Super God Dao Art

Chapter 263 Earth Spirit Gui Tu (Subscribe)

With two low mountains as the gateway and one low mountain as the barrier. The owner of this place is really a man of great spirit.

However, to be able to become an enlightened immortal master, with such a spirit, is justified.

Bai Ziyue rode a little black dog and appeared in a mountain road.

Looking from a distance, two low mountains and one high mountain have naturally formed a three-talented cloud formation. In the middle of the formation, clouds and mists gather, giving a vague feeling of being surrounded by fairy spirits.

And under this immortal energy, it was recorded in the jade slip, Dongxunfang City.

From his position at this time, he only felt that the clouds were surrounded by mist, and the scenery could not be seen at all.

So he patted the dog on the head.

The little black dog quickened his pace knowingly, and soon his figure appeared at the foot of a low mountain surrounded by mist.

On the top of the low mountain, thick clouds wrapped around it like a circle of white ribbons, blocking all the scenery on the mountain, giving it a sense of isolation from the world.

Even with his eyesight, he could only faintly see the appearance of the square city hidden in the clouds.

Approaching slightly, Bai Ziyue clearly felt a layer of fascinated power. This fascinated power has little effect on martial arts practitioners who have cultivated internal strength, or monks who have mastered the means of immortality.

But if ordinary people, or even martial artists who are still training outside and inside, step into it, they are likely to lose their way.

If you are lucky, you may be able to turn around and get out of the fog.

If you are unlucky, you may be completely lost and trapped in it.

Bai Ziyue naturally had no worries in this regard, and directly drove the little black dog into the thick fog.

Ten minutes later, one person and one dog appeared at the door of Fangshi.

This is Donghyunbo City?

Bai Ziyue was slightly surprised by the sight he entered.

Among the crowd of Xixi Chong, there are many warriors holding swords, and most of them are strong people who have cultivated internal strength.

On the contrary, there are relatively few immortal monks.

Bai Ziyue swept through the dialect, and only saw three or five immortal monks who were arrogant and had a clear spirit.

This young man, do you need a guide?

Just at this moment, a young man who looked only in his teens ran quickly and said in a fast tone.

Oh? This market is not big. It only takes ten minutes to walk back and forth. I don't know how you can help me?

Bai Ziyue raised his brows and asked curiously.

What surprised him a little was that the young man also seemed to have the aptitude for immortal practice. Although he had not yet cultivated spiritual power, he already had the meaning of being clean and transparent. Getting started, the first ray of spiritual energy has been cultivated.

Although this market is not big, there are quite a few of the three religions and nine classes. With me here, at least you won't be trapped.

For example, the same Huang Lingdan, some stores, the effect will be a bit better than the next, only 80% or even 50% of the effect of other stores.

The same weapons are displayed in some shops, all of which have been repaired by the broken swords.

In addition, there are some shops here, although the things are not fake, but they will do some black and white business. If you accidentally step into them, they will notice them, and the consequences will be unpredictable.

And if I carry it with me, a lot of trouble can be avoided.

The young man said with a serious face.

How to charge?

After pondering for a while, Bai Ziyue asked.

Twelve taels of silver a day.

The boy's eyes lit up and he responded quickly.

Nodding his head, Bai Ziyue said, Then let me ask you, where is the best place and the most treasures?

Qingyun Pavilion!

Although this place is a market place set up by Immortal Master Dong Hyun, and there are many treasures in Dong Hyun Pavilion, it is definitely Qingyun Pavilion that is the best.

Because, standing behind this shop is Qingyun Xianzong.

An immortal sect with many immortal monks.

There is only one thing, the things in this store are very expensive, and it is not affordable for ordinary people.

The boy answered without hesitation.

Lead the way.

Bai Ziyue said directly.

He has also heard of the Qingyun Immortal Sect, although it is not a top immortal sect, but it has more background than Immortal Master Dong Hyun who came from a loose cultivator.

As for money, for him, as long as he can get what he needs, he is not stingy.

In Donghyunfang City, the main hall is tall and the roads are very spacious. From time to time, there will be some subdued reminders of huge alien beasts passing by, and the ground under their feet is as bright as jade.

On both sides of the street, there are also some people who put up some small stalls, all kinds of martial arts secrets, fairy spells, and rare treasures, placed on them.

Once someone showed interest, the Metropolitan shouted loudly, boasting about the strength of their treasures and treasures.

There are still magic weapons.

Bai Ziyue paused for a while, revealing some differences.

Master Bai, Qingyun Pavilion is in front.

The young man pulled Bai Ziyue and said in an urgent tone.

Bai Ziyue looked up and saw a large hall in front of him standing beside the street. The attic, Tingxuan, was very tall. It seemed that a special formation had been set up in it.

This is the way to go.

Young Master Bai, the urging was really a last resort.

The small stalls on both sides, although there are a lot of things, are very expensive, in all likelihood, they are all fakes.

Especially where you stopped just now, I have a cousin who bought a bottle of Zengyuan Dan from him, and was directly attacked by erysipelas, and it took three months to recover.

The boy said in an angry tone.

Oh? Actually, you don't need to explain it deliberately.

I still have a bit of confidence in my eyesight. He doesn't talk about the secrets of the exercises, and the treasures he has played with seem to have some spiritual light, but they are actually just on the surface.

Wouldn't really buy it.

Bai Ziyue smiled, and was somewhat satisfied that the young man could pull him away in time.

Soon, Bai Ziyue came to the door of Qingyun Pavilion.

When he saw the little black dog following him, another person bowed and said, Guests can put the imperial beast in the guardrail at the entrance first, and our people will help you guard it.

Nodding his head, Bai Ziyue stepped into the Qingyun Pavilion under the somewhat reluctant gaze of the little black dog.

The inside of the store is even more spacious, and the decoration is not magnificent, but just stepping into it, there is a sense of physical and mental purity and a very comfortable feeling.

In particular, the young man following him showed a hint of contentment on his face. In a trance, even his spirit and energy were a little more abundant, and he was a little closer to the spirit of getting started with the practice of the law.

In the store, many people like him stepped into it.

However, most of them are immortal monks. They are arrogant and look at the warriors with a bit of contempt. Some martial arts practitioners, even if their strength has reached second-rate, seem to be somewhat restrained here.

Bai Ziyue was also dressed as a warrior, and was treated like other warriors, and was scrutinized by several immortal monks.

However, when Bai Ziyue looked at the past, all the light flashed, and the eyes of those people immediately became a little dodged, and some people couldn't bear it, and quickly walked away.

Treasurer, is there any treasure that contains the innate five elements?

With a cold snort, Bai Ziyue ignored some shopping guides who looked like servants, stepped forward and looked for the shopkeeper of the store.

Naturally there is.

However, in terms of price... we don't accept cash receipts.

The shopkeeper looked like an old man in his 60s or 70s, frowned and looked Bai Ziyue up and down.

You don't have to worry about that.

Bai Ziyue said calmly.


The shopkeeper nodded, his Qingyun Pavilion has a deep foundation, and most people would not dare to be arrogant here, and he was not afraid of Bai Ziyue entertaining him, and said, Fire attribute spirits, bamboo heart fire, one thousand one hundred spirit stones.

Earth-type spirits, earth spirit and earth, one thousand and five spirit stones.

The metal spiritual object, Taiyi Golden Marrow, is priced at 2,500 spiritual stones.

If you're sure you want, we'll arrange for someone to take things out of the treasury.

Diling Guitu, I want it.

Also, are there any wood-type spirits? If there is, please take it out.

Bai Ziyue was overjoyed and said quickly.

Wood-type spirits are relatively rare and valuable.

It is much more precious than the Taiyi Golden Marrow, and we don't have it here.

The shopkeeper shook his head. Immediately, he seemed unwilling to give up Bai Ziyue as a customer, and hurriedly suggested: If the young hero is willing to wait, we can also arrange for someone to be seconded from elsewhere.

how much time is required?

Bai Ziyue moved in his heart and asked.

The boy who led the way opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say anything after all.

The shortest is three months, and the longest is half a year.

The shopkeeper replied.

Bai Ziyue shook his head, not to mention half a year, just three months was a long time in his opinion.

He couldn't have stayed here for that long.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper did not insist, and instead ordered someone to take out the earth spirit and soil that Bai Ziyue needed, while introducing: I don't know what else the young hero needs?

I see that the young man is good at using long swords, but in our Qingyun Pavilion, there are also people who specialize in forging weapons, and they are good at forging weapons.

Such as treasure knives and armor, we are not lacking.

These are not necessary.

Bai Ziyue shook his head, pondered for a while, and asked, Like your store, there should be an acquisition business. I have something to sell, are you willing to accept it?

As long as it has value, we are naturally willing to buy it.

I don't know what Shaoxia is going to sell?

The shopkeeper raised his head when he heard the words and asked in a calm tone.

Can the shopkeeper prepare a secret room? Bai Ziyue said calmly.


The shopkeeper's tone finally changed.

After thinking about it for a while, he was also solemn, and he quickly greeted Bai Ziyue and stepped into a secret room.

As for the boy who led the way, he was left in the hall.

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