Super God Dao Art

Chapter 759: Getting Started with the Dao Dharma

A spirit treasure with only spirituality but no intelligence is naturally not as powerful and effective as a spirit treasure with intelligence.

Because the spirit treasure with its own spiritual intelligence has a fundamental function, which is very important to any monk.

That is the automatic protector.

When danger comes, and the owner either has no time to react due to encountering a big enemy, or fails to prepare in advance, the spirit treasure with spiritual intelligence can often react independently and protect it automatically.

Invisibly, it made the monk more secure.

It is also impossible for such spiritual treasures without spiritual intelligence to do so.

Huh? This Kunwu Gold Pagoda can still attack.

Is it an offensive and defensive treasure?

Immediately afterwards, he discovered that the Kunwu Golden Pagoda was not only used to test the monk's potential as he had imagined, but could also be used as an attack.

If you are in danger, you can even stay inside the Kunwu Golden Pagoda, and with the help of the tyrannical treasure of the Kunwu Golden Pagoda, you can block countless attacks.

In fact, any spirit treasure can be used for attack.

Although the main function of the Kunwu Gold Pagoda is to assist, it does have the ability to attack.

However, in order to drive it and fully display the attack power of the Kunwu Gold Pagoda, the energy required is too huge.

With the strength of the master's current alchemy power, even if it is completely exhausted, it can only exert 10% of its full power.

It is the power of defense, because the material of the urn itself is unusual, as long as the attack power does not break through the limit of the urn, it will be difficult to shake the owner inside the urn.

Of course, the means of the strong are often unpredictable. If the opponent resorts to a trap, or seals and suppresses the entire Lingbao, then the master in the Kunwu Golden Pagoda will also be very passive.

By the way, the Kunwu Golden Pagoda is also helpless against Yuanshen's attack.

Therefore, the owner should not take it lightly.

Since Kunwu Qiling had already been refined by Bai Ziyue, his expression became obviously more respectful, and he quickly opened his mouth to explain.

With the strength of my alchemy, I can only display 10% of the power of this spiritual treasure?

How strong can this level of power be?

Bai Ziyue asked suspiciously.

Probably, it is equivalent to the full blow of a strong man in the extreme realm.

Kunwu Qiling said lightly.

Has the power reached the limit?

Bai Ziyue was shocked, even more surprised.

He is well aware that there are strengths and weaknesses at the peak of the Yuanshen Realm.

The strongest among them is precisely this extreme level, which is equivalent to being a king in the Jindan realm, or even a half-step Yuanshen realm level, which is only one step away from the next level of strength.

But now, because he owns the Kunwu Gold Pagoda, he possesses the power of a full blow that is comparable to that of an extreme powerhouse.

Although with the strength of his alchemy, he can only exert one blow, but don't forget, for him, as long as his soul can last, the power of his alchemy will also be endless, which is equivalent to unlimited. Unleash the power of this strike...

As for the defense ability, it must be equal to or even stronger than this attack strength. For him, the security has been greatly increased.

The only threat is the Yuanshen attack.

It's a pity that I'm still only at the Golden Core level, and I haven't been able to cultivate into a primordial spirit, so I can't practice the inheritance of mystic mysteries.

Otherwise, in the face of a strong man who is good at Yuanshen attack, he will not be too passive.

Bai Ziyue also understood a weakness in the defense of the Kunwu Pyramid.

But he was not too disappointed.

The Kunwu Golden Pagoda is not a treasure of attack or defense. Its attack power and defense function are incidental.

Its real function is the internal test, and after the test, it is used as a law training room for test rewards.

This law practice room is actually the most important part of the Kunwu Golden Pagoda.

It was the Taoist Kunwu who spent a huge price on the core of a star and constructed it as a treasure of practice.

In the law practice room, the laws of the whole world will be manifested and displayed more clearly in front of the practitioners.

In this way, monks can clearly understand their own practice direction, avoid detours, and improve steadily.

With the help of this law practice room, the probability of a practitioner breaking through from the peak of the primordial spirit state to the state of distraction can be increased by 30%.

And this, in fact, is also the reason why the number of Dragon Clan monks born in the Distraction Realm is often more than that of ordinary peak clans.

It is precisely because of this law practice room that there are so many talented monks who traveled thousands of miles to Dragon Palace and paid a huge price, even the price of their own inheritance, to participate in the assessment.

Just to be able to enter this law practice room and practice.

Kunwu Qiling explained.

Is this law training room really so magical?

I'm going to try it.

However, why did I pass the assessment before and didn't get a reward to enter here to practice.

Bai Ziyue's heart moved, and he couldn't help asking

Of course.

The entire Kunwu Golden Pagoda is already under the master's control, and of course you can use the law training room to practice at any time.

As for why the master didn't get a reward to enter the law practice room to practice, it is actually because the practice room needs energy to open.

Now that tens of thousands of years have passed, in order to maintain the automatic operation of the entire Lingbao, the energy inside has been exhausted.


Kunwu Qiling explained slightly.

Bai Ziyue nodded, knowing that everything has a price.

It is quite normal for the law practice room to open requires energy support.

Can't help asking: What energy is needed to open the law practice room?

Spiritual stones must at least be high-grade spiritual stones. Of course, top-grade spiritual stones are the best.

Or other high-grade energies, such as Immortal Crystal, Void Amethyst, Earth Mother Qi Stone, Pure Yang True Liquid... Generally speaking, 10,000 top-grade spirit stones can open the law practice room for an hour.

For one day, 120,000 high-grade spirit stones are needed.

Of course, if you use top-quality spirit stones or fairy crystals, because the energy level is higher, the time it can last is relatively longer.

Kunwu Qiling said helplessly.

The price is so high?

Bai Ziyue was surprised.

With 10,000 high-grade spirit stones, you can only use this law training room for one hour, that is, two hours. Even if the effect is amazing, not everyone can bear it.

Even if they are strong dragons, it is estimated that there are very few people who continue to practice silently in the law practice room.

However, even though the cost of using the law training room is huge, his net worth is not cheap, so he really wants to try it.

His gaze first glanced at the properties panel.

The amount of soul energy has reached about 570 million.

And the growth rate started to slow down.

Obviously, although the outside war is still going on, the two sides of the war are already in a stalemate.

Bai Ziyue quickly came to a conclusion.

And based on his calculation of the number of strong people on both sides, especially the number of black-scaled lizards in the Dragon Palace, it will take some time for monks of all races to really break into the Dragon Palace and gain a foothold.

So, with a thought and a flash of his body, he disappeared in place.

Appearing again, you are already in a huge practice secret room.

Law practice room!

Looking at the empty secret room, Bai Ziyue waved his hand without hesitation.


A small pile of spirit stones appeared in front of him.

It is exactly 10,000 top-grade spirit stones.

Immediately, he put it into the energy tank of the law practice secret room.

let's start!

With the help of his own grasp of the entire Kunwu Golden Pagoda, Bai Ziyue successfully executed a seal formula.

hum! hum! hum!

The void shook.

The law practice secret room immediately played a role.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Ziyue noticed that the surrounding world had changed significantly compared with before.

In the void, the invisible law of the courtyard gate is mysterious. At this moment, it is like a series of dotted lines that are extremely complicated but constantly changing.

These dotted lines change directions rapidly, and each change seems to possess endless mystery, which makes Bai Ziyue look intoxicated just by looking at it.

Is this the law? It's too clear.

It is far more clear than my previous perception.

Moreover, this law works, although it seems to be out of order, but if you sink into it, you can feel the 'beauty' in it.

This kind of 'beauty' is a kind of perfection, like the way the world should be, and the structure of the world should be like this.

It is a natural display that evolves into the whole world through a trace of mysterious rules.

So beautiful, so perfect.

Bai Ziyue sank into it almost immediately.

Like a lost person chasing the light in the dark, after finding a little light, he can't wait to chase after it...

But soon, he realized that it was too dazed.

Also too passive.

Although it did make him understand the rules between heaven and earth, he had a little improvement. But there was no progress in improving his own strength.

I need a direction.

As a result, the blessing was as deep as his heart, and he thought of the Taoist means, the Dao Dharma, which he had mastered now, which had not yet been formally introduced.

It is precisely because at this moment that he can truly 'see' the thread of law, so he understands more and more that the so-called Taoism is actually created based on the mysteries of these laws of heaven and earth.

This also explains why Taoism means can interfere with the rules of heaven and earth.

Because in essence, the two are of the same kind of mystery and power of the same level, so they can naturally not be bound by heaven and earth.

Open enlightenment time!

Immediately afterwards, Bai Ziyue also used the power of the attribute panel to open the time of enlightenment.

All of a sudden, his mind became clearer than ever before, and all kinds of perceptions, all kinds of whimsical ideas, and all kinds of ideas that were elusive in the past, all emerged in his mind very clearly.

Looking at the incomparably complicated rules of heaven and earth, a trace of enlightenment arose in his heart.

There is a feeling that all kinds of avenues are all in my heart.

Then, he put his mind on Taoism, the Dao Dharma.

He even took out the corresponding treasures one by one, and officially started the hidden cultivation.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

Bai Ziyue kept running the Dao Dharma, and even took out the corresponding training materials.

I see.

According to my previous practice experience, it is estimated that it will take me a day or two of quiet practice before I can fully understand this hurdle.

As a result, in this law practice room, it was extremely clear, which saved me too many detours.

Bai Ziyue compares the mysterious and mysterious laws, and constantly cultivates the Dao Dharma.

Unprecedented clarity of mind.

In just a short period of time, his cultivation progress in Dao Dharma has been greatly improved.

52% of the non-entry.

This is only one stick of incense's time for sublimation, and the progress of my Dao Dharma practice has increased from the original 27% of the uninitiated to the current 52% of the uninitiated.

Moreover, I have a hunch that until the official entry, the bottlenecks that plagued me in the past will not exist.

There is no bottleneck.

For Bai Ziyue, this rarely happened.

After all, from the beginning to the beginning, it is also a checkpoint.

In the past, in the process of cultivating many supernatural powers, great supernatural powers or Taoism, Bai Ziyue was stuck in this small stage, and lingered for a while before getting started.

But because of the special effects of the law practice room, not only did his cultivation progress faster than ever, but he also made him realize all kinds of troubles in the cultivation process in advance, so that he could directly skip this level and enter the entry stage smoothly.

The only bad thing is accumulation.

It's just the time to condense the seeds of Taoism.

Bai Ziyue felt relaxed.

His mind sank into his body, and while he was condensing the seeds of Taoism, his Dao Dharma couldn't help running crazily.

60% of the uninitiated, 70% of the uninitiated, 80% of the uninitiated...

As time passed, when the Taoist seeds in Bai Ziyue's body were condensed again, his body shook violently, and a sense of exhilaration and refreshment immediately surfaced in his heart.

There was an instant realization in his heart.

Taoism, Dao Dharma, entry.

Bai Ziyue slowly opened his eyes, and his face couldn't help showing obvious joy.

Although he now masters a lot of Taoism.

Especially in the case of having obtained the inheritance of three strong men, the depth of his background is no less than that of some top immortal sects.

But this Dao Dharma is still the one that is most suitable for him now, and it is also the one that is most likely to improve his strength in a short period of time.

The Dao Dharma has already started.

But now, the amount of my soul energy continues to soar along with the battle in the Dragon Palace.

Um? The number of soul energy has reached more than 900 million? 930 million?

How long will it take to increase to a billion?

One billion is a threshold.

Once the amount of soul energy reaches one billion, his attribute panel will be upgraded again.

It's great to upgrade the attribute panel, but at the moment, what he wants more is to use the attribute panel to improve the realm of Dao Dharma.

I can't wait any longer.

Bai Ziyue was anxious, and quickly set his eyes on the Dao Faxiang who was already at the entry level.

Consume 80 million points of soul energy, and you can improve the Taoism Dao Dharma from entry level to small achievement.

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