Super God Dao Art

Chapter 220 Waiting for the rabbit (please subscribe)


Just at this moment, a thunderstorm suddenly exploded, and it fell directly on him.

He quickly supported a defensive aura, but at the first moment, it was shattered by the falling thunder and dissipated.


Immediately after that, the second, the third...

Countless thunderstorms, like rolling rivers, crashed down.


The Di family cultivator let out a scream, and was immediately drowned by countless thunderstorms.

Soon, the thunder stopped, the dark clouds gathered in the void also dispersed, and the hot sun also fell.

Soul energy +9752.

Without the slightest hesitation, Bai Ziyue shot out quickly, like blue smoke, and rushed directly to the charred Di family cultivator's body, and quickly groped.

The Immortal Master is dead!

An exclamation sounded quickly on the battlefield.

Suddenly, the people of the Nine Seals Sect, who had lost their momentum because of the death of their head, no longer had the will to resist, and they quickly collapsed.

Many people took advantage of the situation and fled towards the mountain gate far away from the Nine Seals Sect, and many people even returned directly to the mountain gate of the Nine Seals Sect and quickly fled.

Kill! Not one left!

This is a battle of annihilation, and one of the two major forces must be completely destroyed.

Therefore, Jiang Tao shouted loudly, and then rushed to the elder Hu Yuntian of the Nine Seals Sect, and it was the elder of the Lieyang Sect, Kong Mingyu, who was fighting with him in the gang.

Kong Mingyu's strength is not weak, he is a second-rate master who has unblocked two odd veins, but compared to Hu Yuntian who has unblocked six odd veins, he is far worse. Between the fights, he is completely in a weak position and is in danger of death. extremely dangerous.


With a dull sound, Lieyang Gang's chief elder Xu Changchun's double hammer slammed on the head of a hall master of the Nine Seals Sect.

In an instant, the skull cracked, and red and white things swayed.

The Nine Seals Patriarch's hall master died before he could make any sound.

Just at this moment, a 2-foot-long spear, like a snake, stabbed out silently, and then exploded violently, like a dragon, at the moment when it was about to descend on a hall master of the Lieyang Gang Foreign Affairs Hall. , fierce and vicious.

Indistinctly, there was a sound like a dragon's roar.

Eight dozen snakes and dragons!

The head of the foreign affairs hall changed greatly, the spear was like silver, stabbed straight out, but at the moment when it touched the spear, it swung away, and the spear was like a python catapult, and it slashed at an extreme speed, directly into his chest.


The entire foot of Yuhua Mountain became chaotic at this moment, and the sound of fighting resounded from almost every corner.

The once magnificent Jiuyin Sect's mountain gate has now been turned into a battlefield, the ground is stained with blood, and the soldiers with broken blades are everywhere, a scene of devastation all over the place.

Countless figures were slaughtering here, each with a ferocious look like a jackal, with a bloodthirsty light in his eyes, with a sinister smile, and savagely rushing towards their respective opponents.

Let's go, whether you can make a fortune depends on this.

At the foot of the mountain, one after another silhouette, from the direction away from the battlefield, quickly rushed to the top of the Nine Seals Sect.

The eyes of these figures were full of excitement, as if they were longing for something.

They are the idle warriors who have been on the periphery of the battlefield, watching.

The Nine Seals School has been established for a hundred years and has been passed down for several generations. How much wealth is it sitting on?

In particular, the martial arts secrets, the inner strength and the heart method, are definitely a fatal temptation for countless martial artists who have no inheritance.

Under the leadership of one or two second-rate masters and four or five third-rate masters, more warriors rushed to Mount Yuhua.


Sixty-six forbidden high-level magical weapons green lightsabers, sixty-nine forbidden defensive magical weapons blue light evading blankets, and forty-five forbidden magical weapons copper bells... Unfortunately, these spells are more or less because of Leidan's violent bombardment. Less damaged.

Some spirit stones and other objects were directly smashed into pieces.

Bai Ziyue found something from the cultivators of the Di family in turn, and there was no regret on his face.

Things that can withstand lightning strikes without being damaged are rare after all.

However, at least this golden paper is intact.

In this way, the number of golden papers on my body has reached ten. There are only two left, wandering outside...

Bai Ziyue took out a piece of hard gold paper from the arms of the cultivator of the Di family, and couldn't help but feel a hint of joy in his heart.

Just the gain of this golden paper is enough to offset the many Thunder Falling Transformation Talismans he had inspired before.


Bai Ziyue's eyes immediately turned to the gate of the Nine Seals Sect, on the top of Yuhua Mountain.

In his perception, the eleventh piece of golden paper had been staying somewhere on the top of the mountain without moving.

Without any hesitation, Bai Ziyue immediately followed the numerous disciples in the gang and rushed to kill.

The amount of soul energy on the attribute panel also increased rapidly as the two major forces fought.

+642, +455, +7624, +228, +4924…

The death of warriors of all levels of strength made the amount of Bai Ziyue's soul energy fluctuate greatly.


As time passed, the sound of battle gradually began to fade away.

In order to get the most soul energy, Bai Ziyue has been wandering in the battlefield of fierce battle.

Even if he didn't show the means above the inner strength realm, maybe he participated in the siege of the Di family cultivator, and the scene of constantly inspiring the talisman was too shocking, so there has never been a warrior above the inner strength realm who dared to find it without opening his eyes. on his head.

Unconsciously, Bai Ziyue also rushed into the Nine Seals Sect with a group of disciples.

At this point, the scene suddenly became more chaotic.

Countless people went in and out of various rooms and attics, scavenging for property. Among them, snatch, fight, and slaughter were even better than what happened at the foot of the mountain.

There were screams and screams everywhere, all kinds of miserable screams, making this place like a hell on earth.

In addition to the people from the Lieyang Gang and the Nine Seals Sect, there were actually many idle warriors who came in and out, wantonly snatching property.

Some of them are good players, with extraordinary skills and powerful strength.

Even in the face of Lieyang Gang disciples, this is the case.

In Wujiang County, with the demise of the Nine Seals Sect, the Lieyang Gang will inevitably rise and become a dominant family.

But among these many warriors, not all are warriors in Wujiang County.

Some of them just happened to travel here, some were from the surrounding counties, and many were bandits and water thieves who were not afraid of offending the Lieyang Gang.

What they value more is property, martial arts secrets, and even many weapons.

Bai Ziyue beheaded a martial artist who was blind, planning to fish in troubled waters, and reached out to pick it up on his backpack, taking advantage of no one paying attention and his mental power surging.

The backpack disappeared immediately, and he put it into the storage bag.

Soul energy: 215410.

Looking at the number of soul energy, Bai Ziyue showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Even if some of them were too far away to increase their soul energy, the 210,000 soul energy points were quite enough in his opinion.

It is enough to make his strength increase a lot again.

Next, it's time for me to think about it and find the eleventh golden paper.

For Bai Ziyue, the most important thing must be the soul energy points, because this is related to his own strength and whether he can improve it quickly.

And when there are enough soul energy points, his mind is naturally placed on other things, such as collecting twelve golden papers.

He stretched out his hand and took a pottery in his arms, and a piece of golden paper appeared in his hand.

With a flick of mental power, the tracking mark on it was immediately activated.


The whereabouts of the eleventh golden paper immediately appeared in his mind.


A treasure trove door directly embedded in the depths of the stone wall of Yuhua Mountain was completely opened, and there were more than ten corpses lying on the ground.

These corpses were all dressed in nine-ink sect costumes, and judging from the waist cards scattered from their bodies, the identities of these nine-yin sect people were not low.

It also includes an elder-level character.

However, at this time, they were all lying on the ground, lifeless.

In the treasure house, there are seven or eight big men with ice blades, who quickly rummaged through the treasure house, and soon there were all kinds of treasures that were brought out by them.

On the contrary, the mountains of silver and other things were not valued very much by them.

Without him, it's just too heavy.

Come on, that's enough, we can't take any more.

Before the people from the Lieyang Gang rushed forward, we hurriedly left.

The first person shouted, then picked two big boxes, carried them and left without any hesitation at all.

The other people also picked up big boxes or huge backpacks with treasures hidden in their hearts. Finally, they reluctantly glanced at the many treasures in the treasury that had not yet had time to move, and left quickly.

Not long after walking out of the treasury, the complexion of the leading warrior changed.

In the distance, there was a figure that seemed to be walking in a leisurely garden, climbing up the mountain.

Leader of the Lieyang Gang, Tiandao Jiang Tao.

He gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice, and then saw that Jiang Tao's body speeded up and rushed in their direction. He hurriedly shouted: Flee and escape, take as much as you can.

Immediately, he chose a direction to escape.

The other people with him are also good players who are in the arena, and they are not only not weak, but also smarter than anyone else.

No need to tell them, all of them were like birds flying away, fleeing in all directions.

Yanbei Thirteen Eagles? Dare to take food in front of my Lieyang Gang? Chase!

Jiang Tao let out a low voice, and rushed towards the leader.

Soon after, there were another figure behind him, chasing away in all directions, many of which were elders and helmsman-level tasks.

Huh? It's such a coincidence that the person holding the golden paper came close to me quickly?

This saves me a lot of trouble, and I can just sit back and wait here.

Sensing that the golden paper was moving fast, and it happened to be rushing in his direction, Bai Ziyue raised his brows, and immediately waited patiently under a big tree that the three of them couldn't hug together.

Thanks to the book friend realholyword for the 10,000 starting point coins, thank you for your support! !

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