Super God Dao Art

Chapter 742 Discovery (2 in 1)

Obviously, there is absolutely unknown danger in the Dragon Palace.

Enough to threaten his life.

However, Bai Ziyue did not stop exploring.

Even though the inside is extremely dangerous, it is not his style to enter Baoshan empty-handed.

Walking along the corridor, Bai Ziyue soon came to the end.

At the end of the corridor is a palace-like garden. It's just that at this time, although the garden still maintains the grand scenery of ancient times, it has obviously been blown away by the battle, and the broken walls and broken walls are scattered all around. The pitch-black appearance seemed to have condensed a special spirit, eroding the surroundings.

Carefully bypass the place where the evil spirit is entwined.

Although these evil spirits have little effect on him, he is not willing to expend energy to expel the defense.

Soon, he officially set foot on the area where the palace is located.

There are obviously more traces of fighting.

Suddenly Bai Ziyue's eyes lit up, his figure moved, and his hand stretched out.


A magic weapon in the shape of a triangular fork appeared in his hand.

Inferior magic weapon level?

The original grade should be higher, not to mention the top grade magic weapon level, at least the top grade magic weapon level.

It's a pity that after endless years passed, the spirituality continued to wear away, which made this magic weapon only at the level of a low-level magic weapon, and depending on the situation, it may fall again at any time and turn into a spiritual weapon.

Bai Ziyue looked at the triangular fork in his hand, and soon came to a judgment.

I also roughly guessed that this was left over from the sea monster in the Dragon Palace in ancient times.

Moving forward, the number of magic weapons appearing on the ground increased significantly. Some of them could be seen from the appearance, but they were good envoys of sea monsters, with a clear water-attributed aura, while others were magic weapons that exuded a shocking evil aura. If Bai Ziyue's guess is correct, it should be used by the race that invaded the Dragon Palace.

It's just that most of these magic weapons are damaged and broken. Even if some of them still retain some spirituality, their grades have fallen to the extreme. It is considered pretty good to be able to maintain the level of magic weapons.

Among them, Bai Ziyue found a magic weapon with a sharp fork, which has the level of a top-grade magic weapon, and it is still intact, which already surprised him a little.

It's just that I don't know what kind of enemy the True Dragon Clan encountered back then? Even the Dragon Palace was breached.

You must know that according to the records in ancient books, the True Dragon Clan is the pinnacle of ancient times. In terms of strength, it is far better than the ten great immortal powers in the star realm at this time.

And it was such an ancient peak clan, but at the height of its prosperity, the Dragon Palace was breached, and its life and death were destroyed.

Since then, there have been few true dragons in the outside world...

The deeper he went, the more Bai Ziyue was moved when he saw the majesty of this palace.

This is only the outer palace of the entire Dragon Palace. He looked around, and in the depths of this palace, there were continuous ups and downs, but there were still countless palaces looming.

Especially the one in the deepest part, tall and magnificent, with a faint aura of shocking evil spirit and tyrannical skinless real dragon's aura intertwined.

From this we can see how powerful the True Dragon Clan was at its peak.

But such a powerful existence has encountered a catastrophe and has withered to this day.

It's just that I don't know, what kind of existence is it that caused the real dragon family to wither?

Judging from those magic weapons that contain a shocking evil spirit, they seem to be something that the demon cultivator is good at, but they are purer and more powerful than those used by the demon cultivator.

Could it be, the legendary extraterrestrial demons?

Bai Ziyue guessed, but was soon taken aback.

The extraterritorial demons are a powerful race outside the star realm.

According to rumors, the three major sects of the True Demon Sect, the Heavenly Demon Sect, and the Infinite Demon Sect were created by the demons from outside the territory who came to this world.

Therefore, the major immortal powers have always been incompatible with the monks of the magic way.

There are wars and killings between each other.

and many more.

Suddenly, Bai Ziyue felt something was wrong.

His eyes couldn't help sweeping around, especially when he saw the broken magic weapons scattered all over the place, his eyes finally showed a hint of enlightenment.

I said why it feels a little weird.

This way, it's so clean.

Now that there are magic weapons scattered, there are also traces of wars everywhere.

But why along the way, I didn't encounter the Dragon Palace Kraken that fell during the war, and the corpse of the existence that invaded the Dragon Palace?

In battle, there are bound to be casualties. There will be dead bodies left.

Perhaps, there are victors who clean up the battlefield, but it is absolutely impossible to just take away the corpses of the sea monster and another race, but leave magic weapons scattered all over the place.

After all, no matter what, the value of this magic weapon will most likely exceed that of the Kraken's corpse.

Involuntarily, Bai Ziyue thought of the weirdness he had sensed through the golden thread of his soul on the Zhenlonggou Altar.

When those sea monster corpses fell on the altar, without a sound, a large amount of flesh and blood essence was stripped away...

Surprised in his heart, Bai Ziyue's footsteps did not stop.

He quickly stepped into the hall.

And above the gate, a strange-looking creature covered in scales and armor suddenly opened its eyes the moment Bai Ziyue stepped in, and its scarlet color flashed.


The strange creature was slender, somewhat like a lizard, and somewhat like a real dragon. It was densely covered with scales, and it was pitch black. The moment it sensed Bai Ziyue, it quickly swooped towards it.

I've seen you a long time ago.

Although the suppression of the formation here is strong, even Bai Ziyue can only perceive three feet around, but his eyesight is not affected.

Not to mention that he has always been cautious and cautious, and has not let down his vigilance in the slightest.

Therefore, the moment the opponent left, he reacted, and the flying sword flashed.

Taking advantage of the trend, one sword at a time breaks through ten thousand methods and shoots away.

With Bai Ziyue's strength at this time, even a casual blow can be compared to a full-strength blow by a strong person at the peak of the Golden Core Realm.

Exerting perfect supernatural powers to break all spells with one sword, the power is far beyond the Jindan realm level, comparable to the full blow of the peak powerhouse in the early stage of Yuanshen realm.


The flying sword landed on the strange creature's head, piercing through it in an instant, and the terrifying killing power, along the wound, wreaked havoc on its body, and soon completely wiped out its vitality.

What kind of creature is this? Although it was easily killed by me, it was only because my attack power was too strong.

Just relying on its physical defense, it is difficult for even a middle-stage Golden Core Realm cultivator to break through it easily.

Moreover, the energy mechanism in its body is very strange, as if it contains endless dead energy. Only by breaking through the endless dead energy can it truly threaten the vitality at its core.

Bai Ziyue was a little surprised.

This creature was not of any kind he knew.

Vital signs are also completely different from things in the astral world.

Could it be the same as those star beasts in Xingyuan Shenshan, belonging to the upper realm, or something from the devil realm?

Bai Ziyue was a little confused.

But he became more and more sure of his previous guess.

I don't know, how can such creatures survive here for so long?

But fortunately, beheading this strange creature, my soul energy has also been increased.

Obviously, it is also a kind of living being, possessing a soul, although the amount of increased soul energy is far less than that of sea monsters of the same realm, only about half.

Bai Ziyue judged that although this strange creature had strong defensive power, its life level was comparable to that of the Golden Core Realm among sea monsters, so he quickly made an inference.

And for the convenience of memory, he tentatively named it the Black-scaled Lizard.

Soon, Bai Ziyue continued to go deeper.

The spiritual consciousness spreads around a distance of three feet. To him, it is almost the same as being non-stereoscopic.

So he couldn't help driving the strands of soul gold threads in his soul.

This golden thread of soul is the extra accumulation after his soul has been consummated and his kung fu has been improved. It has been specially compressed and transformed, which is naturally unusual.

Under the action of the soul golden thread, Bai Ziyue's spiritual consciousness and power of perception suddenly increased sharply, directly expanding from the original three feet to ten times, reaching thirty feet.

Not only the scenes in the distance, since then there is nothing to hide in his eyes, even the scenes on the back of some buildings cannot escape his perception.

At this time, he happened to be outside the gate of a side hall of the outer palace. The gate of the side hall slightly opened a crack, and from a distance, the crack was bright, as if there was a rather extraordinary treasure emitting light.

In fact, where Bai Ziyue's eyes fell, he did see a treasure inside the gate, which fell directly on the ground.

It was a round bead the size of a fist, golden yellow in color.

Although it seemed a little dim now, when Bai Ziyue set his eyes on the round bead, his heart trembled, and he immediately judged the identity of the round bead.

Dragon Ball!

This is the unique treasure in the body of the real dragon family, the dragon ball.

Not only does it contain the endless true dragon aura of the true dragon family, but it is also a treasure that they use to fight desperately, with infinite value.

For monks, whether it is used for alchemy or weapon refining, it can exert unimaginable magical effects.

If there is still a trace of the dragon soul of the real dragon family in this dragon ball, it can be integrated into the monk's natal magic weapon, and even make the magic weapon give birth to spirituality, so that it has the possibility of automatic promotion and turning into a spiritual treasure.

In fact, this is also the reason why the number of spirit treasures of the True Dragon Clan is far greater than that of ordinary peak clans.

The real dragon family is too rich.

Not only do they have the habit of collecting rare treasures, but they themselves are also full of treasures.

The dragon ball in front of Bai Ziyue, judging from its size, must be at least a real dragon at the Yuanshen Realm level to be born.

True Dragon Balls at the Yuanshen Realm level...

Bai Ziyue's breathing was a little short.

Although his natal flying sword has been born with spirituality and has the possibility of becoming a spiritual treasure, if it can be integrated into this dragon, especially if it contains a ray of dragon soul of a real dragon, it will definitely make him The spirituality of Beiming Feijian has greatly increased.

Naturally, the speed of promotion to higher ranks will also increase greatly.

Even, directly stepping over the level of the treasure of the best golden elixir, and promoted to the level of the treasure of the primordial spirit...


However, at this time, Bai Ziyue relied on the golden thread of the soul to greatly increase the power of spiritual perception. While noticing the dragon ball, he also noticed countless black-scaled lizards lying densely by the gate.

Counting carefully, there are as many as ten or so.

If you see a dragon ball and run in excitedly, you will definitely be besieged by these black-scaled lizards.

A dozen of them besieged together, and if they were careless, even the monks in the early stage of Yuanshen Realm would suffer. Among the strong in Jindan Realm, even those who were crowned kings would be in danger of falling.

Bai Ziyue sensed all this, and indeed felt the help of the golden thread of the soul.

It can make him predict the enemy first, at least in this dangerous Dragon Palace, it will be very useful.

Unfortunately, the soul gold thread contained in my soul is too little, if it is continuously consumed and used like this, it can last at most thirty breaths.

After thirty breaths, it will be exhausted.

It is much more difficult to recover than those ordinary soul powers.

Even if my attribute panel is restored, it is not so easy to recover. I must first restore the ordinary soul power, and then use the soul power to transform, and it is impossible to restore it to the peak in an instant...

Bai Ziyue calculated, but approached the gate of the side hall without fear.

And as Bai Ziyue approached, the black-scaled lizard monster that was quietly lurking inside the gate also opened its eyes silently at this moment.

However, they haven't had time to act yet.

But Bai Ziyue had already made a move first.

With a thought, the flying sword in the body rushed out quickly.

Evolved a sword to break all methods.

Along the crack of the gate of the side hall, it flashed along the trend.

puff! puff! puff!

It turned into a stream of light, and quickly stabbed towards many black-scaled lizard monsters.

Fast, almost to the extreme.

These black-scaled lizards are extremely powerful, and their speed is actually not slow, but they are far inferior to Bai Ziyue's flying sword. Before they could react in time, the heads of the black-scaled lizards were pierced through .

The killing power contained in the flying swords broke through the dense dead energy in their bodies, rushed into their cores, and completely killed that wisp of vitality.

Immediately, dozens of black-scaled lizards fell completely before they had time to react.

Then, Bai Ziyue slowly approached the gate of the side hall, and stretched out his hand to push the gate.


The heavy door rushed open quickly.

Bai Ziyue's gaze immediately swept across the hall.

It was found that the damage inside was more serious than the outside. Large areas of buildings had collapsed, and even a crystal pillar was completely broken.

Before here, there really was a real dragon that fell.

Although the flesh and blood body has disappeared, the scales scattered on it, the horns of the real dragon, and most importantly, the dragon ball are still in place.

Bai Ziyue glanced over and soon found out.

With a single stroke of his hand, many treasures scattered on the ground were put away.

He first set his eyes on the scale armor. Although the real dragon breath contained in it was already very weak, it was indeed different from ordinary monsters. It was very unique and contained a special pattern, which was actually very close Together with the Dao, like the Dao manifests itself.

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