Super God Dao Art

Chapter 227 Shock (Subscribe)

Autumn is high and airy, and the smoke waves are misty.

Wujiang Wharf, as usual, is very lively.

It's just that near the mouth of the river, there is a young man who is tall and straight like a javelin, his face is indifferent, and he gives a calm and unhurried youth, standing at the forefront.

Behind the young man, there were a group of people dressed in different clothes and with extraordinary aura, but all of them showed respect.

Dozens of people stood together in silence, which naturally made people feel a kind of fear.

Who is this person? Very angry.

A little faceless, but the people standing behind him are very imposing. At a glance, you can tell that they are not simple people, maybe some rich children?

Not far away, several people whispered, speculating about the identity of the young man.

Rich boy? Do you know who is standing behind him?

The one with the goatee is Qian Hao, the shopkeeper of a number of tooth shops in Wujiang County.

Isn't the fat man standing with him the boss Zhong, the shopkeeper of Yuelai Restaurant?

There is also the inconspicuous little old man on the side, who is still Lizheng in Shilipo in the north of the city.

In addition, those strong men are all members of the Lieyang Gang, the sword mad Wang Peng, the deadly double sword Zhao Wu, and the three-stroke sword Tang Zhanfei...

And just now, I also saw Lieyang help the two hall masters of the Water Affairs Hall to come forward in person and say hello to that person... Do you think this is an ordinary rich family child?

A young man on the side heard the words, sneered, and said.

Who is that?

The few people who were discussing at the beginning couldn't help but look at each other and asked carefully.

Who is it? Say it and let's jump.

The young man glanced at a few people with contempt, and continued: He was the Immortal Master Leifa who showed great power and controlled Thunder Punishment during the battle between the Lieyang Gang and the Nine Seals Sect some time ago.

Now, he is the deputy leader of the Lieyang Gang, and the white immortal master, Bai Ziyue, is below one person and above ten thousand people.

The young man said, looking at the figure by the river with a frenzy on his face.


Several people took a deep breath, and their hearts were all awe-inspiring.

Fairy Thunder! Lieyang Gang Deputy Leader!

Big man!

This is the real big man.

There are few comparables in Wujiang County.

No wonder it was so pompous...awe them.

Is this Wujiang County? It's really big.

When the merchant ship docked, He Honghua and Bai Yong got off the merchant ship and looked around curiously.

Then soon, they saw a smiling figure standing still, their bodies trembled, and they said excitedly, Yue'er.

Deputy gang leader, fortunately, I have not humiliated my life. I brought both the master and the wife.

Pei Tugou hurriedly stepped forward and saluted respectfully.


Bai Ziyue nodded, greeted him, and said to Bai Yong and He Honghua, Father, mother, let's go, I'll take you home.


Yue'er, is this our home? How big?

He Honghua followed Bai Ziyue into the Bai Mansion and said with a shocked expression.

The garden, the lakeside, and the swimming fish were not only beautiful, but also the fragrant flowers wafted out, which really opened her eyes.

Good morning, ma'am.

At this moment, Xiao Tao and Xiao Ju Yingying came forward and greeted.

Good, good, good...

Bai Yong nodded again and again, a little flustered and a little strange.

He didn't expect that he would be served by others, called Master.

Father, mother, let me first introduce you to the environment at home.

Then, arrange someone to take you to receive the property of our Bai family, how about that?

Bai Ziyue greeted Bai Yong and He Honghua to enter the manor and said.

Industry? What industry?

Bai Yong was about to nod his head when he suddenly raised his head in astonishment and said blankly.

It's good for the master to know that the deputy gang leader Bai is located in Shilipo outside our Wujiang County, with a total of 5,000 mu of fertile land, a summer resort, ten mountains and forests, and countless cattle, sheep and livestock.

Beside a little old man who has been following behind, Shili Poli hurriedly came forward and said.

In Wujiang County, Deputy Gang Leader Bai also owns thirteen residences, five of which are directly located in the prosperous area of ​​Wujiang County. , the price is more than ten thousand taels of silver.

The other eight buildings were no less than five hundred taels.

Moreover, the deputy gang leader Bai also owns 73 shops on the street, all of which are rented out. Although most of them are not big, the annual rent is also about 5,000 taels, and the total value is more than 80,000 taels. .

Qian Hao, the shopkeeper of the Yaxing in Wujiang County, also stepped forward and revealed.

In addition, our Yuelai Restaurant can also be ranked in the top ten in Wujiang County, and it also belongs to the industry of the deputy gang leader Bai.

In the future, I still need the master and wife to take care of me.

The shopkeeper of Yuelai Restaurant, Bell, stepped forward with a respectful face and greeted him.

So many? It's all Yue'er, yours?

Bai Yong looked at Bai Ziyue with a shocked expression.

With so many properties added up, wouldn't the value be two hundred thousand taels of silver?

He Honghua's nervous hands trembled a little, and the whole person was in a state that seemed like a dream.

Although Bai Ziyue brought a lot of money to the family before, it was at least within their acceptable range.

After all, he was in the Lieyang Gang branch in Qinghe Town, and his status was not low, and he took great care of them.

But now, in front of the property worth 200,000 taels of silver, she was also frightened and at a loss.

These are nothing.

Bai Ziyue said softly.

It's nothing?

Yue'er, have you done something wicked?

Three years of Qingzhi County, one hundred thousand snowflakes of silver, you are less than half a year...

Bai Yong was a little anxious and asked with a serious face.

Yeah, Yue'er, enough money is enough. We don't have to do such wicked things. If, if the origin of these industries is really unknown, we would rather go back to Qinghe Town...

He Honghua also recovered from the side, and said with some worry.

Master, ma'am, don't worry.

The origin of these industries is fair and just, and there will be no problems.

Many of them were given from within the gang, and they were earned in due course.

The deputy gang leader's reputation in the gang is also very good, but he has never done anything harmful.

Pei Tugou hurriedly stepped forward and explained.

Don't worry, I won't do anything that goes against my heart.

These were all snatched from hostile forces, and there would be no problem.

Bai Ziyue also comforted, and then said to Xiaotao and Xiaoju beside him, Bring it here.


The two maids responded respectfully and quickly retreated.

Bai Yong looked at Bai Ziyue with some doubts. The impact of today's events on him was too great. At this time, he was rather apprehensive.

I don't know Bai Ziyue, what is he going to do?

Bai Ziyue didn't answer, but said to Pei Tugou, Qian Hao and the others, You guys go back first, and tomorrow you will bring the master with you, and let him take over those properties as soon as possible.

Yes! Deputy gang leader Bai.

Yes! Young master!

The group of people also knew the interest and quickly retreated.

Soon, the hall became much more spacious.

After a while, Xiao Tao and Xiao Ju, one carrying a set of costumes, and the other holding a delicate wooden box, came up.

Bai Yong and He Honghua looked curious, especially when they saw the costume, they couldn't help but feel uneasy.

This seems to be the official uniform?

Father, this is an identity I specially invited to you from the yamen, Yuan Wai Lang.

Although it is a virtual position, it is also equivalent to a rank nine official of the government.

In this way, you can be regarded as having a head and face in Wujiang County, and you will not be looked down upon.

Bai Ziyue said, handed the official uniform to Bai Yong, and then opened the wooden box.

I saw that it was upright and upright, with a three-inch square official seal and a formal appointment document.

With his current status and status, it is not difficult to hire an idle official position.

In fact, there are also many people in the Lieyang Gang who have held positions in the government. Among them, Jiang Tao, the leader of the Lieyang Gang, is an eighth-rank military attache, and his position is not low.

Official... official position...

Bai Yong was stunned, his eyes rounded.

Did he ever think that he could still be an official?

He Honghua's face on the side was also full of disbelief.

Your own man is an official?

The Bai family and the He family, who came from generations of peasant households, had an official position?

Yue'er, what else, let's talk about it together, I... I can stand it.

Bai Yong stood up. Although he said so, his trembling hands all showed his panic.

But it seemed that he didn't want to show his timidity in front of his son, so he quickly tightened his face and pretended to be calm.

There is really a place, I want to show you.

Bai Ziyue said, and hurriedly walked towards the backyard.

Bai Yong's pupils shrank, really? Hasty steps to keep up.

He Honghua was also curious in her heart, and hurriedly hugged her little son and chased after him.

Along the way, the spacious corridor, the falling willows, and the many blooming flowers all made the two people's originally nervous mood become more relaxed.

They looked at each other, but they both saw a hint of timidity in each other's eyes, and each laughed.

Soon, under the leadership of Bai Ziyue, the group came directly to a spacious room.

This is your master bedroom from now on.

And then, under this master bedroom...

As Bai Ziyue said that, he turned on a pillar at the head of the bed, after turning a full 180 degrees.


After a dull shock, a sloping downward staircase suddenly appeared on the side of the bed.

This is?

Bai Yong was shocked.

This muffled sound woke up Bai Ziyue's younger brother. He rubbed his eyes and looked at all this with a confused look on his face.

The treasure room is also the greatest treasure I left to you.

Bai Ziyue said, and went down first.

Bai Yong was about to chew on the meaning of Bai Ziyue's words, when he saw this, he quickly followed.

Before he could go down, his body froze suddenly and stood motionless at the entrance of the stairs.

He thought that he had experienced the previous shock and was calm enough, and even if something appeared in front of him, he would not have any panic.

But the moment he actually saw what was in the secret room, he was still stunned.

Shortness of breath, eyes, is gradually red.

Excited, it is hard to describe his mood.

Dad, what's wrong?

He Honghua, who was behind him, saw that he had been standing at the entrance of the stairs, and couldn't help but push it. Then she also saw the scene in the secret room and was stunned.

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