Super God Dao Art

Chapter 520 The Power of Everything

As soon as the small forbidden spirit technique came out, the Soul Control Demon Lord who was frantically attacking the sword wall was stunned, and the breath in his body was slightly dissipated.

But soon, his strength was restored.

Although the Small Forbidden Technique of the Perfection level is strong, it is of little use to him who is at the peak of the early stage of the Golden Core Realm.

But in the next moment, he noticed Bai Ziyue's body, and a huge human-shaped phantom rushed out again, and he felt a chill in his heart.

And when he reacted, the azure light rushed into his mind again, and he scolded: @Q#*$~@¥... But his mind was instantly impacted. into a standstill.

And because he was attacked by Bai Ziyue's innate magical powers one after another, his soul was a little bit unbearable, and he became a little blunt.

So this time, it took him two full breaths to wake up.

Then, the moment he opened his eyes, he saw a magnetic primordial light coming towards him at an extremely high speed. Before he could even react, he felt a slight chill in his head, body, from top to bottom.

The whole one was cut in half.

Then his thoughts fell into a permanent pause in an instant.


Until then, there was a hint of disbelief in his wide eyes. He may never have imagined that he had just been resurrected, and when he was full of ambition and wanted to rule the world, he encountered another disaster and fell directly.

Die before leaving the apprenticeship...

Soul energy +5432136!

Bai Ziyue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw the sharp increase in the number of soul energy.

This time, the pressure in his heart was actually great.

The opponent's strength is too strong, and the first-level peak of the Golden Core Realm can be called the strongest existence he has ever encountered.

If he hasn't been able to kill the opponent this time, then he can only turn around and flee.

Fortunately, although the opponent's strength is strong, it does not exceed his ability. After the impact of his innate supernatural power 'absence', the opponent will also come to a standstill, and he will be promoted to the ultimate perfection of the great magnetic cutting. , did not let him down, everything passed, directly cut the other's body from the top of the head down, cut in half.

Among them, the power of life and death, the natural loss will directly kill his vitality and soul.

Just killed the Demon Slayer, and was planning to take action with Bai Ziyue to deal with the Soul Control Demon Lord, the Giant Axe and the others, when he saw Bai Ziyue display a mysterious soul attacking supernatural power, and saw that he once again displayed Yuan Ci Da. Cut, and then saw the great cutting of Yuanci directly cut the Soul Control Demon King in half...


Incomparably powerful, comparable to the Soul Control Demon Lord who existed in the middle stage of the Golden Core Realm, just died like this?

Even though they were looking forward to this, when this thing really happened in front of them, they still felt a dizziness in their minds, a little unbelievable.

Immediately afterwards, endless ecstasy appeared on their faces.

More after the catastrophe.

This time, they encountered the Demon Lord of Soul Control. They thought they were doomed and would definitely die. Unexpectedly, Master Beiming appeared, and immediately showed his unimaginable strength, and directly killed the Demon Lord of Soul Control.

Such bravery, such tyranny, made them happy and excited.


Just at this moment, a shocking sound suddenly came out.

Immediately afterwards, everyone felt the pressure that had been shrouded in their bodies loosened.

The world suddenly became brighter.

Not only did the yin qi cage that originally hung on top of everyone's heads cracked and retreated, but even the great formation that blocked the sky and the earth seemed to be affected. It collapsed slightly, exposing the rocks outside. A ray of light shone down in the sky.

Through this ray of light, they could even see the sky outside, and the huge sun that was nine days away.

Everyone's heart tightened, then loosened, and they suddenly realized that this time, it was Bai Ziyue's great slicing of the primordial magnetism. The array shattered.

When the great formation broke open, the natural yin qi cage collapsed, and the psionic shield that enveloped the heavens and the earth also collapsed.

As expected of a real person from Beiming, he is too strong.

Shenzhen Beiming is naturally stronger, but he is an existence who kills immortals in adversity, and will kill all the devils who control the soul.

I estimate that even the suzerains of the four great immortal sects, even the first-class young suzerain, can't compare to him, right?

Please remove the 'estimation'. Although those people are strong, their strength is at most half-step Jindan level like the giant axe real person. Many people have not even reached the level of the nine-star god realm. compared to?


Everyone was in admiration and looked at Bai Ziyue with hot and reverent eyes.

Bai Ziyue didn't pay much attention to it. At the moment when he beheaded the Soul Control Demon Lord, his head was also slightly dizzy, and he felt a bit of a splitting headache.

The power of this innate supernatural power did not disappoint me, even the strong Jindan realm would be affected.

But to use absence, what needs to be consumed is the power of my soul and the power of life. With my soul strength, if I use it with all my strength, I can only emit it three times.

After three times, it is necessary to be too weak, and once it is used again, there is a danger of damaging the foundation.

It's a pity that I can't use the soul energy to restore this soul power, otherwise it wouldn't be so uncomfortable.

Fortunately, my background is now much deeper than when I just broke through to the level of the gods. Although it is uncomfortable, it will not completely lose my combat effectiveness.

Bai Ziyue thought silently, calmed down slightly, and then stretched out his hand and grabbed the storage bag hanging on the Soul Control Demon Lord and the Soul Control Banner in his hand.

The soul-controlling flag is very long, like a flag, and there is some faintly swaying power brewing in it.

Bai Ziyue looked at it, but didn't care too much, and threw it to Master Giant Axe.

Although the rank of this soul-controlling flag is high, it doesn't really help his strength much. Moreover, this thing is the certificate of this mission, so it is not easy for him to directly occupy it.

Although it is a pity, he has already harvested the storage bag on the other party's body... A storage bag on the body of a peak powerhouse in the early stage of the Golden Core Realm, especially the other party who was raging for hundreds of years a thousand years ago, looting countless devils, What he has hidden must be extremely rich, and he has been satisfied.

Thank you, Master Beiming.

The Great Axe opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he could only express his gratitude, and then said solemnly: Once the giant axe is useful in the future, the Beiming Master will send it, and he will die.

Thank you, Master Beiming!

Thank you, Master Beiming!

Fairy Xieyue, Da Ri Zhenren and others all said solemnly.

Especially the real Da Ri, his eyes are complicated, and he hesitates to speak. After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and asked, I don't know the real master of Beiming, but he is also a disciple of Qingxu Sect?

I... eh...

Bai Ziyue was about to reply when he suddenly let out a sigh, and then his eyes immediately landed on the ground.

To be precise, it was the place under the ground that was directly smashed by his Yuan Magnetic Great Cut.

Under the ground, an incomparably long, but incomparably deep slit was cut directly.

This thin slit is no more than ten feet long, but it is not known to be dozens or hundreds of feet deep.

Is this, aura?

Such a pure spiritual energy...this level of concentration...

Real Giant Axe, Fairy Xieyue and the others also approached almost immediately, all eyes staring at the ground beneath the ground, the wisps of spiritual energy that had just risen.

At the beginning, there were only a few strands of this spiritual energy, but after a while, it erupted rapidly, surging upwards like a fountain, and gradually formed a huge wave of spiritual energy.

Is this underground a spiritual vein?

It's definitely a spirit vein.

This soul-controlling demon lord has set up a cemetery here. Isn’t this yin qi that is extremely rich and transformed through the spiritual qi in this spiritual vein?

I just didn't expect that there is no spiritual energy outside, like a desert place, but underneath this, there is a spiritual vein so abundant and amazing.

This should be the legendary hidden spiritual meridian, because it is buried deep underground and blocked by the earth, so it is not visible from the outside at all, and even because of environmental factors, the surrounding spiritual energy is very barren.

But inside, there is a spiritual vein full of spiritual energy.

This time, if it hadn't been for the real person from Beiming to pierce the earth with a single blow, and penetrated directly into the depths of the ground, opening the earth's stratum, it is estimated that someone would be able to discover this spiritual vein.


At this time, other people also approached, and their eyes flickered slightly during the discussion.

Spirit Vein, and it is a Spirit Vein that is obviously of extraordinary rank, and has not been discovered and developed by others. Its value is absolutely beyond imagination.

Compared to this, the quest reward this time was nothing.

The monks who survived at the scene, although they were disciples of the Nine Stars Dao Palace on the bright side, actually belonged to various immortal sects. Once the news of this spiritual vein was reported, the reward would be extremely generous.

Some people have inexplicable ideas in the flash of thoughts.

However, when their eyes touched Bai Ziyue who was standing over there, their hearts froze, and they instantly woke up.

In front of such powerhouses, even if they have the heart, they don't have the courage.

At this moment, they were extremely uneasy in their hearts, for fear that the other party would see something beneficial, so they would attack them and monopolize the benefits of this spiritual vein.

Thinking of the power of the other party to kill the Soul Control Demon Lord, some people's faces turned pale, and their bodies were tense, and they were ready to run away at any time.

In the world of immortals, this kind of thing is too common. Even people who are close to each other will have a vigilance between them once they encounter heavy treasures.

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