Super God Dao Art

Chapter 555 Dao Technique: Heaven Repairing Technique

No matter what kind of magical powers, no matter how mysterious, in the face of absolute power, it can't play the slightest role.

Bai Ziyue, who has displayed the body of the gods, is too powerful now. Every move of his hand and every move contains a terrifying power. He uses this to display the great handprint of immortal martial arts, even if the power of the great mudra of immortal martial arts is not counted. Strong, not even a supernatural power, but also has a terrifying power comparable to the full blow of a monk in the early stage of the Golden Core Realm.

The real Xiongshan is only a powerhouse of the eight-star God Realm, equivalent to the existence of the second level of the peak of the God Realm. Even if the power of the transformation is not weak, naturally it can't stop Bai Ziyue's random shot, and it directly turns into flesh. mud.

With thoughts flashing in his heart, Bai Ziyue made a slight move, put away the spoils of war on his body, and took advantage of the situation to release the divine powers on his body.


As soon as the spiritual body of the gods was lifted, a sense of 'weakness' immediately occurred in his heart, making him feel lost.

This divine body has infinite power, and it really increases my strength greatly.

It's a pity that the consumption of spiritual sense is too terrifying, otherwise I really want to maintain it for a long time.

Bai Ziyue sensed the few spiritual thoughts he had left at this time, shook his head and sighed, his figure swayed, and quickly disappeared.

After more than ten breaths, Bai Ziyue's figure appeared in a natural cave.

He took out the Xumi Zhenfu that he had auctioned earlier, stayed in the Zhenfu, and then looked at the number of soul energy.

The soul energy has reached more than 70 million? It is equivalent to an increase of 20 million points in only a few dozen breaths... This feeling is really good.

But by this time, the number of soul energy growth was obviously much slower.

Thinking about it, most of the demon cultivators at the level of the gods were probably killed by Zhenyue Zhenjun and others, and most of the remaining demon cultivators at the level of enlightenment had already died.

Although the soul energy is still increasing rapidly, it has become a bit scattered.

It is estimated that in the end, at most, my soul can be raised to about 90 million, and it will not reach 100 million, reaching the level of extreme upgrade.

Bai Ziyue looked at the number of soul energy that was still growing rapidly on the attribute panel, and sighed in his heart, and soon came to a judgment.

This is also his estimate based on the attribute panel of how much each strong person will increase his soul energy when they fall. Although it is not very accurate, it is not too bad.

This situation gave him a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, there was a little bit of a move.

Now I have five great supernatural powers in hand, and they have all been upgraded to the perfection level. Logically speaking, the soul energy required is not much.

However, I lack an attacking technique that fits me perfectly and is created according to my own practice.

Bai Ziyue frowned, a faint thought flashed across his face.

Even if he can completely use this great magical power, the power of the display reaches the extreme.

But this so-called ultimate is only the ultimate of the predecessor's method, based on the ultimate of the predecessor's practice level, but it is not his own ultimate.

Therefore, although Bai Ziyue performed these great supernatural powers smoothly, he always felt a sense of hesitation.

After all, his cultivation technique is the top cultivation technique in the world, and the level of enlightenment is the ultimate cultivation technique that can ignite one thousand two hundred and ninety-six acupoints, the One Yuan Dao technique. Even the Swallowing Heaven God Transformation Art is an absolute method that extends the One Yuan Dao method.

Naturally, his strength, strength, background, spiritual strength, soul strength, physical strength... In all aspects, he is far deeper than countless others, and even surpasses the creators of many supernatural powers and great supernatural powers.

So, I need a way to vent the power that belongs to me entirely.

There needs to be a method that can make my strength truly manifest.

There needs to be a method that can proudly appear in the world and conquer all things.

This method belongs to me only, it is similar to my innate supernatural power, and it is only owned by me.

It's the natal law that is rooted in my practice.

Bai Ziyue whispered, his eyes raised slightly, and a hint of heat flashed involuntarily.

At this moment, his heart was rising, his fighting spirit was burning, and he was as high as the rising sun... His blood was boiling, and he couldn't wait.

Open enlightenment time, time is infinite...

Bai Ziyue's thoughts changed.

In an instant, he felt his four senses, perception, spiritual sense, soul perception, perception of heaven and earth, comprehension... and all the senses, at this moment, improved countless times.

The capture of all kinds of flashing inspirations in his mind, the mysterious changes in the principles of the natural movement between heaven and earth, some kind of inspiration, and instantly forgotten thoughts... all became extremely clearly displayed in his mind. in the mind.

In his mind, the countless accumulations before, various supernatural powers, great supernatural powers, various attacking techniques, spells, perception of the operation of the avenue... all turned into a formula for props and words, and violent collisions in his mind up.

More sparks aroused.

Then Bai Ziyue intercepted the sparks and combined them closely with the one-yuan Dao method he created, the Heaven-Swallowing God's Transformation Technique.

Completely based on the characteristics of one's own practice method, thinking mode, and rooted in oneself, start to create bit by bit, that belongs to one's own unique law.

This is a process of water grinding, which not only requires a deep and incomparable background, but also requires a flash of inspiration and inspiration.

Fortunately, Bai Ziyue has all of them.

Under the enlightenment time, his inspiration is infinite.

As for the background, he can even compete with the top Jindan realm powerhouses...

time flies.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

Bai Ziyue seemed to be unable to feel the passage of time, and his thoughts were turning violently.

The outside world changes, the sun and the moon rise and fall, and there is no feeling at all.

Suddenly, Bai Ziyue's heart trembled.

Eyes suddenly opened.

No joy and no sorrow.

But in your indifferent eyes, a mysterious glare flashed.

This method...

Bai Ziyue's expression was inexplicable.

After a long time, he took a deep breath and whispered, This method of mine is too crazy.

Although only a prototype.

However, this method has no fixed method of implementation, and it needs to be perfected with the help of the laws of heaven and earth.

As long as my strength doesn't reach the top, I don't look down on everything in the world, and I don't transcend the avenues of heaven and earth.

This method is always a prototype.

I thought it was destined to be difficult, but I didn't expect it to be created by me.

This time, the 'law' created by Bai Ziyue, in the final analysis, is in the word 'complement'.

At the level of ideas, it even surpassed the magic power and reached the realm of Tao.

In the world of immortal magic, the 'attack and defense' that transcends supernatural powers is called 'Daoshu', which means the Taoism that contains the Dao of Heaven and Earth.

What I created this time has a hint of Taoism.

Although it is only a prototype in essence, it can fit all kinds of attack techniques and defense techniques, so that each attack technique and defense technique can be fully revealed with the strength of the self.

For example, the great magical power of Yuan Magnetic Cutting, if I use my previous strength, I can reach the peak level in the middle stage of Jindan.

But in essence, the cultivation level of the cultivator who created the Yuan Magnetic Great Cut, calculated by the number of acupoints ignited, is actually only 1,080.

Therefore, when I used this great supernatural power, the number of acupoints I used was only 1,080, and I did not fully utilize the advantage of my 1,296 acupoints.

But if you use the 'method' or 'dao technique' created by me to perform it, it is equivalent to raising the rank of the great cutting of the Yuan magnetism to one thousand two hundred and ninety-six acupoints. The level of the skill level of the orifices.

With my strength at this time, I should be able to directly reach the level of a full-strength strike by a cultivator in the later stage of the Golden Core Realm.

Invisibly, it improved my strength and magical power.

The same is true for other magical methods. As long as they are used with the help of this 'Dao Technique' created by me, their power can be improved again.

This part is originally the limit of the skill level of the creators, but because of my Taoism, it makes up for it.

Bai Ziyue analyzed silently, comprehending the characteristics of this 'Daoshu' in detail, and was extremely excited.

So, my Daoist technique, in the final analysis, is actually equivalent to a converter.

To say that it is strong, for many monks, it is simply tasteless.

After all, many supernatural power levels are actually higher than their own cultivation techniques.

But because of my extremely high level of cultivation technique, it has reached the pinnacle of a monk of the same level. Therefore, the function and power of this 'transformer' immediately reached the extreme.

Bai Ziyue was very satisfied with this creation.

This kind of method is much stronger than the attacking technique and the defensive technique of the single deposit.

Because a single attack technique is strong, it is only strong in one aspect, and with the help of the Dao technique he created this time, he can make himself reach the top level in all aspects.

Just a little comparison, anyone can perceive the difference.

If that's the case, I'll name the newly created 'fa' this time as the Heaven Repairing Technique.

Using the Heaven Repairing Technique to display various supernatural powers can directly increase the power of these supernatural powers to the extreme. In the final analysis, isn't it a kind of 'complement'?

This sky repairing technique is exactly the same as this technique.

Bai Ziyue pondered for a while, and quickly decided on the name of this technique.

The moment he named this Dao Technique, he immediately saw that there was an extra bar above his attribute panel.

Dao Technique: Heaven Repairing Technique.

Sure enough, this method of mine has far surpassed the supernatural power, the great supernatural power, and has reached another level.

This time, it really is an explosion of my countless accumulations.

However, although the power of this sky-repairing technique is strong, if I want to make up for my supernatural power to the extreme, the power of spiritual sense consumed is also very terrifying.

Calculated based on the use of Yuan Magnetic Cut, once cast, it needs to consume 10% of the power of Divine Sense. And if I need to complete the slightly weaker magical powers such as the annihilation divine light, shrink the ground into an inch, and the small forbidden spirit technique to the extreme, then the power of divine sense that needs to be consumed will directly reach more than 50%...

Bai Ziyue couldn't help feeling emotional.

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