very good business opportunity.

But Liu Jiang has just been selected, and how long has it been since his freshman year that he has become like the most powerful character to let others. Compared to Liu Xiang, he could not help but feel a sense of self-satisfaction.

"Are freshmen now so bullshit, this kind of fighting power, even if it is put into the sophomore and junior, it is also the top presence." A passing junior fat man was shocked.

Some campus reporters have already set up various cameras and started shooting the battle scenes of the two.

"Wow, look at the two of them fighting together. Their speed is so fast, my goodness."

The two were too fast, carrying violent amounts of lightning storms and storm tornadoes, and slammed together in an instant.


There was another violent and extreme sound of blasting, and there was a slight tremor between the whole world. A student watching outside was pale and trembling.

When I come back at noon, I buy a noodle, a little tomatoes and some potatoes. When you come back at noon, I will accompany you to make the best miso noodles.

Liu Jiang and the two were also lifted off by the violent extreme energy, and then flapped their wings and rushed together again.

"I'm pretty sure, he said that he definitely enlarged his life. If he didn't guess wrong, he should have discovered a low-level mine, and the number of spirit stones contained in it would not be too small. We have to find him and tell him together, After that, they have troubled them and have a lot of resources. Our consumers, my cultivation ability can be quickly improved."

Bi Shi Kaganu rushed to Liu Jiang in a flash, but suddenly, some dust penetrated into his eyes instantly, and then there was a sharp tingling in his eyes, which was getting more and more intense.

Bi Shi Kaganu felt his eyes hurt, and his head was so painful that his hearing was so powerful that it lost its function for the first time.

"Our director needs this, so we have to do everything at all costs. It is absolutely impossible for us to forget our image in this world breakthrough."

"Ahhhhh... you **** it." The pain was too severe, and the wet Kaganu was about to lose his mind. He never thought that someone would dare to use crystal powder.

This is a formal competition. In this formal competition, some people will use the economy. The open left is bad, it is too bad.

This time, he couldn't bear it anymore. His whole body shook violently, and the pain was terrible. Two seconds later, he passed out in pain.

However, he did not care, because the lightning storm bombarded for a long time, the range of movement is large, and it can also blast such a big pit.

"Boom... There was a violent thunder and lightning roaring suddenly in the distance, and the whole world was slightly bright.

"Lightning storm." He quickly jumped to the top of the tree and looked at the lightning storm not far away. "The lightning storm is not very powerful, and his combat effectiveness should not have improved much."

He made a conclusion in his heart, and then blasted towards where Liu Jiang was.

Simultaneously activating the tortoise breathing method, his breathing and body temperature gradually weakened, and finally seemed to disappear completely.

Hidden in the void, he hurried forward and rushed directly to Liu Jiang.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Liu Jiang was bound to die this time.

He stared at the prey, and none of them escaped.

"Nine-level Shenhuo Black Crow can no longer pose any threat to me. The lightning storm flashed a little, and all the red flying annihilated." Liu Jiang will push the ninth-level beast crystal core into the storage bracelet.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, because in his perception, a shadow cat approached quickly.

"The king-level third-level shadow cat evolver with hidden abilities rushed straight at me, and his goal was me."

Liu Jiang's pupils contracted slightly, and then a hint of chill appeared in his eyes.

Since the other party wants to deal with him, he will not be polite.

"I don't know who sent it, how to find me."

As soon as Liu Jiang's wings were closed, he landed on the ground, took out a piece of dried meat from the bracelet, and then ate slowly, eating while walking slowly, very leisurely.

"Good opportunity. I thought he would wait until the night to rest. I didn't expect to have a good opportunity to do it now." Feilong Chiguni stepped forward quickly and wanted to kill Liu Jiang as soon as possible.

But he is not clear that Liu Jiang has become a king-level evolutionary, and Liu Jiang's mind is much stronger than the average person, not only the scope is strong, but also the perception is powerful and amazing.

He thought that no one could detect it, and Liu Jiang saw nothing in his eyes.

I have said clearly that you don't want you to take you to Feili, I say that, you see, it seems that there is no benefit at all.

At the moment Liu Jian took it, he had already taken it. The long and thin war knife in his hand stabled upwards like a lightning bolt just before Liu Jian's long knife hit the top of his head, stabbing heavily under Liu Jian's chin.

This sting force was very strong, Liu Jian was stabbed one meter high, fell to the ground and climbed back five meters, and then sat on the ground.

Had it not been for the special gel on the tip of the knife, Liu Jian would have been killed by Liu Jiang now.

"Liu Jiang's knife is very fast, but it's almost a bit, he was hacked by Liu Jian." Someone was secretly shocked by the danger in this blow.

"Great, Liu Jian's speed is faster than Liu Jiang, and his strength is stronger than Liu Jiang, but Liu Jian has been solved by Liu Jiang in one move." Someone said with arms folded.

"How can this be done, Liu Jian should be better than him." Some people are puzzled.

"This is the ninth form of the dragon slashing method. That's right. It is the ninth form. With such a knife, the speed is very fast."

"Yes, his movements are standard."

Seeing this scene, the students in the class talked a lot.

Liu Jiang couldn't help but see Liu Jian rolling on the ground.

During the battle, Liu Jiang suddenly found that his perception had become much stronger in vain, his eyesight skyrocketed, and his hearing and smell also greatly improved.

Then subconsciously cast the just learned swordsmanship, actually defeated Liu Jian in an instant.

"Could it be that the little ball made me activate some genetic power." Thinking of this, Liu Jiang was immediately excited, and his gaze was staring at Liu Jian.

The perception has been greatly improved, and his combat effectiveness has improved a lot. With the dragon slashing method, it seems that it is not too difficult to deal with Liu Jian who hacks with the knife.

The intense pain in his neck almost caused Liu Jiantong to collapse. He felt his neck was about to break.

It took a few seconds for him to come back to his senses, listening to the whispers around him, Liu Jian was furious.

"Damn it, how could he be my opponent." Liu Jian didn't believe in evil, he rubbed his neck, and when his neck got better, he walked towards Liu Jiang again.

But he was much more careful this time, and he stepped forward carefully again and again, he planned to use the advantage of speed to fight Liu Jiang.

"Want to fight." Liu Jiang frowned slightly. Although his perception has improved greatly, his physical fitness is not good, and he must not be able to consume Liu Jian.

He needs a quick fight, and if he is entangled by Liu Jian, he is likely to lose.

After all, his physical quality is not strong enough, even if he feels strong, he may overturn the boat in the gutter even if he is a little careless.

On the side of the body, avoiding Liu Jian's full-strength knife, and then violently bullying him, the long knife in his hand poked hard in Liu Jian's heart.

" what the **** is going on?" Liu Jian's eyes were red, a little unbelievable, his anger swallowed his reason, he threw himself up again, but this time he lost faster.

After that, Liu Jian threw himself up again and again, but soon was "killed" by Liu Jiang.

As time passed, the students in the class watched Liu Jiang's gaze completely changed.

"What kind of monster is this? How could his fighting talent be so powerful."

"Look, Liu Jiang used the seventh method of dragon slashing. The blue dragon flicked his tail and hissed. Liu Jian was killed again."

"The fifth style is great. In such a short period of time, he is able to integrate the dragon-sword cutting technique, which is really great."


The students in the class had a lot of discussions, and they looked at Liu Jiang, who was torturing Liu Jian's death again and again.

"It's amazing." Qian Yu looked at Liu Jiang with some admiration.

"Seven times the vortex space of the soul sea, seven times the power of the soul, I really don't know when I will reach that level." Liu Jiang was envious.

"The first time you enter the Soul Tower, it's good to be able to persist for half an hour." Qian Yu said, "In the history of the school, the record for the first time to enter the Soul Tower is only forty minutes."

Facing such a powerful man, the pressure in my heart is really too great.

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