Super God Dao Art

Chapter 560 Another martial art?

If I'm not mistaken, you should be the real Beiming who has gained fame recently and can slay the golden core with the cultivation of the gods, right?

At this moment, Bai Ziyue clearly heard the slightly old voice of the old man opposite him.

That senior is the first person in the Cloud-piercing Mountains, Qingxu Sect Supreme Elder Wang Weizhen Wang Lao Zhenjun?

Bai Ziyue's complexion also quickly calmed down, and his thoughts turned, and he quickly guessed the identity of the other party and asked.

Haha, I didn't expect that I stayed here for seven days, hiding from so many people, and I was still walking around in front of the boy who pushed the sword without being found, but it was easily seen through by you.

Wang Weizhen laughed, then his face became solemn, and said: I have heard of your achievements, and I know that your methods are quite extraordinary, but what I want to ask is, where did your Yuan Magnetic Cut come from?

I can't comment on what I got by chance.

Bai Ziyue's expression did not change, he shook his head and said.

Huh? This Yuan magnetic cutting is one of the great inheritance supernatural powers of my Qingxu Sect. Are you not afraid that I will take action against you and take it back?

Wang Weizhen frowned and said.

This Yuan Magnetic Great Cut first came from the Golden Core Realm Loose Cultivator, Yuan Ci Zhenjun.

Before the fall of Yuan Ci Zhenjun, he had publicly sold this great magical power many times in exchange for magic weapons.

It is not unique to Qingxu Sect, Yuanling Sect in Gushe Mountain Range, Wang Xu Pavilion in Chujing Mountain Range, several other superpowers, Tianling Sect, Shenmo Sect, Jiuxing Taoist Palace... all included.

How can Senior Wang believe that I learned from your Qingxu Sect?

Bai Ziyue said calmly.

It was precisely because he knew the origin of the Yuan Magnetic Great Cut that he dared to publicly reveal such a method.

Not afraid of Wang Weizhen's questioning.

So, you really are not from my Cloud Piercing Mountains.

But think about it, someone with extraordinary talent and strength like you is indeed unlikely to be born in a place like the Cloud-piercing Mountains.

Wang Weizhen nodded, but his face had the same look as expected, and then said: Since we met, it is fate, I have a chance to give you, I wonder if you want it?

Chance? Your old man's chance shouldn't be so easy to take, right?

However, you can talk about it, but whether I want it or not is up to me to decide.

Bai Ziyue smiled and said with a relaxed look on his face.

If it was before, he would naturally be a little nervous and apprehensive when facing Wang Weizhen, who was the first in the Cloud-piercing Mountains.

It's an instinctive reverence for powerful beings.

But now, although his strength is only at the level of the gods, but if he bursts out with all his strength, he can have a combat power comparable to the peak of the golden core. Although the time is extremely short, he is also confident that even if he is defeated, he can escape. It is not difficult.

The heart of awe naturally faded.

Okay, it's really bright.

Then I won't lie to you.

You are here in the Cloud-piercing Mountain Range, and you should have heard of the Spirit Vein Rank of the Qingxu Sect’s Qingxu Mountain Range. Because of the Starlight Gathering Array, it has now reached the peak level of the 5th-Rank Primary Rank, and promotion is imminent.

However, even though the spiritual energy in the spiritual meridian is abundant, even comparable to the level of the fifth-grade intermediate-level spiritual meridian, it has never really been promoted.

Look at my appearance, at most there are only a few decades of lifespan left, but I can't wait for long.

I just heard the news of the appearance of the fifth-grade spiritual veins this time when the True Demon Sect appeared in the world.

The spiritual core of the fifth-grade spiritual meridian can definitely promote my Qingxu Sect's spiritual meridian to be officially promoted.

At that time, the spiritual pulse will be promoted, the sky will be auspicious, and the opportunity will also come.

Therefore, I want to ask you for help, sneak into the depths of this spiritual vein with me, cut the dragon vein, and get the core of this spiritual vein.

Of course, as a reward, I can invite you to join the Qingxu Sect and share this opportunity together.

Wang Weizhen grinned and said with a sincere expression.

Go deep into the True Demon Sect and slash the dragon veins and take down the core of the spirit veins?

Senior Qingxu Sect, several Jindan realm powerhouses are there, looking for me a monk in the gods realm?

Moreover, the opportunity mentioned by the predecessors needs to be directly entered into the gate of your Qingxu Sect to be able to enjoy it... Does the senior think that my real realm of Beiming is low in strength and weak, can I be deceived?

Bai Ziyue raised his eyes and said with a cold snort.

The core of the spiritual vein is often the foundation of the development of an immortal sect. It is definitely a major place. There must be many strong guards. Even when the major immortal sects attack the true demon sect, it is very dangerous.

Not to mention, Wang Weizhen did not use a few Jindan realm powerhouses in his sect, but invited him a cultivator of the gods realm to participate. The thinking in it was a little deep.

Such as Wang Weizhen's golden core is extremely high, which one is not a cunning and scheming person?

Is this using him as cannon fodder?

As for that chance... Bai Ziyue himself is also a member of the Qingxu Sect. If he really wants to obtain it, he only needs to stay in the sect as a real Kunlun person. Why take such a big risk?

Little friend, this is a bit of a misunderstanding.

What I really value is actually the cutting power of your little friend's Yuan Magnetic Slicing.

Because only this great supernatural power can be very smooth, and without damaging the core of the spiritual vein, it can be cut down from the land of the spiritual vein.

And although this great supernatural power is owned by our Qingxu Sect, but because of the difficulty of practice, our Qingxu School has the highest cultivation, but it is only in the realm of small success, and it is difficult to exert this great supernatural power that can cut everything and cut mountains. The sea, the character of everything passing by.

I know that fellow daoists can slash the golden core at the level of the gods, relying on this great supernatural power, presumably they have already cultivated the great power of the primordial magnetic cutting to a great success, or even a consummation.

In this case, even if the power is slightly weaker than that of the Golden Core Realm, it can successfully cut off the dragon vein and take away the core of the spiritual vein.

As for the chance, I think fellow Daoists have also reached the pinnacle level of the gods.

At least this probability can be increased by more than 30%.

Could this not be called a great opportunity?

Wang Weizhen waved his hands again and again, then pondered for a while, and said again, Of course, it is normal for fellow Daoists to have a lot of worries.

Otherwise, I can give you a middle-grade Jindan treasure as a reward, how about it?

In addition, I also have a piece of news about Yuan Ci Wang, that is, Yuan Ci Zhenjun, to tell you. I wonder if you are interested?

Although the treasure of Jindan is good, I don't lack it.

However, I am very interested in the warships made by your Qingxu Zongqihe Hall.

If this middle-grade Jindan treasure was replaced by a fourth-grade warship, it would be quite good.

As for the news about this True Monarch Yuanci... As far as I know, he disappeared more than a thousand years ago.

And his news, for me, should have no effect, right?

Bai Ziyue smiled and said calmly.

In any case, he is also a member of the Qingxu Sect. Since Wang Weizhen came to the door, he would not mind helping him if he could.

Of course, the necessary benefits are naturally indispensable.

After all, his current identity is the powerhouse of the Nine Stars Divine Realm, the real person of Beiming.

Fourth-grade battleship... Fellow Daoists really have some lions to open their mouths.

You must know that an ordinary third-grade warship can be compared to a low-grade Jindan treasure.

The cost of a fourth-grade warship is dozens or hundreds of times that of a third-grade warship.

In terms of value, it is even higher than the three middle-grade Jindan treasures.

Wang Weizhen's eyes widened, and his yellow teeth swayed up and down in his chorus, as if it were about to fall down at any time. After a while, he said with a painful expression: I can give you a fourth-grade warship.

It just happened to me that there was an intact fourth-grade warship. Not only was it spacious and very comfortable, but its defense, speed, and attack power were not weak.

Especially the speed, under the full force of the explosion, it is not even weaker than the full-strength flight of the cultivator in the later stage of the Golden Core Realm.

Enough to last you a thousand years.

However, fellow Daoists must follow my instructions and try to help me take away the core of the spiritual vein as soon as possible.

Of course, I will also protect your safety, so that those devil cubs will not threaten you.

As for the news about True Monarch Yuan Magnetic.

Do you know why Magneto King dared to resell the great magical powers he created, the Great Cut of Magneto?

You must know that once the enemy has mastered the mysteries of his great supernatural powers, and if he is specifically targeted and restrained, the threat is great.

Wang Weizhen said with a sneer.

What's that for?

Bai Ziyue froze in his heart.

Wasn't he targeted by Zhenjun Qianyuan because he exposed the means of attacking?

If it weren't for the rapid progress in his strength, the present would not be what it used to be, and it would definitely be very dangerous.

Qianyuan Zhenjun only guessed his attacking characteristics, and the targeted arrangement made him quite threatened. Yuanci Zhenjun directly sold his great supernatural power cultivation method. If it is targeted, it may even cause the backlash of the great supernatural powers, and the soul and soul will be shaken, which is definitely more dangerous.

Therefore, the True Monarch Yuan Magnetic must have another support.

Outsiders only know that True Monarch Yuan Ci only created this great power of Yuan Ci great cutting, but they don't know that after that, he has innovated and created a way that is far superior to Yuan Ci great cutting. Technique, the great divine light of Yuan Magnetic.

Wang Weizhen replied.

Taoism? Yuan Magnetic Great Divine Light?

Bai Ziyue was shocked.

Yes, it is a Taoist technique that is stronger than the Great Divine Ability.

With this Dao technique, he has the invincible means to be able to be crowned king in the golden core level, and is called the Yuan Magnetic King.

You must know that every Jindan realm powerhouse who can be crowned king has a combat power that is almost invincible.

Even if I have reached the pinnacle of the Golden Core Realm, at the peak, I can't even be a king.

Now that Shouyuan is approaching, Qi and blood are declining, the five declines of heaven and man are coming, and the strength is greatly reduced.

But I know the place where Magneto fell. He knew even more that his inheritance of sect and Taoism was carried with him by him, and was also lost in that secret place.

Wang Weizhen smiled slightly and said in a deep voice.

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