Super God Dao Art

Chapter 210 Three Swords Kill You (Subscribe)

Since Wang Hufa can see it, he is naturally willing to contribute.

Bai Ziyue thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

He didn't pay too much attention to property, but he didn't want to let go of martial arts secrets.

Not to mention, with Wang Peng, they must kill the enemy faster, and naturally his soul energy can be increased more.

Thinking of soul energy, his eyes could not help but scan the attribute panel.

Soul energy: 37844.

There was a hint of disappointment in the depths of his eyes.

The previous two beggars, although they were fierce, were actually only at the level of external forging, and the soul energy provided to him was not high, and the two together were only five hundred.

Although the five people who were just dealt with by them all have the strength of internal refining, among them Tian Buer has reached the peak of internal refining.

But the five of them together only increased his soul energy by about 8,000, which was far from enough compared to his needs.

However, 30,000 points of soul energy, although it can't allow me to improve the power of immortality by one level, it can also help me break through the bottleneck of martial arts and be promoted to the second-rate master level.

There was a hint of joy in Bai Ziyue's eyes.

The third-rate masters practiced the twelve disciplines, and all the twelve disciplines were unobstructed, which naturally meant that the strength of the martial artist had reached the peak of the third-rate masters.

As for the second-rate masters, they cultivated the Eight Extraordinary Meridians.

Eight odd veins, one vein running through, means that the strength of the martial artist has reached the level of second-rate masters.

Thirty thousand soul energy has already allowed him to completely penetrate the first strange vein.

In his heart, Bai Ziyue also had a faint expectation for the next trip to Guo Mansion.

Soon, the three of Bai Ziyue and Wang Peng's five men, a total of eight people, were on the road again.

Through a brief introduction, Bai Ziyue also learned that among the eight people, in addition to Wang Peng's strength reaching the late stage of the internal power realm, there is also a strong man named Dong Wenwu who has just entered the internal power realm.

As for the others, they are all at the inner refining level. In addition, his performance is the inner refining level on the outside, and his combat power is the peak of the inner refining level. With the treasured sword, he can even compete with the existence of the inner strength level. The strength of the group is already extremely strong.

Not to mention, Bai Ziyue's true combat power is even more terrifying...

Therefore, along the way, they came to the vicinity of Guo Mansion without encountering any obstacles, except for the two disciples of the Nine Seals who had no time to escape were killed by them.

Do you feel that it's too quiet around here?

Suddenly, Bai Ziyue paused, his eyes swept across the houses on both sides quickly, and said.


Wang Peng himself is an extremely alert person. The moment Bai Ziyue brought it up, his eyes narrowed, It's really a bit!

Then a long knife was like a horse training, and it cut directly into the wooden house next to it.


The door of the wooden house shattered, and a man hiding behind the door was beheaded by him with a knife, before he even had time to let out a scream.


boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, the wooden houses in front of them and the roofs suddenly rushed out one after another.

Each of these figures is full of qi and blood, obviously not weak.

Scattered and scattered, there are more than 20 people.

Among them, there are three powerful internal power realms who are obviously different from ordinary ones.

Some people even held fishing nets and bags of lime powder in their hands.

Even the crossbow arrows and other military-controlled items are clearly held in their hands.

Obviously, these are the means used at the time of the raid.

However, because Bai Ziyue saw through the ambush in advance, their preparations were in vain.

so many people?

Wang Peng was startled, and looked at Bai Ziyue with lingering fear.

If he hadn't found out in advance, it would have been a little troublesome for them to fall into an ambush.

After several layers of fishing nets came down, even if he wanted to break free, he would have to work hard, add lime blindness, crossbow bolts blazing... Just thinking about it made him feel cold.

However, what made him a little strange was that even he, a late-stage expert in the internal power realm, could not detect the abnormality. Bai Ziyue's strength was lower than his own. How did he find out?

But this time, not the time to ask, he moved and rushed over in an instant.

At the same time, Bai Ziyue, Dong Wenwu and others also shot at the first time, and each shot their own attacks.

Eight people joined forces, even if the number was far less than the people of the Nine Seals Sect, but because the number of the other party was scattered, they had the upper hand in a short period of time.

A mid-level martial artist in the inner refining realm saw that Bai Ziyue's complexion was slightly immature, thinking that he was the weakest, and slashed out with a slanting knife.

Bai Ziyue flipped his backhand, and the pitch-black sword light flashed quickly.


The opponent's long knife suddenly broke, and the black long knife did not lose its strength, and stood directly on his head, cutting off half of his head.

At the same time, Bai Ziyue's other hand flashed like a phantom, the air was a little sticky as the void shook, and he directly controlled the broken blade tip in his palm, and then quickly play out.


A warrior who had just jumped off the roof, before he had time to land, was sunk into his neck by the tip of the knife, fell down instantly, and lost his movement.

Wang Peng is worthy of being a powerhouse in the late stage of the internal power realm, and the long sword in his hand is a top-grade cracked sword that was exchanged from Bai Ziyue.

Obviously, the cracked knife in his hand has been specially repaired, and the chipped edge of the blade has been repaired, smooth as a mirror, and becomes tough and sharp again.

He shot at this time, the long knife swept through, and in the blink of an eye, the two disciples of the Nine Seals who rushed over were involved, and they were beheaded as quickly as they were shocked.

However, the advantage is only temporary, and soon the rest of the Nine Seals sect rushed over.

Some warriors holding crossbow arrows are even shooting arrows with bows. The sharp arrows are flying at high speed with the trembling sound of the bowstrings, and some people are quickly attacked.

Come on two people and entangle him with me.

Li Qingsong, Bai Feihong, you shot and slaughtered the others first.

A mighty man with a spear pointed at Wang Peng like lightning.

This person is the most powerful one in the Nine Seals Sect this time, with Yu Gang in the middle stage of the Internal Power Realm.

Because I know that my strength is weaker than Wang Peng, I plan to let people and myself deal with it together.

As for the other two, Li Qingsong and Bai Feihong, their strengths have also reached the level of internal power. Together, the three of them are the three subordinates of Elder Guo Yun of the Nine Seals Sect.

Okay! I like torture the most.

Bai Feihong grinned, and without thinking, rushed towards Bai Ziyue.

From a distance before, he noticed Bai Ziyue's unusualness, especially when he saw the Black God Saber in his hand, there was even a trace of heat in his eyes.

Treasure knife!

He admits that his eyesight is amazing, and he will never admit mistakes.

There was a hint of resentment in Li Qingsong's eyes, and he had to choose Dong Wenwu on the other side.

You picked the wrong opponent.

Bai Ziyue's cold voice came out, his footsteps stepped hard, like a muffled thunder explosion, and the energy flowed through the whole body, like a twist, twisted into a strand.

His figure was as fast as a cheetah, and he rushed directly in front of Bai Feihong.


The long knife, which was as black as ink, turned into a rolling thunder, and the cover pressed down.

Just with the help of weapons, I will kill you with three swords.

Bai Feihong snorted coldly, raised his eyes slightly, and was shocked when he saw the opponent's long knife.

This knife is definitely different from what he imagined.

Looking at it from a distance, he could only feel that Bai Ziyue's swordsmanship was mediocre except for being fast.

The reason why he was able to go nowhere and kill several disciples of the Nine Seals in a row was mostly due to the sharpness of his long knife.

With a single knife, it is extremely fast, coupled with the tough and sharp blade, ordinary people are often beheaded before they have time to react.

Even if he had time to react, he could only raise his sword to resist.

But in the case of the opponent's treasured sword in hand, the weapon can easily be cut off, and then be beheaded.

Just at this moment, when he faced Bai Ziyue's long sword, he suddenly realized in his heart that the opponent's swordsmanship was not unusual.

Before the opponent's long knife was about to fall, his mind was affected in an instant, almost sinking into it.

When his spirit broke free from this inexplicable influence, the long knife had already landed on the top of his head, and he didn't even have time to back away.

Instinctively, the long knife raised and greeted him.



The joy in his eyes flashed, and the long knife in his hand was not those junk, even if it was a treasured knife, don't even think about cutting it in half easily.

It's just that the opponent's strength seems to be too strong.

Just as the doubts in his heart arose, he saw Bai Ziyue's long black sword, rolled up again, turned into a rolling wave, and swept over.

The traction of his mind once again caused his eyes to be in a trance for a moment.

No, you can't look at his knife.

Bai Feihong was horrified, and the long knife was set up again.


It's blocked again.

There was a hint of joy in his eyes again, but then there was boundless anger and... shame in his heart.

When did he actually fall to the point where he was complacent because he blocked the attack of an Inner Refinement Realm martial artist?

Fight back, must fight back!

Bai Feihong's heart surged, and the internal force in his dantian tumbled violently and rushed out quickly.

The long knife in his hand, at this moment, even emitted a slight light.


Suddenly, he felt a chill in his heart and lowered his head in astonishment.

However, he happened to see a blade that was as black as ink, piercing directly into his chest.

How is it possible? When did it happen?

As soon as the thought in his heart emerged, the boundless pain almost drowned him. As he was dying, he heard a faint sigh, and then fell into the boundless darkness and never woke up again.

Three knives to kill me? But you didn't stop me with three knives!

Bai Ziyue's long knife stirred slightly, and then he took out the black divine knife.

With the improvement of his strength, Bai Ziyue's strength and speed have been transformed unconsciously.

Even if he was deliberately suppressed and didn't use his internal force, his physical strength and the speed at which he could use his sword were completely different from when he was in internal training.

Therefore, this last knife seems to be extremely fast, but it is still the result of his deliberate suppression.

But even so, the other party couldn't stop it, so he naturally let him sigh, sigh!

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